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About Cuchulain

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  1. Cuchulain

    1.81 UK410 now live

    hahahaha I learned a valuable lesson the feathermen were not born to have wheels!!!!!!
  2. Cuchulain

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

    UK410 live 2302
  3. Cuchulain

    1.81 UK410 now live

    Hi Jock as far as im aware it'll be on Dayz commander asap , if you have any problems etc pop into and i'll help you out man. Cuchulain
  4. Cuchulain

    1.81 UK410 now live

    UK410 now live with 1.8.1 Vanilla 80 slot server active admins http://www.gamingrepublic.co.uk/index.php?/topic/947-uk410-181-going-live/ :D:D:D:D Cuchulain
  5. Cuchulain

    Arma 2 DayZ Good Servers?

    Hi man , Well seeing as you are newish to the experience i'd try a vanilla server which is the basic dayz for the learning curve pop into uk410 anytime man 2302
  6. UK410 is the one 2302
  7. Awesome man really nice additions , I cant believe how well this runs on my piece of s**t pc
  8. uk410 vanilla and proud 2302
  9. Cuchulain

    DayZ "Vanilla" Servers

    02 CallSend SMSAdd to SkypeYou'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype
  10. Cuchulain

    Dayz Vanilla mod

    Join UK410 vanilla man
  11. Cuchulain

    Dayz mod 1.8.1 status

    n1 phew ffs crusade you do not have my beans for scaring me like that. :emptycan: its a tin of tesco 12 cent dogfood for you
  12. Hi Guys , So sick of seeing vanilla in titles and you get in only to get hit in the face with an as50 from 40km away , modded buildings , tropic thunder zombies, meh , We at UK410 are true vanilla just the way it was meant to be the hard grind , the sickness the moral decline the redemption.We have just completely overhauled the server and it is now back playing with tip top fps . Admins are always active with a good diversity of players .Pop in and say hello. Cuchulain
  13. Cuchulain

    DayZ "Vanilla" Servers

    Hi Guys , Great to see a discussion on this like you all I am fed up with the abuse of the Public Hives another great vanilla server is UK410 public vanilla , it has just been upgraded with blur gamings anti hack filters . Regards Richie
  14. Hi , UK410 Vanilla/Public still going strong , Check us out on , We have just upgraded the anti hacks , Let us know what you think!!! Admins are always plus active Friendly / Unfriendly players :D Regards Cuchulain