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Everything posted by Sanderr

  1. Sander's application. In-game name: Sanderr Age: 15 Location and Time Zone: The Netherlands, GMT+1 How long have you played ArmA?: I have played Arma for over a year now. How long have you played DayZ?: I also played Dayz for about a year or so. What skills do you possess that may help the group?: I am a friendly guy who likes to play Dayz with a team, I have been in a clan before but that one broke up and now I want to be in a new one. I am good at driving, shooting, looting. I am also a good listener and good at taking orders. Do you have the time to spend with the group (minimum 2 days a week): I am online almost everyday of the week. Is there anything interesting about you?: Not really. Anything you want us to know?: I have a bit of a squeeky voice, I act mature though.