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About Lysin

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    On the Coast
  1. Lysin

    Freeside trading co.

    I would not necessarily agree Nerd, for the very simple reason that no endeavor of free cooperation on this scale outside of large clans (Who limit their membership in any case) has ever been tried before in the game. Should something like this become established and run for even a short time, most participants will realize that this is...essentially...more fun than anything they've done before. Having played in survivor groups, I can tell you that once you've participated in a group working towards a specific goal in the game, lone-wolfing it afterwards will seem boring...even deadening, in comparison. The challenge and resulting excitement of maintaining and defending a cooperative trade outpost will outweigh even the repairs of vehicles such as the helicopter (The current pinnacle of group cooperation in the game). So both bandits and survivors will keep coming back, because if this goes well, anything they do afterwards will not be the same. Nobody wants to crawl around in Cherno stalking newbies, or run up to the North in an endless, fruitless grind to get better gear before dying and ending back up on the coast, after dying in defense of a collective trade outpost. No, they will return to that trade outpost and try to start things up again, even after multiple deaths, because dying in the name of a worthy goal is much more entertaining than surviving endlessly without purpose. And it would be in your best interest, bandits, to let this happen, unless you also enjoy killing newbies in cherno or running around in vehicles up in the North hoping to find someone to kill or good loot to grab. Why would you enjoy such things if instead you can throw yourself against organized opposition in a tooth and nail fight over potentially valuable trade goods?
  2. Lysin

    Freeside trading co.

    To quickly stomp on an emergent aspect of gameplay such as this for your own amusement would be the height of stupidity - the equivalent of cutting down a baby apple tree instead of waiting for it to grow and picking the apples. You may get some temporary enjoyment, but there will be zero long term gain. Please use your head instead of going for the short-term reward. I believe it would be in everyone's best interests (Especially the bandits) to let the trade camp build up and get its business going for some time before attacking. That way, not only will bandits face some actual opposition instead of shooting a bunch of newish players for a pile of beans and bandages, but there will likely be a much larger stash of loot waiting as a reward, including high-tier weaponry and gear. And if the trading actually goes on for some time, the camp will probably reform in case of destruction instead of dying and leaving bandits with only the hapless coast respawns to shoot. And who knows...even bandits need blood transfusions and a way to get rid of that umpteenth DMR they've stashed. Why not visit and try trading yourself? :)
  3. Lysin

    Freeside Trading Co.

    While that's true, there's quite a few areas of open space around the forest where the camp is that can be monitored by sentries in case any suspiciously large groups approach. And while the camp itself may be well defended, the area around it will not be, and rest assured there will be at least a few bandits waiting to ambush approaching players before they can reach the camp. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out...I wish you guys the best of luck!
  4. Lysin

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I personally feel this would be an amazing addition to the game if implemented correctly. :) I do suggest you have at the very least one Overwatch guard with a good sniper rifle (M107/AS50/DMR) watching the camp from a stealthy location at all times so that if any funny business goes on he can quickly take out the perpetrator. Not to mention if the camp gets steamrolled by a group of bandits Overwatch can take them out while they're looting.