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Everything posted by Krid

  1. Where have it gone? I miss you.
  2. Krid

    Canada 1/2

    Still can't find them.
  3. Me and 3 friends where chilling in cherno. Suddenly a random person logs onto the highest tower in cherno. He killed norrmaN and taf.Pallywalf. My fourth friend arrived to cover the bodies together with me, i was sitting ont he second highest point to cover. All of nowhere Geturoverdoz screams "hes here again!". He got killed by the same guy and i managed to down him. He kept coming up with around 2-3 minutes in between. He had the same gear every time. I could only see him wearing a ghilli suite and some form of machine gun. Time it happened: ~ 03:30 UTC+2 Cheaters name: {SE} Ginlchimary Server: UK22 I managed to take multiple screenshots: [attachment=1917] [attachment=1918] [attachment=1919] [attachment=1920]
  4. Krid

    Cheater caught on UK 22

    Thanks for the reponse!
  5. Krid

    No info on Satchal Charges?

    i tried to blow up the rax with it. it didnt get destroyed :(
  6. Also have had problems with my tents
  7. Krid

    SA2 Admin Foul Play

    Post location of their camp also! Ban those abusive motherfucks.
  8. Krid

    DE6 Info and Discussions

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=8463 A community/player
  9. Krid

    Always log in unconscious

    Most likely because of the "shock" state. Play for at least 5 minutes before you log out and you should be fine.
  10. Tentception yeah. It seems like if you put tents inside already placed tents, they disapear, despawn or something. Only thing so far a tent aint capable of storing from my experience. Is this intented or is it just me?
  11. Krid

    Ghillie Suit

    It will be an item in your inventory.
  12. Krid

    NVG and GPS questions.

    I've also been able to see 1 guy on the map, a fairly accurate marker(he was 2 minutes away from me when i was looking at the map). Neither him or me had a GPS tho.
  13. Krid

    DE6 Info and Discussions

    Seems like MH had an internal problem.
  14. I will quit if they remove 3rd person.
  15. my atv is gone now also T_T
  16. Here is some of the reasons why you can't host at home: 1.) Bandwidth. My 50-player server regularly uses between 10-15MBit/s UPLOAD and around 5-7.5MBit/s DOWNLOAD. Why won't this work at home..? I have 100/100, i usally upload somwhere near 3-5tb each months via torrents. Bandwidth problem???? a.) Asymmetrical/Half-duplex. Most home connections, like Cable (DOCSIS) and *DSL (BT Infinity is VDSL2) are asymmetrical and cannot recieve and send data at the same speed. They are also not 'full duplex' in the true sense. What this means is as soon as you start to strain your download, your upload WILL suffer. I have 100/100 fibrewhere i am now, it's 100% bullshit this. Yes i also have VDSL2. b.) Technology. Cable technology (DOCSIS) works by you and your neighbors sharing download/upload. If your ISP is up to date and running DOCSIS 3 equipment, we're talking 800MBit/s per stream, but it's usually shared by 200+ apartments/houses with the expectation that noone will actually use what they're paying for. This works fine when everyone is at work, or sleeping, but goes to shit during the evenings when everyone starts surfing YouToob. This is why ISP:s have bandwidth restrictions etc. You'll also have way higher ping than a fiber optic connection. Usually something like 30-50ms depending on the amount of repeaters between you and the CMTS. From from true for everyone. I currently play on a 120ping US server that's more smooth then a bad specced EU one with 40. *DSL does not share bandwidth, but it's just generally shitty. Upload bandwidth is really crap, it's too reliant on good copper telephone cables and distance to the teleco station. If you've got open air telephone cables even weather and wind will affect the stability of your connection. Even in a country like Sweden, which has a really good PSTN network, DSL usually has to run with interleaving on to be stable, which increases latency by 16-32ms. Not true to everyone. c.) Dynamic IPs. This kills any discussion of home servers right away. Hosting a server REQUIRES your IP to be whitelisted. You won't get a IP block whitelisted, only _ONE_ IP. As soon as it changes your server will stops working and you might have to spend 3-4 days convincing a developer to update your IP. They have better things to do than updating whitelist IPs all day, so i'm guessing after 1-2 updates they'll just tell you to go fuck off and get a static IP. Easily countered with no-ip. 2.) CPU usage. The ArmA2 dedicated server eats CPU. My server has a 4.2GHz 'Ivy Bridge', and ArmA2 maxes out one core, and 50% on a second. Quite possibly you could still play DayZ on the same computer, however... I have 2500k@5ghz. A dedicated server(i7 920 @ 4.4ghz). Problem? No 3.) Dedication. DayZ servers needs to be open to the public and online 24/7. You can't turn it off because it's slowing down your compiling or your lady-friend thinks the fan-noise is disturbing your romantic friday dinner. Torrenting is out of the question as it rapes your internet connection with a barbed dildo. Arma 2, with modding is nothing new. It's not harder to manage a DayZ server then a HLDS server really.
  17. Tents should always be deleted when their owners die' date=' IMO. [/quote'] That's plain retarded. I play with friends and we share our stuff, equipment and beans. People that "alpha go qq" is the stereotypical 30 min survivor with NOTHING to loose. you underestimate how many hours have been put into filling those tents with gear. I had 7 legit tents packed with only military loot and that shit took me a good 1.5 week just to find the tents.