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7 Neutral

About SmokenScion

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. SmokenScion

    Expert/Mercenary/Hardcore Servers Are Empty

    Name tags identify hackers.
  2. SmokenScion

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    Namalsk is even better, And TS is great. Will def be donating for spawning with gear.
  3. SmokenScion

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    Loved Fallujah always day 120 Vehicles. Sad to see it go. The Always Day time made it really enjoyable at any time, any timezone.
  4. SmokenScion

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    I know, I've posted here, Sent an Email, and poked them in Teamspeak.
  5. SmokenScion

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    ZeroZen? It's 5cuba5teve!
  6. SmokenScion

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    Best Server Around, Awesome Admins!
  7. SmokenScion

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    was having a grand ole time on your server, unfortunately it's locked now. In case you want me to sign up in a forums I'll gladly proceed to that site if i had the address......
  8. SmokenScion

    Banned by admin for stealing Huey

    which server was it?
  9. SmokenScion

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    DUMP BARBED WIRE, Useless, and the Dead Soldier models too.
  10. SmokenScion

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Like the Crock of shit Ravaged became. Over hyped paid for free to play. weeee
  11. SmokenScion

    KOS will always be a "problem" and this is why

    I'll shoot the sherriff.
  12. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Atschy/
  13. http://http://www.veengle.com/v/v7krb
  14. http://arma2.swec.se/game/data/5739142