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Everything posted by Ustor

  1. And, rocket, is it cheat, if i move my HDD to RAM with program?
  2. Rocket, good joke, but what's about realy notebook? I posted, how it plays into Crysis. Hi-norm.
  3. THINK~ 02 Nov 2013 14 Nov 2013 04 Jul 2013 What else? In russian?
  4. Dear admin, look, aur admin's full of water! I just think i can transfer into russian, I understand, but i can't say russian people, i have not english at all. I think my translation not for. I write so, like debil in language.
  5. Dear Administrator, I asken question. Thread cleaned. Slavik - ok, notebooks - ok, what else? :(
  6. Ustor

    November Round-up

    They are tesing, lika ma grandma pie testing. M-m-m...
  7. Ustor

    November Round-up

    ~yes, but notebooks are not minimum system, there are minimum, average, good and so on. A can play Crysis23 for example on maxm with 30+fps. I think developers have different notebooks so they can test and say. Sorry for eng.
  8. Ustor

    November Round-up

    For admins, don't kill this: Please, guys 1) even pigin english is too literature for me 2) i can't create theme buy registred only for several questions, wich a important We all know there a a lot of people with notebooks, with gamenotebooks. I have 3630QM, 660M, 8GB, no SSD. I think, this is good for developers say us also notebooks processors and videocards in requarnents. I'd like if you say this rocket. My english is very bed, i'm sorry.