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About thedogfoodyayho

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    Rouge Survivor

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    Blowing your brains out, and eating them.

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  1. thedogfoodyayho

    Let us add our own OST files!

    Rocket talked about this in 2013 during a live stream, haven't heard anything about it since.
  2. thedogfoodyayho

    Sa-58 Rate of fire, other weapon changes

    I figured that was the case myself, just wish they would do some fact checking.
  3. thedogfoodyayho

    Sa-58 Rate of fire, other weapon changes

    accidentally posted in announcements, please move to Mod suggestions whenever possible.
  4. In real life, the Vz-58 has a rate of fire of about 800 RPM. for some reason, in arma this is reduced to around 600 RPM. The rate of fire was fixed in the ArmA 2 ACE Mod, as can be seen in the video below: Changing the rate of fire would set the Sa-58 apart from the AKM, which it is more or less identical to atm. Speaking on the AKM... Something that really bugs me is that the AKM was renamed to "AK-47M". In reality, no weapon known as the "AK-47M" ever existed. Actually, in the Soviet Army, the "AK-47" was designated simply as "AK", with "AK-47" being a western name for the type. In 1959, the Soviets introduced the "AKM". Basically this was an AK-47 made out of stamped steel. The majority of AKs encountered are infact AKMs, with original "AK-47s" being extremely rare. The model in-game is clearly an AKM, and was named as such until a few updates ago. As someone interested in guns, whenever i see the name "AK-47M", i think of cheap airsoft AKs with plastic rails attached to them - which makes me want to both laugh and cringe at the same time. My recommendation is to restore the original (correct) name if you care at all for realism. And, speaking of realism... From my experience, the Mosin is only doing about 5000 damage for round, whereas the PKM and SVD (Which use the same round) do 8000. I can't be sure on this, but it seems the mosin always takes at least 3 hits to kill a player. The mosin SHOULD be doing 8000 damage, alongside the PKM, SVD, DMR, M24, M240, ect. currently it is worse to the Lee-Enfield, which fires an inferior .303 round. Lastly, something that makes no sense to me is the use of a British skin for the generic "Soldier Skin". This British were never in Chernarus in ArmA 2, and it really doesn't make sense that Modern British uniforms would be spawning in Chernarussian fire stations and Military bases. My suggestion is to either: ~Replace the British skin in common lootpiles with "Camo Clothing", which is also British but less obviously so, and move "Soldier Clothing" to crash sites only, especially British crash sites. ~Add Chernarussian (CDF) Soldier clothing in place of the British skin. ~Move British clothing to crash sites only, and add Chernarussian soldier clothing to common loot piles. This would be my preferred solution, as the CDF skins are pretty nice and fit with Chernarus's lore.
  5. thedogfoodyayho

    Getting kicked out from game at start

    Are you trying to play vanilla? If so, the way i fixed it was: Install DayZ Mod on steam, launch it, copy the IP of the server you want from DayZ Launcher, and paste it into "remote" in the in-game server browser. If that doesn't work, run steam as admin and try again.
  6. thedogfoodyayho

    DayZMod 1.8.8

    Awesome, gonna jump on later tonight.
  7. thedogfoodyayho

    All Time Low Population

    Haven't seen any since 2014. They all moved to arma 3 )))
  8. thedogfoodyayho

    All Time Low Population

    Just come back to the mod. Still getting a major updated every few months, with a new update featuring the return of base building about to hit here soon...
  9. thedogfoodyayho


    The good old days ))) Gamma fix is diffidently needed. Night time used to be a scary experience in DayZ, but after you discover Gamma it's basically shitty-looking daytime. And i'm not going to put myself at a disadvantage against players who are using the exploit by not using it myself.
  10. thedogfoodyayho

    Vanilla Dayz Bandit Squad

    Aye Been playing since 2013 as well. I usually play more like bandit unless the opportunity presents itself to team up. I have over 2000 hours in-game so i know what i'm doing. I play Vanilla (As in US 434, without any added scripts or anything) and occasionally hop on Origins or a PvP server just to have some fun. I have Skype and TS. Add me on steam: Name is Lizardpile. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097559368/games/?tab=all
  11. thedogfoodyayho

    On the usefulness of handguns and shotguns

    I don't think anyone here is saying handguns should be as good as rifles. But ten-twelve rounds to the chest with a 9mm just to kill a man is a bit ridiculous. IMO a 9mm in DayZ should do about 2500 damage at the muzzle and a .45 should do about 3500. The velocity should degrade very quickly, but they would be able to be of some use at close range. Shotguns should do somewhere around 7000-9000 damage per slug at the muzzle, but again this would degrade very quickly. Pellets are fine as they are IMO. Shotguns are actually decent weapons in DayZ, especially in cities, but slug ammunition is pretty much useless, especially if you've got a double-barreled - even if you get two hits, you have to reload and hit the target again to get a kill. If i carry a shotgun in DayZ i usually carry about 30-40 pellet rounds (ideally) and maybe 16 slugs for emergencies. The Winchester basically fires shotgun slugs (Similar damage, range, ect) but it does it faster and with twice the magazine capacity.
  12. thedogfoodyayho

    Farvourite sightseeing locations

    Just a unique, red-brick bridge over a creek. pretty neat looking.
  13. thedogfoodyayho

    Farvourite sightseeing locations

    Skalka mountain (far NW corner of the map), Willow and Black lakes, Bridge west of Vybor, and Rog castle are my favorites.
  14. thedogfoodyayho

    On the usefulness of handguns and shotguns

    That was why i figured it was a headshot. The only reason i even realized i killed him was due to the humanity drop. I was just firing as fast as the rifle could above the firestation in an attempt to suppress the guy, and once my buddy actually got over there he found him lying dead on the roof. Hella' good luck if you ask me.
  15. thedogfoodyayho

    On the usefulness of handguns and shotguns

    The current in-game model for winchester ammo is an original 19th-century style cardboard box that is marked .44 Henry. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=4 As for the Wiki, i added information on the new weapon attachments and some other new stuff awhile back. I didn't know how much damage the pistols did, so i left them as-is. Interesting story Gews. The Enfield is still probably one of my favorite in-game weapons. One shot is guaranteed to knock the target unconscious and it's quite accurate up to about 400. The only other guns i'd take over it would be an M16A2/A4, an FAL (provided there was ample ammunition) or an M14, or pretty much any sniper. I once pulled off a headshot just shy of 1000m on a guy who was ontop the NWAF firestation using one. Complete luck, i was just trying to suppress the guy while my buddy flanked. 77348806