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Everything posted by thedogfoodyayho

  1. thedogfoodyayho

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    You guysare assholes. You don't like something? Someone else does though? Oh, who cares what they like, i want it to be removed, so Remov NOW!!!!! It is an exploit, and even though i use 3rd person i don't use it. Thats right, i »Don't« use it. I only use 3rd p while running around on a street, field, or forest. I don't look around corners, over walls or over ledges. The only reason i use it is becuase the camera in 1st p is like a foot infront of your face. Theres a simple fix. Zoom it in more. I'm talking about 2 feet instead of 6 behind the players head. Don't allow players to zoom in 3rd p either. Make it so you can't alt down, so you can't look over edges or walls. That would almost completely remove the exploit. But i'm sure you guys are completely unwilling to compromise, its no 3rd p or nothing for you.
  2. thedogfoodyayho

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    this i have become dependant on 1st person while just walking around..... i need rehab
  3. thedogfoodyayho

    Server hopping is killing this game FAST

    Exept he said 30 secounds each time, which is, in my opinion, to low.
  4. thedogfoodyayho

    Server hopping is killing this game FAST

    You can change servers once, then after that 2 minutes will be added onto every time you hop. But after hopping 4 times, thats uped to 5 minutes. So hopping 10 times = 38 min timeout. Staying on a server for awhile would lower this with time. That way, it wouldn't penalize people looking for a daytime server or for joining friends, but hopping would be virtaully removed. But i'm having a good time rn - sitting in the dorm, shooting every hopper. I got Got 5 in 8 minutes once... yes, i'm actaully timing it. Pretty sad no one works for their loot, but i've found an easier way to get it!
  5. thedogfoodyayho

    A story... Chaos at Balota airfield

    No idea why your pistol isn't working... but nice story
  6. thedogfoodyayho

    SA needs more story.

    I like the thing about the Wallet to vehicke to camp to evac thing. Maybe a bit harder, though. And maybe the heli could randomly drop you off in another map one/if those are added. You: "Stupid AI pilots. I wunder when i get to respawn..." AI: "NEVER!!!" And pushes you into the water, where you wash up onto another island.
  7. thedogfoodyayho

    GAMMA Ruining nighttime gameplay

    Well, some times it gets so dark even gamma is useless. Last... Teusday i think, i was forced into usng gamma after i was hearing a very intense mosin fight nearby. But it was so dark, i could barely see the outlines of buildings and ended up using a headlamp. That was a scary night when my headlamp died... i could hear footsteps around me, hear aggroed zombies, gunshits, see flashlight beams, and even encountered another player in the supermarket. Worst part was i couldn't see any of them. Nearly shit my pants several times. So either make all nights that dark or disable gamma. The gamma would probably be a better fix.
  8. thedogfoodyayho

    "Must have's" when vehicles are implemented.

    Vehicles should be alot harder to repair, but can't be exploded. so you could shoot every part off the car, from doors to engine parts, and leave it an empty shell. maybe having no doors would make it so the car was faster and you could get out faster? but when you shoot the trunk, it damages anything inside, and if you shoot the lid off, stuff can fall out. that would be fun to find a trail of loot along a road.... and fuel should be about as rare as a wheel.
  9. thedogfoodyayho

    Sniper Rifles

    Trust me, i know. but in Chernarus? i don't know about that. and anyway, i meant a super-hyped up military version with a high-grade scope. your "average joe" can't usaully get those at every gun shop. a M700 really needs to be a civillian weapon too, though the older, wooden-stocked versions.
  10. thedogfoodyayho

    Level of Weaponry Available (Poll)

    i agree, but not tons of american hunting weps. there are plenty of russian/czech rifles out there...
  11. thedogfoodyayho

    Sniper Rifles

    Yes. Instead of M249s, maybe an RPK 74 or RPD, preferably the RPK. the thing is, suppresive fire is a HUGE factor in DayZ, becuase hundereds of bullets wizzing around you makes you think twice about trying to snipe someone. i've found that the M4 With a 60-round makes for a great automatic rifle though. I think sniper rifles should be extremly rare, and include something like this; SVDs, FPKs, M21s and the rarest, most accurate, M24. but .50s are pretty OP, unless you can only find single rounds. a .50 round should be almost as rare as the gun itself, so people chose their targets instead of poping every fresh spawn they see. and, it should be the KSVK, and not be able to mount any high-x scopes, making it only really good against vehicles, IF it were added (which it probably shouldn't be)
  12. thedogfoodyayho

    Combine pistols - dual wield

    Just took to airsoft guns outback. pretty much pointless unless you spend a secound to aim, and even then, pointless. i'll try it with real guns next time i go to the range. But i do think it could be useful. say you find two pistols in a firestation and have no rifle. use them both. they would be perfect for point-blank, like in apartments, townhouses, office buildings, ect. it may seem cod-ish, but it IS possible, albeit pratically useless. overall, though, i really don't care. it would be fcking cool though :)
  13. thedogfoodyayho

    Road map for future weapons/gear? (suggestions included)

    good, but instead of a 30-30, a Winchester M1895 in 7.62x54 (Mosin nagant caliber) and a russian TOZ-17 .22, a few russian sidearms like the Nagant, Tokarev and Makarov, and some carbines like the Mosin M44 or M1938. what your forgetting is Chernarussian farmers can't afford High-quality hunting rifles in American calibers. And instead of the Mini 14, SVT (Not really a carbine) and a VZ.52 Carbine Pictures of a Mauser have also been seen
  14. thedogfoodyayho

    What do you think about adding this item?

    Would be cool if it wasn't a digital, so it printed the pictures fter you take them. Also, camera flash. Imagine seeing random flashes coming from an Apartment window. That could also be used to see loot in a dark room.
  15. thedogfoodyayho

    >Suggestion< Large city Inland

    Does anyone else find it annoying that everyone inland in Chernarus lives in 100-year old cabins? A large City, maybe between NW And NE Airfields would be a neat addition. Maybe around the size of Electro? With apartments? :/ Leave your opinions, please. I just think it would add more reason to go up north, and give us more areas to explore
  16. thedogfoodyayho

    >Suggestion< Large city Inland

    I've seen all the overhead pics, but the only place i saw bigg enough for what i'm talking about was Guba bay. Probably gonna need to look some more though. That would be awsome. Plus, it would give Snipers an alternative to sniping the coast for little to no loot. Most people up there would be heavily geared and would be great to snipe. As for barracks, once they ajust the loot taes they'll be fine. They don't actaully spawn much, the main problem is a fresh spawn goes to balota, loots, server hops, loots, hops, loots, ect ect.
  17. thedogfoodyayho

    Some Suggestions

    Remove helicopters: yes. Third person: NEVER
  18. The M4 won't be everywhere once more"junky" military weapons like Pistols, AKs and shotguns are added. As for backpacks, they do need to rarer.
  19. thedogfoodyayho

    Double Barrel Shotgun- WANT!

    Not in the game. I bet it will be added soon, along with the SKS and AK-74. And the .357 was added yesterday...
  20. thedogfoodyayho

    Late Game Ideas

    Just an FYI, your probably going to get some hate. Epoch isn't exactly well liked around here... But AI Missions? Traders? Safezones? Thats for kiddies. Thats nkt "Survival." Thats not dayz. And safes are the stupidest thing that they could add. Try lugging a 300-pound gunsafe you could fit into into the woods in your backpack. Anyway, you should be able to open them with a mosin... or even a wrench.
  21. thedogfoodyayho

    Late Game Ideas

    Uh-huh Why don't you try that irl?
  22. thedogfoodyayho

    G36 concept art

    G36... Heli crash only..only compromise. There are already more high-Tec military weapons than anything.
  23. thedogfoodyayho

    DayZ Surviving DayZ Standalone

    Should have gone to berenzino for antibiotics....
  24. thedogfoodyayho

    My First DayZ Kill (Standalone)

    My first confirmed kill was down a similar scope... But really, dick move.
  25. thedogfoodyayho

    SOS, I'm Dying Over Here

    Road signs are in russian though :( slows down reading time. Once you use them and learn the name of the town, make a mental note of the larger buildings inside. So, rusty metal barn + church and a certain house on a hill = kozlovka. My friends don't understand how i can tell where we are in the miidle of nowhere by a few sheds... lol