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Everything posted by thedogfoodyayho

  1. thedogfoodyayho

    Please bring the L85A2 AWS back in the game

    *Says TWS isn't op *Talks about using it to kill entire AS50 squads *Says he got they're gear so it isn't OP for him In reality though it is OP. As the original poster said he killed entire squads with it (Somehow, I think not) I never found one when they were in, if they were even in back when I started, but I have seen and owned a few on PVP Epoch and Overwatch servers for brief periods, and used them on wasteland. And yeah ,they're OP. All you have to do is scan a tree line, and if a guy is there in a ghillie, He's a Christmas tree. and say he doesn't see you? well, if you've got anything that can reach out a few hundred meters or you can sneak behind him, You've got a DMR!!! Or say your a sniper, just have this out and a sniper in your pack, and sit on some hill. you won't even have to look very hard, anything yellow is alive, and you must fix that. I honestly wouldn't mind something like a Civilian Thermal binocular that can't see past like 300m, but the L85 AWS, no way.
  2. https://www.google.com/search?q=nagant+m1895+.22+carbine&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Fnf3U8P7GoWwyATdnIKADg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg&biw=1333&bih=653#imgdii=_The first four pictures are what they look like... I don't think they make handgun versions anymore, although they do exist as Ex-trainers. Carbines could work but a .22 with a seven-round capacity and slow reload would be almost pointless.
  3. thedogfoodyayho

    Too late to start playing Dayz Mod?

    It still is kicking.. a bit. US 434 has a constant 20-30 players at night, But it doesn't have sidechat, which kinda removes anyway to tell someone you're not KOS in time. I just have a problem with 1.8... Srsly, zeds do way to much damage, and I think guns were completely removed from the barracks.. Also with the new bloodbag system and food not regening anymore, it's nearly impossible to get blood to full, and even harder to become a hero. (Neither of these would be a problem if it wasn't for zeds doing 1k a hit) So basically, it more resembles 2017, except Firestations and Military Tents are still as they used to be. Btw, has anyone even seen any snipers besides the CZ since the public hive went down?
  4. thedogfoodyayho

    First Kill in DayZ (Not being a bandit)

    Nice The mod used to be like that every day... But Epoch and Overpoch kinda killed it. And also the zeds that now slap you so hard you lose 1/12 of your blood, and the fact that barracks are worse than car wrecks now, which means no one goes inland I actually don't really remember my exact first kill, but it was probably this one: I had just started DayZ mod, probably a bit over a year ago. at this point I didn't know about DZC and so I was randomly trying to join like every server, but didn't understand that Origins servers were actually another mod... But eventually I got into one where I you spawn with an AKS. I know now I was near kamyshovo. So I found a couple bodies as you would expect on a server like that, and then I started walking along the train tracks, and before long saw a guy about 50m away walking away from me. I started shooting at him, afraid he would take my AKS that I spawned with. I was a bit confused as I had just come from Battlefield 3, and I expected it to tell me if I killed him... lol.. but his body was there. Not long after that I was at kamyshovo and found a corpse with a DMR on the beach. there was a bunch of guys in the town, and I (think) I killed one before they got me. it was hard to tell because I had a sucky PC and didn't know how to optimize my graphics, so they were as low as possible...
  5. And longhorn Or just let us put it in the normal holster.. and give me my Nagant.. xXRussianCowboyXx
  6. thedogfoodyayho

    Maxim M1910

    I think it would still be of some use. it could be employed as a HMG. It would be mainly a Defensive or siege weapon. I mean, the PKM is going to bounce around a lot, this thing won't, so hence better accuracy which would allow you to hit a certain tree a guy is behind or shoot ALL your rounds through a window. Plus the shield will stop snipers from just being able to blow your head off. Also, it could be extremely deadly as a Vehicle-mounted weapon. However you wouldn't have to assemble this gun, it's all pretty much a one-piece. Except the shield, Belt box, water, ect. The alternative is: the SG-43/SGM The SG-43 came into service to replace the maxim during wwii, and uses the same mount. However I have seen versions with Buttstocks and grips, on tripods, ect. But dat water cooling isn't there...
  7. They finally added the Obrez! Now we need a holster for one.
  8. thedogfoodyayho

    Maxim M1910

    You obv didn't read the whole thing. it's not as if this has a 360 traverse. It's maybe 60 degree. It would be very easy for someone to run out of that field of fire before dieing. Also, It's really inaccurate for killing single people. the sights are terrible. Also you have to consider ammunition. It might take one or two mosin rounds to kill a player but with this it could take 10-20. Also, there might be, what? 1-2 per server? Spawn killers usually wouldn't waste time going inland to find one, maybe spare parts like wheels for the carriage and stuff, extra barrels, (which take forever to change on a maxim) water, and a good 400 mosin rounds. Hell the never even leave the coast. Also, no one would waste 2 hours dragging one down from up north or wherever they would spawn, as the MASSIVE noise and low mobility would get them killed in minutes on the coast. and then, how many spawn points are there?
  9. thedogfoodyayho

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    1: I f you get shot, you shouldn't be able to just keep running around shooting while gallons of blood pour out of your face. 2: I never said you don't need Bandages. what I meant by that is all you have to do is Eat a ton of food and Water, and as long as you can avoid being hit for a few minutes, You'll regenerate. 3: Ever heard of being sarcastic? The point is you have to drink way to much, seeing as your dinking an Entire can of soda (Which shouldn't even hydrate you anyway) 4: The game obviously is set at least a few weeks after Day-Zero, Because the Burned-Out cars don't rust overnight, and not that many people could get infected that fast. 5: Mountain Backpacks. 6: Have they mentioned changing how much food you can eat? It's been that way since the start and it would be incredibly easy to change. 7: I'm not talking about Drivable cars. I'm saying it's ridiculous that ALL the tanks look like they've been sitting if Afghanistan since '89. And btw, how did they get blown up anyway? And just FYI, I wrote that at 4am after my dog decided to vomit in my hallway, so excuse my English (Which sucks anyway) All of those things are acceptable for a normal game, but not for a Simulator. they break immersion, and aren't realistic at all. Edit: Thanks Chaingun. I didn't really look at those Text walls until after I posted. You made pretty much every point I tried to.
  10. DZC seems to be fixed now. I've been watching the server count rise over the last few hours.
  11. thedogfoodyayho

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    Well it seems someone beat me to this... I actaully played on a mod server months ago where the admin handed out a Gold AKS. Everyone on the server was obsessed with having it. I think it got destroyed eventually, but it showed the interesting situations that happen just Becuase of a rare item. It was basically be a huge Display of your Awesomeness to have stolen it. (I myself had it for awhile before being murdered). It's the type of thing i would love in the standalone. As for it not functioning well, that's fine, it's more of a display item. Other examples of this type of thing would be the C96 and such. Also the AKs in the pic look like Zastava variants to me.
  12. thedogfoodyayho

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    Realistic? So i guess i have a really small stomache irl? Cuass i have to eat 4 entire cans to get full on here and drink like an entire well or a whole 6-pack of sodas to not die every 10sec. And getting shot will only make my vision go grey? And who needs hospitals when i can just eat more food to be perfectly fine? Who ever heard of getting your entire torso blown off by a shotgun and actaully DIEING? Thats insain! Yeah the aliens came and destroyed all the army's tanks and EVERY SINGLE CAR before the zombies came. They didn't touch a single building though. I think i'll eat two entire bags of rice here... Wait, why is there a perfect orange in here? This house has been abandoned for months. Man, i didn't know the military uses Reflective Bright-Colored backpacks! That's just what i can list off the top of my head. There's a ton of "Gamey" things in DayZ.
  13. thedogfoodyayho

    Reconsider the AK-74 and 5.45x39

    From what i can tell they aren't going to add the Ak-74m anymore and re-purposed the model for the AK-101. I mean, the AK-101 is basically non-existent outside of factorys and gun shows. While if chernarus "Westernized" its military, which is highly likely as alot of Eastern countries are doing it nowadays, they probably would have converted their Ak-74s to 5.56 (Remember, they pretty much only used AK-74s) for NATO compatibility instead of buying AK-101s or M4s. But no, we get the AK-101 and M4... As for calibers, 5.45 gets my vote. What i really don't understand is why they added .380 ACP. It seems they did this just for the makarov, while they'll probably add a Vz61 (Nah, they're probably going to put a MAC) later. Why? Seriously, 9mm makarov performs almost the ame as .380, and almost all .380 guns they might add have a 9mm Makarov variant, while the APS, P-64, ect, do not have a .380 variant. So why add it instead of Makarov? Probably becuase "Its to confusing" Btw, it was .380 right?...
  14. Yeah, and in Arma 2 atleast, Chernarus actually shared borders with Russia, Kazakhstan and Bohemia's Takistan. The ocean is the Caspian Sea (How did they get an Aircraft carrier in there lol?). The terrain was based off the Czech Republic, but the country actaully had a backstory, it was part of the Russain empire and then a Soviet Republic. I really don't know why people think it's the Czech Republic (Not saying you do, just getting this out there) But with the New ammo types, heres a few guns that would work. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KP_m/44_submachine_gunThat's the Finnish 9x19mm M44 SMG, based off the Soviet PPS-43. As a 9mm it would fit well in the game. Theres even a Drum Magazine for it. http://www.ppsh41.com/finn.htmlThat's a 9x19mm conversion of the PPSh-41. Not sure how common they would be but, Its a PPSh.. The Germans also did this and Kits are available Today for civilians. http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=F1YM70This is an M70A, a 9x19mm TT-33 currently in production. Also, a lot of TT's have been converted to 9mm and China made some.
  15. thedogfoodyayho

    75 round drum AKM drum, where is the best place to look

    In the Standalone
  16. Well, I haven't started up DZC in a few days, but I just did... and only 300 servers are left? Did they all finally move over to steam in those few days? or are they just all down from BE stopping support? I also noticed the Public Hive servers on there are down.
  17. I thought I heard someone said BE was stopping support for non-steam versions? anyway, most are back now
  18. thedogfoodyayho

    Standalone Buildings Now In Mod

    Epoch ripped those from DayZero and as far as I know haven't given them credit.
  19. thedogfoodyayho

    How active is the vanilla DayZ mod community?

    US 434 and US 1257 topped at about 30 players each yesterday. :)
  20. thedogfoodyayho

    Vanilla Dayz barracks loot

    You also have to remember, (If your on official hive or an older server), that those guns may be months, or even years old, from past updates when they were more common. They spawn at crashsites a lot, to.
  21. thedogfoodyayho

    Heavily modified servers on the public hive

    I would try PMing R4Z0R. He probably won't see this.
  22. thedogfoodyayho

    How active is the vanilla DayZ mod community?

    Its pretty sad as already stated.. Most of the servers have no more than 10 players, although on Sundays it's more like 20. Now i wish i had played official more... I started in Mid 2013 and have played pretty much every mod, but i haven't spent more than 50 hours on official. I'll still play it, afterall, the more people on a server, the more will join. Can i have that please? it may bounce back.. after standalone it got this bad, but it got back to a reasonable number before overpoch. Only time will tell. I did find one Vanilla Private hive - i think it was US 262 Dallas. All vehicle spawns are on, however.
  23. thedogfoodyayho

    Rallying together Vanilla DayZ Players

    +1 I'm having trouble finding a Public hive server nowadays to.. So sad Well, hopefully once this Overpoch monster dies some players will come back.. if it dies..
  24. thedogfoodyayho

    The best base spots in Chernarus

    Don't build outside large cities. Buidling inside them is alright, but if you build in the nearby woods, anyone entering/exiting the area might stumble across your tents. If you build inside the city, DO NOT put the base near any good loot spawns. Some people (including me) run through backyards to avoid the agro you get on the road and to save time. So build your base Far from any loot spawns or routs people may take to them. As for general location, most people build near the edge of the map, mainly the East and North, because these areas are empty (So no one will enter them) but are close to the Airfields. I usually build inland, just above the giant cities near the small towns. Avoid building anywhere people might go near often. This includes Paved roads, especially ones that lead to Zelenogorsk, Stary, and the NEAF. always make sure you're atleast 500m from any paved road, as Cars may see your tents/stuff from far away. Don't build on Mountain/hilltops. Your tents and you will be highly visible from Helicopters. Also avoid anywhere where helicopters may go. Don't build at any features on the map (Lakes, power lines, little marks like rocks and stuff) as a lot of people check these locations for bases. In my experience the best places to build are in Valleys, with the tents hidden in pine trees, random areas in the west of the map, and in small villages. If you can find somewhere away from those that's safe, then go for it. If you want a big base raid, check Black lake, Skalka mountain, Pik kozlov, and Skalisity Island. If skalisity has a base, it will usually be huge, as anyone out there will have a helicopter. but it's rare to find one there.
  25. thedogfoodyayho

    Would the G3 Rifle ruin the game?

    Has anyone actaully used the FAL in the mod? It had burst mode. It was absolutely useless in burst. Only the first shot got within 5ft of the target. It wouldn't be op.