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Everything posted by deceitfulburger

  1. Without these people spending money for these servers there wouldn't be a DayZ you fucktwat. You're retarded. These people spend money so your sorry ass can play. The least you could do is show em some respect.
  2. GUISE GUISE. Don't bash this guy, maybe he has a flashlight fetish!
  3. Trucking through Elektro. Me with an axe, buddy with a winchester. See someone in the big department store. Run up to axe him where some ammo is. He didn't like my question.Shot me. I axed him why he shot me. He shot me some more. I kept axing and axing. But he wouldn't tell me. So I got angry. So I yelled, TAKE IT TAKE IT IN THE ASS YOU BASTARD. He dies. Bandit kill goes up by one. I bleed out. Friend has been sitting on the hospital laughing his ass off. I respawn. Find another axe. My quest to find the axeswer to my eternal question has only begun.
  4. deceitfulburger

    Unconscious AGAIN!!

    Go on a low pop server. Send me a message and ill come to you if you have beta 95417. Ill come with an epi-pen. Where are you ingame?
  5. deceitfulburger

    Unconscious AGAIN!!

    Just wait for it to go away.
  6. deceitfulburger

    Official US 1040 thread

  7. deceitfulburger

    Keeping hacked vehicles.

    So I was playing and came across a hacked vehicle. (I made a cheat report thread). Am I allowed to keep it?
  8. deceitfulburger

    Keeping hacked vehicles.

    I'm not on my computer icomrade, but when I am. YOU HAVE MY BEANZ
  9. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

    This story begins as me, loaded out with an AKM 3 mags, M1911 ya know, the basics. When suddenly I spot something black and shiny. Could it be? YES! A car. Although it was hacked, I asked around and apparently I was free to drive it around for shits and giggles, because it would despawn with the next server restart. So anyways, after trucking about doing whatever, I started to get bored. So I drove along the coast waiting for some lucky survivor to give a ride to. Then I see him. being chased by some zombies. Driving past and yelling "want a ride?" I finally got his attention. He hopped in, and we took off for the NW airfield. Now, this car had some things in the back, nothing really of note, except a double barrel crossbow, some ammo for those, and some more basic stuff. Stooping near Nadezdhino I let him hop out and grab the shotgun. Then we went on our merry way. Finally arriving at the airstrip, I dropped him off near the firehouse, and watched him. Sure enough he started to turn in my direction. So I hit left shit and peeled out and his shotgun shot hit the ground behind me. Being a devious bastard, I drove around and collected some zombies that weren't already aggro from his shot and drove by him again. Leaving him with a giant train of zombies. Then I drove about 100 meters away and shot his legs out. Watched the zombies eat him. Drove over the zombies that ate him after he died. Looted his body. Then peeled out. Ended up flipping the car because I turned and drove over a hill going about 110 km/h. Hopped out, ran in the forest. And logged out. Satisfied after a funny turn of events.
  10. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

    *Gulp* Nawwww.
  11. deceitfulburger

    Official US 1040 thread

    Bumpedy Bump.
  12. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

  13. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

    They must be made out of Nokias then
  14. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

    Chooses Chuck Norris.
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "I have to axe you this question." pfft BAHAHAHAHA.
  16. So, um, yeaaaah. 14 years old. Not annoying. Not a newb. Microphone and stuff. Yeah.
  17. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

    O RLY?
  18. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

    Them the shit. Lmao.
  19. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

    It's still funny to own them once they try to screw you over.
  20. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

  21. deceitfulburger

    *sigh* I try to be nice.

    FYI, I did make a cheat report topic on finding the car.
  22. deceitfulburger

    Keeping hacked vehicles.

    You have my beanz good sir.
  23. deceitfulburger

    Keeping hacked vehicles.

    Cause I want to drive it around #derpherp
  24. deceitfulburger

    US 1520 hacked vehicle.

    I'm pretty sure the server is US 1520. What should I do with it. There's like nothing inside. Can I keep it?
  25. deceitfulburger

    US 1520 hacked vehicle.

    Can ?I drive it around?