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Everything posted by thedogfoodyayho

  1. thedogfoodyayho

    M16A2 M203 removed from the game?

    No, If you put an M203 on a gun it looks like the normal gun with an M203 on the bottem. This is a different gun.
  2. thedogfoodyayho Base building feedback

    Perhaps off topic, but I was wondering if anyone here could make a section on the current base building on the Wiki? I've been updating the mod section (slowly) but I've not built any of the 1.8 base stuff, (I play on Shoguns, hate me if you want) and thus I know nothing about it.
  3. thedogfoodyayho

    Fog and Nutrition System

    First item on the agenda: Fog. I think many players will agree that the current Fog in the DayZ Mod is extremely exaggerated and annoying. On a bright sunny day, there is no reason I can't see past 900m. For me, one of the greatest parts about DayZ is/was not knowing if your being watched, and stalking people myself. Watching a Survivor looting a city through your Binoculars in the rain, spotting some poor Noob's Flashlight miles out, or frantically looking for the lights of a Helicopter you can only hear - Those days are long gone. Now we're forced to look at a Grey wall in front of us ALL the time, even though sun is beating down on us. Surveying the landscape from Devil's castle or Pik Kozlovo isn't even possible anymore. Hell, you can't even appreciate the beautiful map that is Chernarus. It's all just a Nasty grey wall. For reference, here's some pictures I took on the Nostalgia DayZ server, which is running the old patch dating from 2013. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=497495441 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=497495375 As you can see, the fog back in those days started at about 1500m and limited your view to around 1800m. This was perfect IMHO. The only reason I can think of for it changing to what it is now is to slightly increase FPS and to slightly nerf the Zombie spawn radius junk, but I would much rather have a few less frames and be noticed from longer distances than have this current fog system. The fog COULD be a fun dynamic if it wasn't on all of the time, for instance if the fog would increase during storms, and during the early morning. Next up, Food. Why do I have to eat 5 cans of food to fill myself up? This is starting to look like Standalone... Again, playing on the DayZ Nostalgia server, I remembered the old food system. For newer players, you basically ate one can of food and one can o soda and it would completely fill you up. Although i'm not completely a fan of that system, I do like it more than the current "Eat 5 cans of food and 5 Sodas every 10min to stay alive" shit that seems to be copied from Standalone. In my perfect world, Food itself would be very rare, but a can of food would nearly completely fill you up, and you would only need to eat every 20-30min. Soda wouldn't hydrate you very much, so Water would still be important. This system is much more realistic, as you wouldn't be finding or needing cans and cans of food during any kind of apocalypse. To make this system work, animals would also have to be made slightly rarer, which should probably be done anyway. Anyway, rant over. I just want to say one more thing, though: Aside from the things I've just listed, I fully support pretty much all of the changes the Devs are making, and my hat is off to them for not abandoning this Mod like it's creator so happily did.
  4. thedogfoodyayho

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Considering the area this game takes place in, this gun > Really < Needs to be in in my opinion. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Nagant_M1895 None of those are great pics though. You can't really see it till you hold one.. But heres some facts. Between 1895 and 1945 2 Million were produced in Tsarist Russia and later, the UssR. It was designed by the Belgian Nagant brothers in the late 1880s and another version was made in Belgium. They saw heavy use During WWI, the russian revolution, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and many other wars of that period. Even today, Despite being obsolete 10 years before it was introduced, it is used by Russian security guards and are bought as inexpensive collectors guns in the US. Design: This Revolver has an unusual design most CoD kiddies have never seen before. It holds 7 rounds of 7.62x38, but instead of the usual cylinder sliding out for reloading, a small loading gate on the right side has to be opened, and individual rounds loaded, one at a time. To unload or remove empty casings, a small ejector rod has to be rammed into each of the cylinders. From personal experience i can say to empty, then reload an empty gun takes close to a minute, and thats if the casings don't get stuck in the cylinder. Most are double action, with a heavy trigger pull, but are fairly accurate in single-action. The round is pretty much unique to this gun, and can be hard to find in the west. I was lucky and bought some from a small store that had 1000 rounds. In 5 years, i was the first to buy any... But apparently its common in the east. I really feel this gun should be in-game, alongside TT and PM pistols. It would be 50x as common as half the guns i've seen suggested. Anyway, tell me what you think. Please don't let this thread be put to page ten by "Fix KoS" threads - I'de like to know a dev atleast saw this
  5. thedogfoodyayho

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

  6. The wiki is currently only updated by a few people with me probably being the most active. I haven't checked in few days but i don't think anyones added any base building pages yet, and i haven't gotten around to building anything yet so i can't really put any helpful information up. However, if i had to guess, base parts are crafted primarily from wooden logs you can get from cutting down trees. Right click on them like you would food and see what options come up. You can also craft some gear by hitting "I" and selecting "craft".
  7. thedogfoodyayho

    Would SCAR seem suitable in the DayZ-environment?

    I could see the SCAR-H as being an uber-rare Battle rifle, but nothing more. Honestly something like an FAL, G3 or even a 417 makes much more sense to me, as it seems the SCAR won't be around too much longer, being religated to the world of CoD Fanboys who jump on the most tactical-looking gun they can find.
  8. thedogfoodyayho

    Mil Surp weapons for civilians

    Indeed. The DP would be a colorful and interesting weapon to have, especially in a world of Belt-fed GPMGs.I could totally see it spawning in Insurgent camps, in a long-forgotten weapons locker in a Military base, or stashed under some bales of hay in a Barn.
  9. thedogfoodyayho

    Should DayZ Be In The Armaverse?

    I've personally always seen DayZ as taking place about a year or two after the events of ArmA 2. Remnants of the Chedikia would probably still be active during this period, explaining the mass of destroyed armored vehicles. (I Highly doubt riots can account for ALL those burned out BMPs.) Obviously, the USMC is still present in the region aswell. Prehaps the Infection is actaully an Ex-Soviet biological weapon, stolen and set off by the Chedikia? (Did i spell Chedikia right?) For those wondering about the location of Chernarus, from everything i have seen (Arma II trailer, random arma Websites..) it's located on the uppermost western edge of the Caspian Sea, not far from the Battles around Stalingrad in 1942-43. This is literally pretty much the only feasible location of Chernarus aswell, though asides from the ArmA trailer there is very little concrete evidence on this. It does beg the question though; How did the US Navy get into the Caspian Sea?
  10. thedogfoodyayho

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    Somehow forgot to bump...
  11. Going to start updating the DayZ Wiki with the new weapon attachment system. However, because of the new weapon variants, it is quite hard for one man to find all weapons, modify them, and take screenshots. I need screenshots of as many weapon variants and attachments as possible. Pictures of the (customized) weapon in your hands as you would see it in 1st person, as well as a view of the weapon on the ground, would be very helpful. Also, if anyone happens to know the classnames of the weapons, it would simplify things significantly. Also, pictures of uncustomized new weapons would be helpful, such as the new M14's iron sights. Here I will put some examples of what I need. For attachments, I need inventory pics. I will crop the picture down to the actual attachment and remove the background. Weapons: Any help would be appreciated.
  12. thedogfoodyayho

    DayZ Wiki - Need help getting item icons.

    Uhh, your talk is alien to me.... I'm not exactly well versed in how this stuff works, But I appreciate the time you spent to try to explain it to me...
  13. thedogfoodyayho

    Past DayZ-This is my story.

  14. thedogfoodyayho

    Russian "PARTIZAN" Uniform

    Can I ask you why you think Russians use AK-101s? Is it because of this game? They don't use AK-101s, they use AK-74Ms, which is basically an AK-74 fitted with polymer furniture. This furniture was later used on the EXPORT ONLY AK-101. But back to the original topic - Yeah, it would be cool. But first I think we need CDF uniforms, (though we already have the base clothes, we still need Helmet cover, Hat, etc.) Older soviet camouflage and uniforms like the KLMK, KZS, and M69, and actual soviet Helmets like the SSh-40 and SSh-68. Some modern non-SF Russian stuff would be a good addition too. Soviet-era Tac vests, backpacks, Canteens, Boots, etc. would be awesome as well. The Russian Military probably wouldn't have a large presence in Chernarus, so I think most of their uniforms should be confined to Helicopter crashes and Civilian spawns (As military surplus.)
  15. For those who don't know, The events of Arma II depicted Chernarus in a state of Civil war, with the CDF (Chernarussian Defence Forces) Fighting the Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star (ChDKZ) (A generic Communist guerilla Movement). After the USMC deploys to help the CDF, The Russians invade. Although the Movement was supposedly suppressed, we all know insurgencies don't usually end that quickly (If they ever do). So - How about some Insurgent hideouts? These would be located in Out-Of-The-Way places like Skalka mountain, Black Mountain Castle, And other places up North along the Chernarussian/Russian Federation border, And would be comprised of small military tents, Camo nets and fortifications. Others could be located in Caves around the map. They would spawn older military equipment, Like SKSs, Mosins, and Makarovs, along with smaller amounts of more modern equipment, like the AKM, AK-74, and SVD, and basic survival gear. Some civilian guns would also be found here. Another added bonus is they would give a place for many Military guns that aren't currently in service in Chernarus, But are used by Insurgents, to spawn - Weapons like the PPSh-41, TT pistol, Uzi, VZ-58, RPD, G3, FAL, Ect. And Non-CDF military Clothing, like DPM, BDUs, Soviet-era Khakis, SSH-68 Helmets, and more would plausibly be there.
  16. thedogfoodyayho

    [poll] Please bring back the Burlap Gun Wrap!

    Vasily zaitsev needs his wrap back to hide from facist counter-snipers.
  17. thedogfoodyayho

    Aircraft: Planes

    I will start by saying this. My last post came off as very hostile. That wasn't my intention and my hat is off to you for keeping your cool. When you said building aircraft, i thought you literally meant picking up some pieces of metal, a lawnmower engine and a car seat, welding them together and making them fly, McIver style. Gyro kits and real parts i could support, but i doubt there would be all that many unused parts lying around. Maybe in aircraft hangers and (very rarely) in barns? And yes, i would prefer riding in an armed AN-2 over a open, single-seat copter. Just to many bad experiences with open vehicles... Hoarding vehicles will be much less of a thing in standalone however. The main reason it was so easy in the mod was that there was vast amounts of empty woods up north that were never touched by most people, allowing vast hoards of equipment to be stashed with virtual impunity for months on end. However, there is very little/no un-used space in Chernarus+, and people will be everywhere. On the point of bases though, on the majority of servers, they were indestructible. And even if you got in, everything was locked down in safes. And tents are impossible to hide from aircraft unless hidden in buildings. As i said, trees do not fully render from a distance, and while your tent may look well hidden on the ground, it is quiet easy for any pilot who is paying attention to notice it. I honestly would have no quarrel with Mi-17s and Uh-1s if it wasn't for this. But a small aircraft like a gyro or a Ah-6 would be incapable of carrying off any loot.
  18. thedogfoodyayho

    Aircraft: Planes

    To OP As much as I want to see (some) planes in, many of what you have said is flawed. First off, you seem to refer to Overpoch as "The original DayZ mod" and compare your experiences in it to SA. Overpoch is very, very different than the DayZ mod. The Mod offers a much better look at what is overpowered. The only armed helis in the Mod are the UH-1 and the MI-17, which, armed with single-barreled MGs, stand little chance against an experienced pilot, even if he only has a biplane. and they are only good at suppressing ground targets. In Epoch/Overpoch, there are tons of helis, most of which mount M134s and have more armor. There where (Until recently, with the addition of the DShK truck) also no anti-aircraft weapons in the mod, the closest thing being a MK.48. Also, in Epoch, Bases were, as you said, massive constructions that were usually literally impossible to raid. In vanilla, and in SA, bases are/will be just tents in the woods and barricaded buildings, which don't lock. While from the ground you may think your tent is well hidden, bushes and trees don't render as much from a distance (and thus, from the air) and unnatural objects stick out, even stashes. This is why I don't want helis and small, agile aircraft. As you said however, helis are confirmed and I doubt we'll be able to change their minds. But planes won't be a "saving grace" against these tyrant bandit squads and their vehicles. very, very few people who play DayZ are skilled with fixed wing aircraft. There could be what? 3 or 4 who posses the "skills" you claim to have. It would be much, much, MUCH more effective to simply keep the PKM on the ground and use it as an AA. And about "building" aircraft - Really? do you think the average person, with no knowledge of aerodynamics, can design an airworthy frame, especially without the assistance of experts or even the internet? I highly doubt it. I am not against planes, (Nor am I saying they are OP for combat) but to me it seems you only want planes because you liked flying around and shooting up helicopters and playing flyboy. Adding an extremely complicated system for modular planes isn't worth it if only a handful of people will use it, while the rest just use the plane as a cheap way to find someone's car stash. I think you've got some names mixed up aswell. the AN-22 is a four-engine Soviet cargo plane. what your talking about is the AN-2. This plane I can support being ingame. Maybe with an MG in the door aswell.
  19. thedogfoodyayho

    What about Russian Spam?

    I thought they ate this in Russia
  20. thedogfoodyayho

    New weapon confirmed? VSS Vintorez

    Just saw this on the DayZ Facebook page. It's an unofficial page, and I don't watch the twitter or reddit, So i'm not sure if it's true. Looks legit enough though. For those that don't know, the VSS is a Soviet Full Automatic Silent Sniper rifle. It fires a special 9x39mm subsonic round only used in a few other guns, and is only used by Russian special forces and a few other nations. You could say it's the Soviet's De Lisle carbine - An internally suppressed sniper rifle firing a small round, intended for special forces and useless past 300m. It can take the PSO-1 and uses 10, 20, or 30 round magazines. This will probably lead to several new weapons - the SR-3 or AS VAL, (Submacineguns based on the VSS and using the same magzines) and the OTs-14 Groza, Bullpup AK chambered in 9x39mm. Although I must admit that i'm a bit disappointed that such a rare weapon and round was added instead of the very common 7.62x25 Tokarev.
  21. thedogfoodyayho

    Weapon Discussion: Mauser C/96.

    After over a year of begging, the C/96 seems to be close to release. (Another pic from the DayZ FB page...) For those that don't know, the Mauser C/96 "Broomhandle" Is a 7.63x25mm German semi-automatic handgun that debuted in - You guessed it - 1896. It was the first commercially successful semi-automatic pistol - (Actaully, the first successful semi-automatic weapon I believe) and the first successful Mauser handgun. Although the German military passed it over in favor of the Luger, the C/96 was used the world over during from the early 20th century to the 1950s. Many small nations used it before WWI, And many Russian and British officers purchased the weapon, and the Russian government itself acquired some. During the war, due to a shortage of Lugers, the German military acquired a large amount of C/96s. Later in the war, a version chambered in 9x19mm Luger appeared. To avoid the wrong ammo being loaded, A number nine was carved & painted into the grips. These models became known as the "Red Nine's". Post-war, many were sent to the USSR, And used by both sides during the Russian civil war. During this time, factories in China and Spain began producing copies. It is unknown how many were produced in these countries, but it was probably well over the 1 million produced in Germany. They saw heavy use during WWII, (The full auto m712 was also used during WWII) the Korean and the Vietnam wars, and thereafter fell from military use. Famous people who carried the C/96: Winston Churchill Han Solo Anyway, enough of that. to the actual gameplay. The C/96 (This version is a 9mm) has a 10-round internal magazine, meaning it doesn't need to detachable magazine to be loaded. However, it can use stripper clips if needed, similarly to the Mosin or SKS. This means that if you find a C/96, You can have it at it's full potential without having to spend 3 days finding a magazine. It is also a fairly accurate weapon, owing to it's long barrel and adjustable sights (Which I might add can be zeroed to 1000m...). However, it won't really be that good of a weapon, as it will be slow to load, meaning this will probably be lower-tier weapon. However, because of it's age, it will probably be very rare. A wooden shoulder stock was made for the C/96, which doubled as it's holster. Fitting this would make it a nice little carbine. So go at it. Do you think it will be useful? How common should it be? Should it not be added? Is it not the coolest looking gun ever? DayZ Model Render: A couple C96's with a variety of accessories. Note shoulder stock. This opens up and the gun fits inside.
  22. thedogfoodyayho

    Weapon Discussion: Mauser C/96.

    Maybe, but we need one of these first:
  23. thedogfoodyayho

    Weapon Discussion: Mauser C/96.

    This is the 9x19mm variant. I don't really see them adding any 7.63 ones.
  24. thedogfoodyayho

    Wooden Makarov Grips - Attachment

    Honestly I hate the look of the IJ-70. Those wrap-around PMM grips disgust me, looks like someone tried to turn a 65-year pistol into a tactical accessory. From what I can tell by looking at it, it SHOULD be able to attach standard Wooden/Bakelite Makarov PM grips, to give us the look of that classic DayZ Mod pop gun once again.
  25. thedogfoodyayho

    Wooden Makarov Grips - Attachment

    That would be fine by me, but I've never seen a .380 Makarov with the wood-colored grips, they have black ones. that's why i'm suggesting attachable grips. And with the PMM, they need to make it 12-shot...