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Everything posted by FragMasta

  1. Date/Time:June 13th 2012 What happened: poor fps.. low gpu usage also i am not sure if this is a arma II bug or a dayz bug but when i have EVGA precision open i cannot launch arma II http://www.evga.com/precision/ Where you were: Anywhere What you were doing: Nothing *Current installed version: 1.7 *Server(s) you were on: Colorado 2 *Your system specs: amd anthlon x3 445 3.1ghz @3.875ghz (I tried removing the overclock no difference) Gtx 550 ti - low gpu usage/memory usage (doesnt matter what gfx settings in game i can have them on ultra or low but get the same fps.) m2n32-sli deluxe (kinda outdated) pc6400 3.5gigs (32 bit os) 10,000 rpm sata *Timeline of events before/after error:
  2. FragMasta


    ya its my first time on this forum just wanted to give everyone my story to get it off my back just a little mad i will be crawling through the ocean pretty damn soon, another point here i that -skins are bugged -skins are bugged to where after you equipt them that the effects of broken bones diseapear and i have already posted this in the bug section as well i hope no one rages at me for the double post T.T
  3. FragMasta

    Teleported right middle of a ocean.

    same here... it all started when i was crawling through Dolina in the middle of the map, in desperate need of painkillers... i checked a near by porter potty. Damn nothing but ammo and bandages, try to get a final look at the loot i decide to close the door.. i hear a *Crack* and realize i shut my fucking leg in the door. now i can only crawl and i must find painkillers and morphine, i realize that dayz is a world of torment and despair. In despite of my broken leg and my Cerebral palsy i keep on trucking. i find a house that looks like a great place to find some painkillers and morphine. Trying to prone through the door is a challenge and i happen to break more bones and now i am bleeding out, thank god i had a bandage. i continue on my journey crawling to the next town which is 3 km's away find a small house on the outside of town and some camo gear inside of it. i equipt the suit and realize that my broken bone indicator is still lit but i can run/walk. being happy i message a friend and ask him to meet me in a different server so he can bring me some PK's and Morphine. now i am in a fucking ocean after at least 12 ingame hours on this character with all my shit gone.