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About =RK=Achilles

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. =RK=Achilles


    Still nice work.
  2. =RK=Achilles

    Problem Crafting Improvised Backpack

    None taken.. And no, I've made many an improvised backpack and never realised it took all 3 sticks... I happened to craft a splint first, which I don't normally do. Thanks!
  3. =RK=Achilles

    Problem Crafting Improvised Backpack

    Tried that too.
  4. I've tried every way I can think of adding the sticks to the shoulder bag, the bag is empty... Anyone else have this issue?
  5. =RK=Achilles

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Is the day/night cycle forced for every server? I only got to play for about 30 minutes, and the sun was low in the west. It didn't get dark and I was sure it would. I hope 24/7 day is disabled for public servers for good. Accelerated day/night is what I have been hoping for.
  6. =RK=Achilles

    Found an M4, now what...

    Will .58 bring a character wipe? If so I want to go out in a blaze of glory. I did see a double m4 mag for the first time in a long while.
  7. =RK=Achilles

    When will the Zombie count be up?

    I would rather have them completely off until they get them fixed. I do like that you can stealth around them now, but the melee for players and infected is so completely fubar still, I would rather just not have to bother. I mostly only shoot them now. That or just run. Out of all the features in the game, I think the infected need the most work.
  8. =RK=Achilles

    Steam Achievements concept

    I don't think we need any more incentive to kill other survivors. If there are achievements, I think they should be for learning survival techniques. Killing an animal, making a fire, catching a fish, pitching a tent, crafting a backpack, and achievements for various medical actions performed on another survivor. I also like the idea that you would earn these each life.
  9. =RK=Achilles

    Possible improvement for third person and fire fights.

    Just because people like a broken system, doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed. The dev's have even stated that they would like a solution. I would be all for it because, at times, I like to see my character in the environment, I like to see my gear outside of the inventory tab. But... combat involving walls, buildings, and doorways, trees is a joke. Nothing realistic or tactical about it. It's a crutch that many have come to rely on and it will hurt when that crutch is taken away. I can hope anyway...
  10. =RK=Achilles

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    They moved them.... Weekly Status Report
  11. Yeah it's too bad they didn't do it that way from the beginning. I just don't know if there is a good way to change the camera so it can't be abused yet still allow you to see your character.
  12. They are mostly empty except for a few private hives. Finding a good server isn't nearly as easy. When given the choice, most will take the easy route.
  13. In an ideal world it would be locked to 1st person. Watch any single youtube video of DayZ combat and 3rd person abuse is the number one tactic used. I'm not saying I don't or wouldn't use it when I play, as you would be at a huge disadvantage not to, but it really, really breaks the immersion. I do like watching my character run when traveling long distances though. It's more interesting than 1st during those times. I would like to see it locked, but it's sad that large numbers of players couldn't cope with it and just quit.
  14. =RK=Achilles

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

    My personal preference would be somewhere in between .55 and .57's loot. I just know my playtime has skyrocketed since .57. I'm really eager to see the loot economy working in its full glory. I guess it's feast or famine until then. :)
  15. =RK=Achilles

    Scoped blaze versus scoped Winchester

    Yesterday, playing on a full 40 person server, I went from Polana, all the way to Zaprudnoe looking for .308. Every other time I have played .57, I have .308 in stacks, but I happened to find a Winchester Mod 70 in Orlovets the night before. I checked every house and deer stand on the way. I found two stacks just east of Zaprudnoe.... I shot it once at a zombie... This one.