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Everything posted by Sloi

  1. Sloi


    Wow. Do they not test these changes before release? :P Sounds like DICE/EA with BF3.
  2. Sloi

    Why this mod is failing

    There's no right or wrong way to play the mod, since it doesn't have a hardcoded goal built in... but being a bandit or simply shooting first and asking questions later will help with overall survival. That doesn't change the fact that the DayZ universe is largely inhabited by assholes and trolls.
  3. Sloi

    Why this mod is failing

    No rage involved, sir. Just my intuition after years of experience playing online games and seeing what a shitty community ends up doing to them. DayZ is already unforgiving enough without people universally becoming bandits and shooting everyone they don't personally know on sight. Believe it or not, most people tire rather easily of tedious and pointless exercises. DayZ is no exception to that.
  4. Paragraphs, dude. Seriously, I would have gladly read your opening post, but that wall of text is abhorrent. Believe it or not, some of the things you're "forced" to learn in high school (like sentence structure and composition) are actually useful in a real-world environment.
  5. Sloi

    Heli Experts

    Does no one realize that it's a bug? Granted, it can be eliminated by repairing absolutely everything on the helicopter, but do you "zomg DayZ is realistic" people not see how absurd it is that windows MUST be repaired prior to the fuel leak no longer being a problem? Fixing the fuel tank should solve that problem. Some people might say "well, the loss of additional fuel might be due to air friction and shit." Not when it's parked on the ground, you genius.
  6. Sloi

    Why this mod is failing

    The mod has potential, but the removal of bandit camouflage led to the situation we're now in. It used to be a much friendlier environment: now that we have practically no way to determine a player's intentions and overall style of play, it's better to shoot on sight than take a chance. Granted, it's not terribly difficult to reacquire your gear (takes me roughly one hour to get an ALICE, all tools and a primary weapon from a crash site). The two biggest problems with DayZ: lack of end-game goals/material, and no persistent storage and/or overall progress. Starting over loses its novelty after you've been killed a handful of times... then, it becomes a tedious exercise. Until there are quests or some form of end-game goals along with better ways to semi-permanently store items and park vehicles relatively safely, I will spend considerably less time playing DayZ. Let's face it, who the fuck wants to spend hours fixing a helicopter, only to lose it to a random survivor's chance encounter with it the moment you log out for the night? It's a futile endeavor. /rant
  7. Sloi

    Why this mod is failing

    That one million people have recently acquired ARMA2 for DayZ in no way means they're going to stick around. The community is slowly but surely killing itself. (In more ways than one.) I'd be curious to see how many active players this mod still has one month from now: If I had to venture a guess, I'd say no more than 20% of these new recruits will still be around.
  8. You're surprised? It's mainly composed of teenagers and people who "meta game" (and have no honor) by server hopping (and sometimes disconnecting) when engagements don't go their way. There's a reason most first-person shooters and MMOs are locked down tighter than inmates at Guantanamo. The community can't be trusted to behave itself.
  9. This community doesn't strike me as being particularly intelligent either, so I would simply recommend you cut your losses and stop attempting to reason with it. Keep in mind that a large percentage of the DayZ player base is composed of idiotic teenagers on summer vacation; it doesn't get much worst than this... In any case, I completely agree that server hopping should be a top priority for Rocket and his band of merry men. After all, if they're able to spawn people in a debug area prior to acquiring and teleporting the players to their "in map" coordinates using the HIVE database, they should be able to add a function that checks whether or not other players are in the immediate vicinity, at which point altered spawn coordinates are chosen for the player attempting to spawn in... In any case, that's enough from me...
  10. Well, by all means... continue testing, GLADOS. The rest of us are going to PLAY.
  11. Sloi

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    I need to be placed back within the map; additionally, I have lost all of my gear, tools, backpack, etc... Please roll back my character to his previous state. (If it helps you determine which one, I had an M4 SD, M107, etc.) Character name - Sloi ID - 13602502
  12. Sloi

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    "Mensan" and "dumb ass" don't quite go together. Carry on, dolts. :P
  13. Sloi

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    A bunch of bandits (oops, I meant clan members... silly me) group up to pick on lone survivors exploring places like NWAF and SS for lulz, then get their panties in a bunch when some of their victims disconnect. Cute. :) Carry on, "gentlemen."
  14. Sloi

    People...WTF is wrong with you?

    Actually, night time is pitch black when there are no light sources around. However, for the sake of good gameplay, night time should not be this dark. It's all about balance. :)
  15. Since being up North without Morphine generally results in respawns, I think we should be able to use existing gear to create a splint which would act like a Morphine substitute and allow a survivor the use of his legs. If you have, say... fire wood and a bandage, you should have a context option to make a splint. This could be balanced by allowing the person to walk, but not jog or sprint. It would make going back to hospitals a lot more bearable.
  16. This is relevant to my interests. In the past day alone, I have found two crash sites: neither had loot... nor did anything respawn. Even after an hour or two. These are supposed to be exciting finds! Unfortunately, they're becoming nothing more than a disappointment.
  17. Not possible. I had a Winchester and a 1911. If that's hacked gear, might as well ban every single player...
  18. Sloi

    Unlootable downed choppers

    Sounds romantic, but it wouldn't happen. What WOULD happen, however, is a clan scout would spot the helicopter and an army of bandits would arrive, kill anyone who isn't with them and begin cycling loot. Do you really think it would only be isolated firefights? ^.^
  19. Sloi

    How often are your camps raided?

    People seem to miss that point, yet it's so obvious. There aren't many so-called good places WITHIN the map to place your camp, and here's why: - if it's in a field or city, you might as well have NEON SIGNS pointing at it - if it's concealed in a forest near a popular location, it WILL be found If it's not near a popular location... guess what? You're not the only person to consider setting up there. As if it wasn't hard enough to have a well-hidden camp within the map boundaries, you have to deal with maphacks and people using the heli radar to find your shit. Helis are already amazing enough... do they really need a built-in maphack? Etc. Etc.
  20. Misha[DRS] had no problem taking shots at my friends earlier tonight at the Starry Sobor tents, but the moment I shot him in the back with my DMR, he seemed more than happy to find himself a corner to disconnect from. Coward. I'm annoyed at how laggy this game is: from the moment I shot him in the back to the time when the game registered the hit and made him fall down, he had time to circle around the tent to hide and ALT-F4. That's fucking lame.
  21. So... you were loot farming. In other words, doing practically the same fucking thing you accused another of doing. Wow. Morons. :D
  22. How adorable, a hoarder comes in to gloat. :rolleyes: Are you also the type of clan to lock your server after a reset, or crash it upon someone successfully robbing your camp?
  23. Sloi

    CROSSBOWS - Your opinion?

    +1 Ammunition for it is plentiful as well, so I'd definitely pick one up.