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Everything posted by thedogfoodyayho
Yes. It is realistic, but not like your thinking. Just becuase its a Zombie Apocalypse (Fyi, these are infected, alive humans, not undead, which is actually feasible possible) doesn't mean we need Laser Guns and Bullet-proof armor. That's becuase this game is set in a realistic world, that was (Almost) the same as ours. Besides zombies, Several wars, new countries and such, the world is ours. Welcome to Armaverse, DayZ dimension. I find it funny how all Europeans/Ex-Europeanpuppet-type countries think all Americans are 400-pounders with 3rd-grade educations. We think your all snobs - Atleast that seems to be fairly accurate in your case.
Thats the type of thing i want to see. Problem is no one uses radio's and would just shoot down the heli.
There is a .45 Mac but no UZI. Mac usaully fires .380 APC (or something like that, i don't remember) And yes, Scorpion is much better, along with Stechkin. I Would like to see an RPG-7. It makes sense to, as every CDF squad had one or more. Of course, remove Primary weapon slot and Backpack slot, with each rocket being 6x2 in the inventory, meaning it would only be effective when operated by atleast two people. Otherwise, your going to die real fast. As for Full-auto GLs... no. Dushka's, yes, as again, probably as common as the RPG in the CDF. While these may seem "Op" they really aren't. The RPG would mainly only be useful for Ambushes or flushing out enemies, and the Dushka would need atleast 3-4 people to carry it and it's ammo, thus meaning it would be restricted to base defense, prepaired ambushes or prolonged "Sieges" of enemy bases. And Spraying down enemies with it is even harder than with an LMG, becuase it has a low RPM and belt length.
Dude... This isn't a Combat Game. It seems like you want it to be a bit like Minecraft Factions (Minus actaully claiming land) but really... we Don't need clan wars. It will just make the game even more like Wasteland, but people will be bitching about being killed instead of teamkilled, and Lone-Wolfs and new players will be cut down in hoards, with only clans remaining, and since people in clans don't need help, or to team in any way, it will just be 10-Team Deathmatch. At that point, it won't even be a survival game. this won't decrease KoS at all, or increase teaming, or anything like that. Clans like to kill everyone they see, especially fresh spawns and hero's. Clans virtaully never meet in-game, either. Plus, your maps shouldn't Auto-Update. Maybe this is just me but... i think it would be awsome if eventually we can mark stuff on maps, and after killing a guy he has a Customized map, with his custom marks and notes on it. Like, "Big group hanging out in this area alot" and "Raided base here" "Broken-down car" and maybe even "My base" As opposed to Battlefield/Cod style Maps with "Territories" and such.
This really shouldn't be "Gun Disassembly 2014" but some improvement on weapon parts is needed Secound part is Pure CoD.
The Community's List of Suggested Weapons for Dayz Standalone (Version: 1.29)
thedogfoodyayho replied to alexeistukov's topic in Suggestions
Russia still using AKM/AKMS Guy on the left in the right pic appears to have an AKM fitted with AK-74M furniture and a shorter flashider -
Sorry, nope. Its not up to us to make a complete history of the place. The History of chernarus was made up by Bohemia up to 2009 and we can see not much has changed since then. (Apocalypse was in 2017, apparently) Part of the Russian Empire to 1631-1917 then the Soviet union untill 1991 when it became it's own Country. A civil war occurred in 2009 and the Battered CDF was saved by US Special Forces. Russia invaded for some reason i don't remember but was driven out and the Chernarus Government regained control.
Arma 2.
Historically the C96 hasn't had Major problems firing 7.62x25, besides i little lass accuracy and a few more stoppages. Thats neat. Did they have any PPShs, PPs, DP machine guns or SVT-40s?
It would have to be Spray painted. Modern armies don't use such large identification marks, mainly becuase they're giant targets for Insurgents. Maybe some WWII-Cold War era helmets could be in Civilian spawns with these, or if they don't add different slray paint, then i guess just put it in Med Tents.
They're not issued to the Military, but they're much like AKs now, being purchased by terrorists and criminals, and Guerillas. They found they're way into the Yogoslav wars (Although, so did Lewis guns) and probably a few during the Chechen wars and every conflict in the Middle East since the 1990s, and the neighboring Takistan Used FN FALs, and if arma added all the vehicles and weapons jsed by each faction, there undoubtedly would have been G3s.
True, and they also used weapons such as the Reising Model 50, another .45 SMG. But as you said, they were EXTREMELY rare, only used during 1942 when the Red Army was desperately short on weapons of all sorts. After more weapons using standard ammo were available, they became even rarer, being put back into various armories. They were probably destroyed in the recent Destruction of several million Ex-soviet weapons in Russia, along with Winchesters, and IZH-43s.
Soviet-Era Abandoned Submarine Repair Base
thedogfoodyayho replied to Lumeria's topic in Suggestions
Great idea. I just don't see any place it could actaully fit on the map, seeing as these bases were masskve, probably around Elecktro size. Maybe just a Beached sub. Some custom loot should spawn there, to, like Russian Navy blue/white striped shirts, Navy hats, and Radioactive protection gear (Which is carried on nuclear submarines, just in case) and just imagine firefights on the Sub... I personally want some derelict ships to be Random events, much like heli crash sites, that could be boarded for loots. -
Yup. I Don't think they care about what's in it at all, besides the calibers. I mean, really... the AK was atleast useable at E3, yet it's apparently several weeks out still. We have 2 Russian guns, one Czech gun, and only 5 guns that fit the setting. Truthfully i'm thinking we won't get a Makarov becuase it doesn't use 9x19mm. (There are alot of guns using 9x18mm, though, like the APS and such) Maybe not even the Tokarev... but if they are adding a C96, then it should be 7.63.. then we atleast get 3 possible Tokarev-compatible weapons that are popular with the community. (TT, PPS or PPSh, and C96) and i'm sure we won't get a Nagant 1895, sadly, becuase a Python is soooooo much more common.
Uhhh... no. It wouldn't burst. It would have a Very, very slight decrease in accuracy. During WWII the Germans used 7.63 in Tokarevs and Russian SMGs, and when the Germans captured 7.62 stocks they were of course used in C96's. Most C96's used Post-WWII have been loaded with 7.62x25 becuase it is extremly plentiful and cheap. And in Chernarus, where 7.62x25 would be widely used... It also adds a huge chance of the Tokarev being added if another gun can share it's ammo. Ontop of that, the Majority of C96's were 7.63
Dude... there are two Military guns ingame. They're adding an AK, and many more civ weapons along the way.
Definitely. Aslong as we don't have it so you just find random gun parts and no full weapons. I hope you don't mean building actaul, reliable, not-gonna-blow-up-in-yoz-face guns
They made 37 Million Mosins, 6 Million PPSh's, Nearly 3 Million PPS's, Over two million Nagant 1895s, compaired to 300,000 Winchesters, which a likely amount of 50 thousand are actaully still functional, Almost all likely in the US, since they were Re-imported. The facts remain that very few/none have been seen in Russia in 85 Years, since after the civil war they were Locked up by the new Soviet Union. Very few, if any are going to turn up, and if they do, they would be to Valuable to fire, if even fireable at all. Your seriously more likely to find a Blazer outside a museum. They're compairable to finding something like a fully-functioning WWI-rea Maxim in someone's house. Hell, they sent Lewis guns to Russia around they same time, how about we add those to? And how about a few Fedorov 1916s? Those are so common, afterall.
I don't see why you would even need to make a quiver from bark. It would be easy just to convert a Burlap sack into one, which is a very common drop in barns, so staying away from cities would still be an option. It may not look pretty, but its more durable, easier to make and i doupt many people know how to make Quivers from wood. Looks more trouble than it'd be worth. But by that time, you've already found a gun and 50rnds. I like the knife, though. We do have to think about a point where the game stops being fun. Currently, i spend 50% of my in-game time running, 35% looting, 10% in combat and 5% eating/drinking/bandaging, ect. If food is extremly rare, then i will have to spend atleast 35% of time hunting, and if getting wet becomes a gigantic deal, another 15% hiding in a building from the scary rain. Don't get me wrong, i want more survival aspects, but it seemssome people want the game to be: Hunt pigs, cook meat, find canteen, hide from rain, fill canteen, boil water - Wait, i'm hungry again. Hunt pig, cook meat, run 50 feet, hide from rain. Loot shed. Oh wait - i'm thristy again. Find water, boil water, run to small village. Find empty tin can. I'm hungry again. How does that sound fun? To me, i might aswell play Packman. The core aspect of this game was never Survival. The general idea was, true, but ever since the mod came out the "Core" was never Survival in that way of thinking. It's been about surviving people, zombies, and bugs. In my opinion, Zed survival should be the Core. Afterall, this IS a zombie survival, not Bear Grilles.
So, Currently, your base Character is absolutely no different than a player who has been alive since release. Since the story is that you've washed up from a Ship or Plane wreck, wouldn't you be "Soft" from being on the ship that long? My suggestions here are to add more reasons to stay alive, without being unrealistic or OP. Humans are mentally fragile. We can't go around getting shot at and just be fine. After your first few Firefights, Zed attacks, and especially kills, you should Vomit after coming down from the adrenaline rush. Also, this shpuld increase during Night fights. I'm not suggesting this to reduce PvP, it goes both ways. If a bunch of bullets land near you, and blow someone next to you's head off, splattering brains around tge room, your not going to be fine. However, after you see this a few times, your player will get less and less likely to get sick afterwards. During your first and secound firefight and Zombie encounters, your player should panic, reducing your accuracy, increasing sway, ect. Bodies. Giant piles of them are all around Elecktro. While they might not appear so, Irl they would be torn apart. Unlike getting in combat, your not going to have an Adrenaline rush, so you'll vomit after looting or being near Bodies. Again, after being around them more, your character will become more resistant to vomiting until they won't at all. Hearing. After many hours in-game, your character may say "I think i hear someone nearby" or "I hear footsteps." But zombies will also activate this. Also, you may be able to say "I hear Shotgun fire" or "I think i hear a Pistol fireing". This would also help Deaf players. More tolerance to pain. Hopefully, Pain from getting shot will have some effect in the future, reducing your vision, accuracy, running speed, ect. But getting injured and healed several times will begin to reduce this effect. Faster running/Getting in shape. If we've been sitting on a ship for months, even years, we probably won't be able to run across the entire South Zorgia with no breaks. At first, ypu should be able to sprint no more than two minutes, but continuing to Rest, move, repeat and keeping up a healthy diet would increase the speed you can run. Also, if you continue to keep jogging after being extremely worn out You'll eventually collapse. From sitting for long periods, you shpuld be Stiff, especially if you were lying on the the ground. This reduces a Sniper's ability to dash off after firing a shot. These are all things that you end up.doing in-game, and each scenario you survive will get you closer to a "Perfect" Survivor, who is resistant to pain, fatigue, and panic, and able to run long distances. This is all i can think of right now, but i'll be happy to put up anyone else's ideas as long as they're not ridiculous, game breaking, or pointless.
No player list and no # of players when joining server.
thedogfoodyayho replied to smashingkivi's topic in Suggestions
No. Something does need to done about empty server looting, though. But this is not the solution. I try to play on servers with no more than 25 but no less than 15 players. Now, before you go bitching about "hez nobs cawrdz", i actively search for players and stay in high-ish pop areas. Why do i play on these? Becuase full servers are complete CoD-style warfare. Typically people playing on mid-pop servers are less likely to be dicks, and you have less Spawnkillers, Loggers, and Kamikaze fresh spawns. With this, it would be literally impossible to find a server i like. And your solution "Hide empty servers"? I haven't seen an empty server in 3 weeks. Whenever i log into a server with less than 10 people (Usaully to test any new stuff, or when i get stuck in a glitch and want to fix it without getting shot while trying to get out.) I never see anyone, even when i once ran up the coast on a 7-player server. This system will just confuse and anger people. Want random? Close your eyes and click a server, and don't press P. -
You may know it as a Stechkin Fully-Automatic Machine Pistol
Yes, i have one. But wait... 91/30, or one of the Tsarist rifles? But, they didn't break wrists. Their history starts in 1917 - Russian Empire. The Russian revolution is in full swing, and a shortage of Nagant revolvers for the Bolsheviks has resulted in a new weapon - The Obrez (Meaning "Cut") was used extensively during the Russian Civil War, and since then, due to handgun restrictions, have been illegally crafted in many Eastern countries. And if a 14.5mm doesn't dislocate your shoulder, this won't break your rist.