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Posts posted by hampus12345678

  1. NC-I DayZ Epoch Chernarus :



    3rd person: On

    Crosshair: Off

    Nameplates: Off



    • High Performance (hosted on a dedicated quad-core i5, 16gb ddr3, 100mbps up/down)
    • Additional buildings/barracks
    • Self bloodbag
    • Indestructible base building
    • Snap building
    • Tow & Lift
    • Auto refuel/repair/rearm at any fuel station
    • AI Missions
    • Side Events
    • God mode/Anti backpack stealing at every trading post
    • Custom items at traders
    • Bell helis, BTR/LAV
    • 300+ Vehicles, restart every 6 hours
    • Full cycle Day/Night (full moon nights)
    • No donator perks, friendly admins

    Thanks for reading and see you there smile.png

  2. NC-I DayZ Epoch Chernarus :



    3rd person: On

    Crosshair: Off

    Nameplates: Off



    • High Performance (hosted on a dedicated quad-core i5, 16gb ddr3, 100mbps up/down)
    • Additional buildings/barracks
    • Self bloodbag
    • Indestructible base building
    • Snap building
    • Tow & Lift
    • Auto refuel/repair/rearm at any fuel station
    • AI Missions
    • Side Events
    • God mode/Anti backpack stealing at every trading post
    • Custom items at traders
    • Bell helis, BTR/LAV
    • 300+ Vehicles, restart every 6 hours
    • Full cycle Day/Night (full moon nights)
    • No donator perks, friendly admins

    Thanks for taking you're time reading this, and hopefully you will enjoy playing!

    See you on there!

  3. Nickname: Hampus


    Steam: Hampus12345678

    Do you have Teamspeak or skype ? I got Teamspeak and a working michrophone aswell as skype!

    Your skills (Assault, Sniper, SMG, LMG): My skills is with assault because I know a lot about health care and I know how to handle all the medical stuff morphine, epi pen, bloodbag. And offcourse saving my friends.

     Why do you want to join?: This group is perfect for me. I see that everyone else has good experience with this game and I do not want to die as much as I usually end up dieng because im alone, are tired of dying all the time. but why I want to join the group anyway? yes because I want to make new friends, you can do a lot more when you have good friends, for example, easier to kill other players, if you die you always have someone who can pick you up someone from the coast (if you die). Thanks for me and Stay Strong! 
