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Posts posted by FragMasta

  1. ya its my first time on this forum just wanted to give everyone my story to get it off my back just a little mad i will be crawling through the ocean pretty damn soon, another point here i that

    -skins are bugged

    -skins are bugged to where after you equipt them that the effects of broken bones diseapear

    and i have already posted this in the bug section as well i hope no one rages at me for the double post T.T

  2. it all started when i was crawling through Dolina in the middle of the no-where, in desperate need of painkillers... i checked a near by porter potty. Damn nothing but ammo and bandages, trying to get a final look at the loot i decide to close the door.. i hear a *Crack* and realize i shut my fucking leg in the door. now i can only crawl and i must find painkillers and morphine, i realize that dayz is a world of torment and despair. In despite of my broken leg and my Cerebral palsy i keep on trucking. i find a house that looks like a great place to find some loot. Trying to prone through the door is a challenge and i happen to break more bones and now i am bleeding out, thank god i had a bandage. i continue on my journey crawling to the next town which is 3 km's away find a small house on the outside of town and some camo gear inside of it. i equipt the suit and realize that my broken bone indicator is still lit but i can run/walk. being happy i message a friend and ask him to meet me in a different server so he can bring me some PK's and Morphine. after loggin in to another server i am in a fucking ocean after at least 12 ingame hours on this character with all my shit gone.

    what i had

    cvech bag full of supplies but no morph or pk's

    winchester near full ammo

    revolver full ammo

    camo suit



    and so much more.. what just happened really affected my play experience and i dont feel encouraged to make another account and keep playing.. but i will.

  3. same here...

    it all started when i was crawling through Dolina in the middle of the map, in desperate need of painkillers... i checked a near by porter potty. Damn nothing but ammo and bandages, try to get a final look at the loot i decide to close the door.. i hear a *Crack* and realize i shut my fucking leg in the door. now i can only crawl and i must find painkillers and morphine, i realize that dayz is a world of torment and despair. In despite of my broken leg and my Cerebral palsy i keep on trucking. i find a house that looks like a great place to find some painkillers and morphine. Trying to prone through the door is a challenge and i happen to break more bones and now i am bleeding out, thank god i had a bandage. i continue on my journey crawling to the next town which is 3 km's away find a small house on the outside of town and some camo gear inside of it. i equipt the suit and realize that my broken bone indicator is still lit but i can run/walk. being happy i message a friend and ask him to meet me in a different server so he can bring me some PK's and Morphine. now i am in a fucking ocean after at least 12 ingame hours on this character with all my shit gone.
