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Everything posted by thedogfoodyayho

  1. thedogfoodyayho

    AKM Sneak peak close to being implemented

    Answer is simple regarding damage. 7.62x39 - More damage up front, more common, more recoil, more noise. 5.45x39 - Slightly less up front damage, but more bleeding, (Due to internal wounds), greater chance of infection, higher pain to targets, more accurate, less recoil, less noise. Internal bleeding? So, if your going inti a building, you want an AKM to take down your target faster. But the AK-74 is more of what you want if you only have time to get one shot into the target, as after they're in cover, they will be forced to bandage, take painkillers, ect, and if they don't, then they'll probably die after half an hour. If something like internal bleeding is added, then that should be a major factor with this gun. In Afghanistan, the Mujahadeen nicknamed the 5.45 as "The poison bullet" becuase few who were hit by it survived more than a few days. That should certainly be something to worry about in SA.
  2. thedogfoodyayho

    Warsaw Pact Weapon Attachments

    You can't mount Underfolding stocks on guns other than the AKS or AKMS without modification, same with the Side folding for non-AKS-74/AK-74M/AK-100. It can be done, but it's not just E-Z stock replacement like with the M4. PSO-1 in development Along with Mosin clips.
  3. thedogfoodyayho


    Once the game itself is actaully difficult, then i'de be all for this. But no NPCs, just to useless to be anything but free gear. They should lower loot spawn for it, though, and delete your body after death. Why? Becuase there are times i want to play legit without having to worry about not being able to see the guy who is punching me becuase i Don't have my Gamma up, or not worry about using a flashlight becuase its going through walls, and don't mention hackers. And then there are times i don't have internet connection. Once zeds are done, the game won't be such a Pvp-only type anymore, anyway. Zeds will be your main threat, aslong as your in cities. It will be hard enough.
  4. thedogfoodyayho

    Vehicles that they should add.....

    Theres also all the old guns. They're just there. They won't be using the old textures or models, becuase they'll be completely redoing vehicle mantaince
  5. thedogfoodyayho


    CoD map's are to small even for grenades. The reason people want this is for Clan combat, which it could be fun for, but protecting and supporting a DshK or even an RPG or a Support gunner with a PKM would probably be better, and less OP, and might be something bandits would pick up irl. I'de rather not have clans being the only way to play, and if you tried lone-wolfing, you would be blown up by Mortars and T-72s. I don't see how that's fun at all.
  6. thedogfoodyayho


    Not really. Every Battalion has a Platoon of several Mortars. But there isn't enough room in all the bases combined on the map for a Battalion.
  7. thedogfoodyayho

    Altȳn Ballistic Helmet

    Although i would agree with this being added, the CDF was equipped with PASGT (MICH's predecessor), so it probably would be the "Most common helmet" in Chernarus. But the Earlier days of the CDF, and before that, the Soviet Army, almost defiantly used SSh-40 and 68 Helmets. I personally think the Ssh-40 is a much better-looking helmet (WWII-era) and would be just as common, if not more so, than the later SSh-68. They were also used all the way through to the Russian Federation.
  8. thedogfoodyayho

    Vehicles that they should add.....

    We'll probably see everything from the mod, like the Skoda, GAZ Volga, VAZ, UAZ-469, Ural-430(Or whatever), S1203, ect. But for more variety, KraAZ trucks, GAZ-66, GAZ-69, GAZ-21 Volga, Zil-157, and maybe a BRDM or BMP command vehicle (Dummy gun, PKT (Pkm) mounted in exposed position) or a Parade T-34/85, with no functional weaponry, but white-lined roadwheels and such.
  9. thedogfoodyayho


    An RPG would be a much better and less OP option. On wasteland, Mortars were extremely expensive pieces, but once set up were virtaully impossible to find. And, (realistically) they had a very long range, something like Stary-Elektro. Implementing them would be extremely hard to, especially to do it realistically and for something as impractical and game breaking, it would be a huge waste of resources. While the RPG wouldn't be to hard or OP, and HE warheads would be perfect for clearing out sniper nests and for ambushes up to 800 odd Meters. And, they wouldn't be OP if they replaced backpacks and primary slot. Only useful if atleast two players are around to Fire and carry ammo.
  10. we'll probably get something more like this: That's the PKM. it's lighter, more reliable and all around better than the M60, and was the standard Warsaw pact GPMG and is still the most common GPMG in former pact countries. It fires 7.62x54, same as the Mosin, and aside from the SVD is the most common gun that uses this ammo still in military use. For some reason, the M240 was used in the mod instead, but:
  11. Top: Ak-74 bottem: AK-103 only external difference is magazine. the AK-103 comes with the same flashider as the AK-74, but the one in the pic is a custom one. plus, finish doesn't wear off like that in a few years. It isn't an AK-103, I can tell you that.
  12. thedogfoodyayho

    Firearm looting suggestion,scavage hunting

    It takes a long time. There are stories of AKs being left on the jungle floor in Vietnam for years, and when found were still functional. And there are even reports of them being buried with their operators, and when discovered, still worked. And that was in a highly-damp and muddy jungle. A Mosin, which will never fail to fire, and is about as simple as it gets, lying in an enclosed office building could last for a hundred years. An M4 on a bunk in a Barracks, while not quite as long, isn't going to stop working after a few months. Anyway - finding a working gun is far from "Highly unlikely" in a place like Chernarus.
  13. They just saw the CoD version. For God sakes, it isn't even a military shotgun, its not full auto either!
  14. thedogfoodyayho

    Medic Helmet and other forms of visual ID

    Finally, someone who knows what a bandit is. Try the mod now on a Hive server. There are few bandits (Depending on the server) except the Elektro ones. Inland or anywhere else, most everyone is friendly. This is becuase the real 'Bandits' went on to SA, while more noobish players who are only in it for killing fresh spawns don't like not being able to find guns. Anyway, even before SA i never had a huge problem with 'Bandits' except for the occasional Fresh-Spawn killer or people at NWAF. Now i rarely see bandits on the Mod. But SA might aswell be Battlefield.
  15. thedogfoodyayho

    Abandoned utility building - Gunsmith (Hear me out, please)

    Chernarus seems to have few gun laws. Seeing as in Arma civilians had fucking AKMs. And they also have guns in SA, so.. it is similar to the US.
  16. thedogfoodyayho

    Bolt action operation....

    +1 Also, mosin's don't self reload when you throw shells at the Maazine. You really have to actaully push them down in.
  17. thedogfoodyayho

    Territory Control

    Man.. i've always dreamed of a game like that. I thought i found it with DayZ, but the map just doesn't seem giant when you can tell where you are by a rock. Mine is worse. I know them all irl. One doesn't get to play like at all, secound is Suicidal - He jumps out of my BTR going 75Km/h to attack a tank with a DMR, and only wants to PvP. And i always have bad luck with the third untill recently, when we have been tearing up epoch. And theres only been one time we've all been on at once And only one has SA. So i'm pretty much a lone wolf.
  18. They don't use Ak-100s. It seems to have a different flash hider than them anyway. Plus, it's finish is worn off. Not something that happens to fast. It may be an even older AK, cuass it doesn't have an M receiver. Also, AK-103s are virtaully identical to AK-74Ms. Rails can be fitted onto them with modifications, same with the stock. Anyway, i saw more than just those two by googling "Russian invasion of Ukraine" Including a Suppressed AKM. That was the only one that was a bit different than both.
  19. thedogfoodyayho

    Zombies wont die until hit/shot the the head

    Wtf - where was this taken? My grandfather told me about something like this happening when he was a kid in the '50s or early '60s. He even showed me parts from the plane(s) he found. But i think that pilot is screwed.
  20. thedogfoodyayho

    Zombies wont die until hit/shot the the head

    The Melee system is far to clunky, and they can't really expand and it much more. It's different irl, where you can actaully "Aim" for where you want to hit, but if zeds are like this, than Melee will be useless. Dissagre? Go try hitting aggroed zeds with an axe Also - in all the Headshot only zombies, they're also very slow, and don't bob up and down. Hitting something running full speed at you while bobbing up and down just isn't feasible. Thus, the only way to kill zeds would be to kill them when they stop to hit you (=Auto injure) or when they haven't been agroed you could get up close and Headshot/Screwdriver them. Slow zombies are really no threat unless they trap you inside. While Irl they would grab you, ingame you could run through a hoard and out the other side, becuase Zed AI and melee system is Clunky. So - No. I would support zombies being as strong or stronger than players though. One .45 kills them but it takes 8 for a player (Really stupid - 4 sounds better) so their health is even lower than the mod (4500 zed vs 12000 player) Even if these weren't problems, i would still say no, becuase Dead people riseing up me sounds like something Hippies made up - Oh wait, they did.
  21. thedogfoodyayho

    Pistols and mags

    People in Chernarus are poor as shit, and can't afford a $1000 .45 (Or $4000 Blazer, either) to shoot targets as they need their guns to put food on the table. Rifles are Cheaper, more effective, and in the case of the Mosin/SKS ammo is pouring out of Warehouses in the formor Warsaw Pact as they are replaced by 5.45 or 5.56 and 7.62x51. Ontop of that, they made 37 Million Mosin's, compaired to (One of the most common pistols) 2-3 Million TT-33s, 2 Million Nagant Revolvers, and probably alot less than 50,000 FNXs so far. Mosins sell for around $100USD and ammo is around $5USD for a 20rnd paper package, straight from "Spam Cans", while SKSs are around $500USD but ammo is more expensive in the US than elsewhere. In chernarus, these weapons where actaully used, they are probably cheaper. And for actaul use in Chernarus, Pistols probably came secound to rifles.
  22. thedogfoodyayho

    Shooting from Vechicles with guns

    +1, but suggested a billion times before. This is a necessity for vehicles. Always bugged me in the mod, being completely defenceless on the back of an ATV, inside a car, bed of a ural (And hopefully pickups) while a heli let down streams of M240 fire, or a HMMV rammed me until my wheels popped. But the driver shouldn't be able to shoot unless the vehicle isn't moving. We should also be able to tosd Explosives out... For any Fwiends who are following.
  23. thedogfoodyayho

    disabling weapons when abandoned

    I don't understand... why would that increase abusive admins? OP For reasons already stated. HELL NO