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Everything posted by Macdeth

  1. Macdeth

    Read first before you complain about other players

    I would say you are wrong. in fact using the word friendly could be described as an act of cowardice, or an attempt to dupe someone into lowering their guard. the word friendly is not a magic incantation that renders the user of the word immune to slaughter, in fact I often kill players BECAUSE they use this cowardly and unoriginal word instead of exercising a little imagination and thinking about the words they choose to use. 'Friendly friendly, don't shoot I'm friendly' just don't cut it I'm afraid to say. Stupidity and lack of imagination and courage are all punishable by death in the post apocalyptic landscape as far as I see it.
  2. Macdeth

    Read first before you complain about other players

    firstly show me where I said your style of play was unoriginal. I think you'll find if you reread my post I was clearly referring to your original post. and I am neutral, I allow other survivors to decide their own fates by observing and then acting in accordance with their behaviour.
  3. Macdeth

    Read first before you complain about other players

    nothing new here. Just recycled thoughts in support of a play style presented in an unoriginal and dim witted way.
  4. when you say 'justified' I think you are making the common mistake of giving a fuck about what others may think of you. Does executing them feel like the right thing to do for you? If it does then do it and move on, if it doesn't let 'em go and move on. Definitely do not worry about justifying anything to anybody ever.
  5. Macdeth

    My unlikely KOS hero

    you know, girl gamers often get a bad press, they have something of an unfair reputation for being bad at games and always seeking to take advantage of certain nerdy male types desperate eagerness to react like a fawning idiot at the very sound of a female voice. I am afraid to say this video absolutely reinforces those unhelpful stereotypes.
  6. Macdeth

    Why Are Servers 70+USD?

    if you and your friends cant scrape together $2.10 a day forget about getting a server and get a fucking paper round
  7. staying alive is it's own reward.
  8. not at all I trust only myself unconditionally and present others with the opportunity to earn it. I take few chances and am very usually correct in my decision making, however whenever there is doubt shots do ring out.
  9. Trust. That most elusive of commodities. If you lack the ability to read a situation then you will often find yourself making the wrong choices when it comes to who you can and who you can't trust. There is no magic formula. First you need to trust yourself and your own instincts, then go with what your gut tells you.
  10. When I hear the words friendly in direct chat it can only mean one of 3 things 1- they are scared 2- they are attempting to lull me into a false sense of security 3- they think DayZ is a social networking app here is how I respond to each instance in turn. Fear in others always provokes an attack from me, always has and always will as, like most red blooded males I despise weakness in others. Trying to mug me off winds me up even more, it insults my intellect and enrages the beast within. I am not looking for friendship when I'm in any game let alone this game, we are in competition you and I, for resources and survival and I will not hesitate before ending you. and I'm not alone in feeling this way, my clanmates all say the same thing, the word friendly incites only contempt and is viewed as an instruction to shoot. So, if you meet another player in game for gods sake do not use that word, it will get you killed. And when it does get you killed, don't complain about it, it's your fault. Take a long hard look at yourself and the reasons this thing keeps happening to you. and SNAP OUT OF IT. Try using your imagination, for example I am a lot less likely to kill somebody who makes me laugh or gets me thinking. so think about that, comments welcome.
  11. Macdeth

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    what we have here is a desperately lonely bullshitter who is sitting there waiting for any sign that people have noticed him by replying to his thread on a gaming forum. Made me giggle in the original post but since then the true tragedy of what this is about has been slowly revealed, he constantly bumps his own thread because deep down he knows it wont survive and he's trying to create some sort of internet persona based on a concoction of lies and semi amusing although now painfully tiresome arrogance. Itchynob is probably him too, another account created just to help the bumping not look too depressingly obvious. it's quite simply the saddest thing I've seen on here and I hope the mods put him out of his misery before we have a full blown mental breakdown on our hands.
  12. Macdeth

    Players, communicte more please.

    sums up the OP and the inevitable futility of his sentiments pretty well
  13. Macdeth

    Is the map and compass to clunky?

    +1 for this edit why is the OP topic title different from the poll question, it's misleading
  14. Macdeth

    Is the map and compass to clunky?

    replying to someone who's placed you on their ignore list is like speaking to a person who has left the room, closed the door behind them and driven away 3 hours ago. just sayin
  15. Macdeth

    Forgive me Jesus

    I had no choice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3CR_Bt8SOI
  16. Macdeth

    safe zone

    if you want to feel safe log the fuck out
  17. Macdeth

    coward bitch messing with wrong fresh spawn

    sweet punch for the knockout douche deserved it ; )
  18. ....so I can punch a zombie without opening the inventory and slowly dying while I fiddle around with dragging and dropping the damned torch? also I do not want to drop it onto the floor either.
  19. Macdeth

    battered to death on the beach

    judging by the timing of the original post it looks like it was the OP's first ever game, it couldn't have been fairer. He was a fresh spawn attacking a fresh spawn with his fists, I don't see why some people seem so upset by this. I lol'd and would read again.
  20. Macdeth


    great read
  21. Macdeth

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    will this do it? Desktop or laptop? laptop Monitor resolution: 1080p CPU: i7-3610QM 2.3Ghz Graphics card: NVidia GTX 660M RAM:* 8GB SSD? (Yes/No) No
  22. Macdeth

    friendly tw@t

    you saw it too eh? nice satirical tale