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Everything posted by xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to Tactical Assault Program's Recruitment Post! "TAP it and get out" ------------------------------------------------------------------ Years will fly by, we will grow older, technology will greatly increase, demand for gaming will become stronger. No matter what really happens TAP is here to stay. With our new gaming community we aim to game hard and have fun doing it. We have about everything your looking for as a clan and a gaming community. Whether its just for social, big/small group gaming, graphics, streaming, multiple games, and much more. Even tho we have expanded we still chose to keep our Military Realism background. Ranking System: Enlisted -Private E-1(PV1)Probationary Rank -Private E-2(PV2)Probationary Rank -Private First Class (PFC) -Corporal (CPL) -Sargent (SGT) -Staff Sargent (SSG) -Sargent First Class (SFC) -Master Sargent (MSG) -Sargent Major (SGM) Officer -Second Lieutenant (2U) - First Lieutenant (1U) -Captain (CPT) -Major (MAJ) -Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) -Colonel (COL) Open Positions: 1.Support (Medic) 2.Assault 3.Sniper 4.Engineer(Vehicular repair) 5.Demolition Expert 6.Wheelman/Pilot 7.Officer Positions aswell 8. Structeral engineer (must know all aspects of epoch building system) Requirements: 1.Active 2.Teamspeak 3.Mature 4.Like to have fun and joke around Contact Info: 1.Clan Forums: http://tap.b1.jcink.com 2.Steam: add jb4b1 im on from 11:30pm to 3:00 AM EST weekdays and on alot on weekends. 3.Team Speak:PM for info 4.Server IP: 5.Follow us on Twitter for latest gaming and clan news @TapGaming1 Forum Staff Needed: 1.Forum Mod x2(Must be active and have TS) 2.Graphics Mod x2(Must be good in the graphics field and active with TS) 3.Streamers x2(Must love to stream xD) Along with all our dayz mission/operations we will be live streaming and recording. Hope to see everyone in game!
  2. We are currently recruiting for BattleField 4,Team Fortress 2, and DayZ standalone/Epoch. If you are not interested in those games feel free to hang out at the community forums and well chill out and talk about games.
  3. tap.b1.jcink.com we are US eastern time zone based
  4. Updated. [TAP] Gaming Community released please feel free to join us. we are recruiting for Standalone and Epoch. We are also taking staff applications for the forums if you have any experience ill be glad to have you apart of the team.
  5. yes you do please and ty
  6. We are recruiting for standalone and epoch. Come join the family. Enjoy the Holidays everyone and stay safe!
  7. BUMP it up. Standalone is lookin good.
  8. I am on right now. Message me on steam.
  9. Recruiting for standalone come join us tonight!
  10. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Looking for group

    [TAP] is currently recruiting for all positions. We are a military realism clan with our own teamspeak and practice epoch server. Jb4b1 is my stwam name and tap.b1.jcink.com is our forums.
  11. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Experienced Player Looking for Group

    We are currently recruiting for all positions we have teamspeak and our own epoch practice server. Jb4b1 is my steam and tap.b1.jcink.com is our forums feel free to roll with us tonight
  12. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Looking for a clan in DayZ Epoch.

    Hey Jelly, [TAP] is currently recruiting for all position. We have our own teamspeak and practice server. Our forums are tap.b1.jcink.com and my steam name is jb4b1 feel free to play with us a bit before joining .
  13. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Looking for new group to roll with

    Hey hey Kyle, we are currently recruiting in all positions. We are a military realism clan (no hardcore yes sir no sir stuff). we have our own teamspeak and practice server for boring days. feel free try play with us before joining tap.b1.jcink.com is the forums and jb4b1 is my steam name.
  14. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Looking for people to play with! ( Epoch )

    tab.b1.jcink.com we are a military realism clan currently recruiting in all positions we have TS aswell apply within we are on right now. jb4b1 is my steam
  15. Still recruiting in all positions. Server population on mobbalobbin is growing and is quite fun pvp wise.
  16. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Former Military Looking for Adult Clan

    Hey Pester! We might be the clan for you. [TAP] Tactical Assault Program is a military realism clan recruiting in all positions. We have our own teamspeak server along with our own practice epoch server. tap.b1.jcink.com is our forums and jb4b1 is my steam name feel free to join us and play abit before you join. Thats all for now [GA] Milkman out
  17. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Would like to join a clan.

    We are currently recruiting tap.b1.jcink.com feel free to join us on ts tonight.
  18. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Looking for a clan/group

    Hey Tran TAP is currently recruiting we have ts our forums are tap.b1.jcink.com apply within we play epoch
  19. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Hello, I'm looking for a clan/group

    Hey robert tap is currently recruiting. Tap.b1.jcink.com is our forums apply within
  20. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Looking for a Clan to join.

    Cant be to hardcore realism takes the fun out of the game really.
  21. Updated MobbaLobbin server is back in action with RAMBO the owner hes doing a great job customizing the server and listing to player suggestions.
  22. xXTHeMiLKMaNXx

    Looking for a Clan to join.

    [TAP] is currently recruiting for all positions. We are a military realism clan that likes to joke around and have fun. We also have Teamspeak and our own practice server. Feel free to join us my steam is jb4b1 our forums are tap.b1.jcink.com.
  23. We are still recruiting new and veteran survivors. We are getting quite large in numbers and getting lots of play time in on a good server.