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Everything posted by deceitfulburger

  1. deceitfulburger

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    Hahaha! That's excellent, If only you had recorded it!
  2. deceitfulburger

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    Wow. Probably why teamspeak etc is essential. I like how he didn't even verify you, XD. Nice.
  3. deceitfulburger

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    Ouch, natural exploits FTW.
  4. deceitfulburger

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    Reminds me of a Limp Bizkit song, keep rollin' rollin' rollin'
  5. deceitfulburger

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    ... I-no. There's nothing I can say to that.
  6. deceitfulburger

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    Wow, I don't even...
  7. deceitfulburger

    The dumbest/funniest things you've seen in DayZ?

    Wow, my story has been rendered irrelevant.
  8. DayZ Beta 98220 Come join us. Currently there are only 2 people that play. We like to mess around. Post here and I'll send you details.
  9. deceitfulburger

    Private Server. Need Mumble.

    Yeah. I added you on skype.
  10. You must have mumble. And DayZ, with beta 98220. We probably only want 6-7 people for this. Must be over 16. Just post here if you're interested. The owner and I won't be on all the time, but you're free to play even when we're gone. We mostly just like to screw around.
  11. Like I care, why comment if you are not interested? Like I said. We just screw around and hunt each other. No server has 100% uptime. I meant we won't be on all the time. And we will accept more people.
  12. deceitfulburger

    DayZ Bug Tracker

  13. deceitfulburger

    New graphic card!

    I have the same Processor, get the 660 Ti. That's what I've been looking at.
  14. deceitfulburger

    Flashlight's on guns, or in general not working

    A torch is a flashlight. (a quick google would have told you that) But I think it depends on how fast your computer is. WhenI play on my shitty laptop, flashlights don't work. But on my gaming desktop, I've never had a problem.
  15. deceitfulburger

    MASSIVE Ping Spikes

    Stop downloading porn ^_^. Nah, but sometimes it happens to me. Not very often mind you (maybe twice a month) but just wait a day or so, your internet might be crappin out..
  16. deceitfulburger

    [VIDEO] Don't Shoot Me I'm New Part 2

  17. deceitfulburger

    [Video] Random Wayz part 17 - Ninja looting some cheaters.

    SOOOO close. Damn, that woulda been so funny if you had had bullets and owned them.
  18. deceitfulburger

    [Video] My epic bike failure

    It dissapears to better camouflage yourself. It's a feature in ARMA.
  19. Chased a guy around some random town playing The Baddest by Krispy Kreme. Got us a huge train of zombies then was kicked by BattlEye for high ping. I HAVE NO REGRETS.
  20. No but srsly. Cooked meat is da bomb.
  21. Get hax Use hax Infinite beanz ???? Banned.
  22. deceitfulburger

    Experienced sniper looking for EU clan

    http://www.just-another-group.com/ Go here and sign up. The clan is currently recruiting. You should be admitted within a couple hours.
  23. deceitfulburger

    How many are there helicopter crash sites per server?

    Helecopter crash sites are different for every server. They're randomly generated. And each time the server restarts they get respawned somewhere else. And choppers only spawn on Skalitsky Island.
  24. Looks fine to me. I run the same CPU Phenom 2 X4 965 black edition 3.4 ghz but my gfx is just a GTX 460. I play on max settings 50+ fps.
  25. deceitfulburger

    3 Servers useless now - Thx Dev Team

    I'm not saying it is bought. And your response was well written. I'm just saying. These people pay $150 Canadian dollars for people to play for free, and as soon as an admin bans someone its "admin abuse". Or "HAI U CANT BAN ME SEZ IN POST DAT U CANT BAN HURR HURR". I'm just saying these people that host servers with hard earned money should be shown a little more respect. It's pretty sad when admins have to resort to their own devices to catch and ban hackers because the cheat detector isn't the greatest.