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Everything posted by thedogfoodyayho

  1. Nice.. Kinda abandon minecraft after DayZ But this (The sniper part, atleast) Looks like i would be shitting my pants. Hope you can get it out before standalone. I'de imagine you'll get alot more people if you do.
  2. thedogfoodyayho


    The point of the game isn't to kill people. Plus, that would remove even more realisum. Irl if you shoot someone from 800m, do you know if you hit them? Or even at 50m?
  3. thedogfoodyayho

    "Confirmed" DayZ weapons, and ideas

    Yeah, maybe not the M1903. The M1900 though was exported everywhere. That would be neat. As for the Mauser C96, that might actaully be in Chernarus, because they were widely used in eastern Europe. But a Garand... No. Awsome gun but, no
  4. thedogfoodyayho

    Gun attachments? What kind would you like to see?

    Watch a SA vid. Thers duck tape, thats used for weapon customization.
  5. thedogfoodyayho

    Epoch combined with Origins?

    Hell no. I'm suggesting a SA mod Although SA should have customizable vehicles
  6. thedogfoodyayho

    Epoch combined with Origins?

    Probably But still, nice idea. Maybe for SA...
  7. thedogfoodyayho

    "Confirmed" DayZ weapons, and ideas

    Ahhh... thought it was a made up rifle. Theres a few things it dn't like though. They're adding some old russian weapons. Thats great. But they're also adding insain, modern, barely pruduced guns and optics, like the pisol Holo. Thats not something i think you would find in a chernarussian police station.
  8. thedogfoodyayho

    Base Building - Do's and Don'ts (DayZ Standalone)

    It would be cool if you could use little boxes and crates to store stuff, even while its in your inventory. Example Pick up Medical box (uses entire inventory) and take it to woods. Drop. Won't despawn, but some random player can pick the whole thing up and walk away. Maybe if it has more stuff in it it uses more inventory. You could also find like wooden crates in industrial areas. And for tents, maybe civilian tents instead of Army surplus? So you could find a white, blue, orange, green, ect tents, some of which are large enought to go inside. Maby even make it so your items appear inside tents (Gun lying on the ground, cans stacked up) And i like the boarding up houses idea, though not the claiming part. IRL, you can't "Claim" a building so others can't break into it. Just maje it hard to get into. And safes - Maybe make it so you CAN bust it open after a few hours of slamming it with a crowbar. Better safes would be harder to open. Hers another cool but unrelated idea. Gun locks. You can but a trigger lock on a gun, making it useless without the key. It would stop alot of stealing i'm sure, but make them extremly rare so you can only put them on that fully-customized m4 and not every mosin you have.
  9. thedogfoodyayho

    "Confirmed" DayZ weapons, and ideas

    That hunting rifle will be nice. Looks like it might even have a secound .22 Barrel? :/ I'm pretty sure theres more though. By the way they've been talking atleast. We know there is a SKS, planned, probably 1/2 ready, and the Mosin appears to be done, or firing atleast, from the first live stream where Rocket wanted to shoot it but had no ammo.
  10. thedogfoodyayho

    "Confirmed" DayZ weapons, and ideas

    The stupid thing about the Revolver is in Arma it was supposed to be the M1917 "Victory" model. They should have made it look older... Wbere did you see the Remington?
  11. thedogfoodyayho

    "Confirmed" DayZ weapons, and ideas

    They talked about the SKS is the Dec 7th stream and at E3 And are you talking about the Dec 7th stream? There is also a Picture of a Mauser
  12. thedogfoodyayho

    "Confirmed" DayZ weapons, and ideas

    Oh shit, why did it make 2 Threads?
  13. thedogfoodyayho

    Gun attachments? What kind would you like to see?

    The KS-23 Can fire alot of Non-lethals though, for frighting/incapacitating people near you instead of blowing their head off with a remington. And the M4 (According to the livestream) won't be nearly as common. Its just turned up right now for demo purposes. I bet the AK, SKS, Mosin, Hunting rifle and Crossbow will be just about all you find in civilian areas
  14. thedogfoodyayho

    Gun attachments? What kind would you like to see?

    Not an attachment, but sawing down a double-barreled into a sidearm would be nice. Rn that gun is practically useless but i could see it being used more often as a sidearm. We also need more eastern weapons/attachments, Like Kobras, PSOs and NSPU (Night vision) scopes. Most AK weapons are actaully fairly customizable to. For example, maybe you could find a Romanian AK Foregrip with intergrated pistol grip? Or folding stocks, Polymer stocks, ect And for Riot/Police weapons, KS-23!
  15. thedogfoodyayho

    New map idea?

    So, i had this idea awhile back. The map would be large (Maybe twice the size of chernarus?) And would consist of Two mainlands and a large Island inbetween. Each mainland would be a different country, Each with its own Vehicles/Weapons. One would be Eastern-influenced, the other Western. So you could tell if the player had been on the western island if he was carrying and M4, M9, ect, becuase these wouldn't spawn on the eastern island. The island in the middle would be a sort of No-mans land with bridges connecting it to the mainlands, making the bridges warzones. There would be an derlic US fleet in the open water, the carrier spawning the best loot around Heres a few Weapons/items/vehicles that would be cool Armored: BTR-40 (Dshk) BRDM-2 (Hq) M113 M113 ambulance Cars Uaz (Dshk) Hmmvee (m240) Gaz-66 PTS (tracked amphibious vehicle) GAZ-51 VW Beetle Air: MI-26 (can transport vehicles) Weapons The western side would have alot of M16/4s, and Rarer FALs, and for LMGs, A 7.62 Nato Bren, and an MG3 (Mg42). For pistols, Browning HPs and Walther P1s. The easterb side would have Akm/s's, Ak(s)-74's, Abd SKS's, abd for Lmgs, Rpk and 74, RPD's and PKM's, and pistols would be tokarevs and Makarovs. Military weapons would be rarer and Civilian weapons would include: Mosin m91/30 and M44 Mauser G98 SKS PPs-43 and Ppsh Single-shot hunting rifle Ruger .22 Rifles and pistols Remingon Shotguns TOZ-194s Nagant 1895s, Tt33s And many more So, what does (anyone?) Think? I have no way of making thid myself but would love to see something like it in a mod!
  16. thedogfoodyayho

    New map idea?

    It would be shit though, and by the time i could even start, SA Will be out, along with the new *cough* Epoch i'm sure
  17. thedogfoodyayho

    super horde

    Well yeah, thats what i meant. What rocket said was more along the lines of "Higher chance of a hoard coming through their baae camp." So if your like running from tent to tent, gearing up for a half hour or so, zombies may come to see what all the movement is. But i'de guess if your lying on the ground in a ghillie, you'de be fine. But they want to reduce PVP/KOS and maje actaul survival bigger, but i'm asauming snipers won't be damaging their Super-rare DMR and even rarer ammo against fresh spawns as they do now for "Fun"
  18. thedogfoodyayho

    Out-do Epoch?

    Civilian never really got the credit it deserved. I never really got to play much becuase i had a ton of ping on the only server, but i generally liked what i saw. It was pretty glitchy though. I don't like epoch though. When i first started i was like "yfvdfhhfd this is buass!" But it was to easy. Plus it was a fucking warzone and every base i built got raided overnight After my friend got his own server and spawned in hack boxes so i could build anything i was content. Got tired of building my base after a day. Also hate the shits that camp the trader zones and yell at you for fucking up their car they tried to run you over with. Srsly, this kid trued to run me over but missed, so he got out and took cover behind his car shooting. When i shot his wheel he was like "OMG BITCH WTF DID YOU SHOOT MY CAR BITCH IM GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH BITCH" in side chat. Then while his mamma was screaming at him (srsly) i shot him in the head.
  19. thedogfoodyayho

    Gun improvements i guess idk whatevs ok

    Well a suppressor for a 5.56 doesn't make it as quiet as it is in-game. You can still hear it within 60m and from the few i heard it sounded more like a normal round but alot quieter, not like the classic Hollywood sound. But the MP5 SD is apparently one of the quietest firearms around, only audible within around 20m. What they really need is a PSS. It was a COMPLETLY Silent Soviet Underwater pistol for assasins and special forces. How it worked was there was a piston between the powder and the bullet in cartridge. The piston held all the noise from the powder inside the case, and the only sound was the action working and the shell extracting, but you use a safety-type lever to lock the action, the only sound keft being the Pin hitting the cartridge. That would be a cool extremely rare gun at heli crashes, being about as rare as the M4A1 SD. Its damage would be similar to the makarovs and ammo would be really rare (Plus only 6rnd magazines) so it would only really be useful for sneaking up on someone and headshotting them.
  20. I was running around near balota when an mi-17 starts engaging me. Now, i had a ghillie i found in cherno, Enfield, and M1911, so i guess they tought the enfield was some kind of M14 or something. I managed to kill one of the gunners and it flew off. A few weeks later i was toating an Mk.48 and driving a UAZ, when i see the same MI flying towards me. So i got out and emptyed my Mk.48 into the tail rotor. It was to low for them to eject. I expected to get some nice loot, but to my horror there was 3 Heros and 5 fresh spawn's bodies around it. I asked them if they were the ones who shot at me before, but they told me they had stolen the heli from some bandits near zeleno about a week ago. However, they were pissed and didn't care that i thought they were bandits, and they git especially pissed when someone looted their bodies after i left. So they gathered up all the heros on the server, jumped in a huey and several cars, and came after me. I realize now i should have just lied down and die, but in my DayZ youth i shot down the huey and killed two of the parachutests and messed out a car before being shot. They were PISSED Not really sorry for it though - probably my 2bd favorite kill streak.
  21. thedogfoodyayho

    An act of evil?

    They didn't o anything wrong, you would have looted a body you found, wouldn't you? However you did nothing wrong either. Now, if you had just gone in blasting, not even asking for it back, that would still be ok, but it was much less evil to ask first.
  22. thedogfoodyayho

    PKM belt?

    I was playing on an (official) server and looted a crash site, and found a PKM belt. I've seen one once before in an (insainly rich, 2 of every weapon) camp, but i've never seen/heard of a PKM or PKP in vanilla dayz. Is it for the MI-17's Pkts? Or is the PKM a new weapon? I know this is probably in the wrong section but couldn't find a questions area
  23. thedogfoodyayho

    PKM belt?

    Did some deeper research. Purely for Mi's. New server though, time to look for a heli! No PKs in dayz - yet
  24. thedogfoodyayho

    super horde

    Its been (kind of) confirmed by rocket in videos. At one point, he said they might make it so they head to players who arn't moving out of a certain area. Goodby snipers!
  25. thedogfoodyayho

    New map idea?

    ^ Same problem here