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Everything posted by Macdeth

  1. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    and what is so wrong with women? Don't you like them? Because I do, I love em. Strange way to attempt an insult in 2014, didn't you hear we're all equal now you ignorant git.
  2. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    just another meaningless collection of unconnected words with nothing coherent linking them. I have never read anything that uses so many words to say so little as in both of your posts. If you're going to engage in a discussion try to have a point.
  3. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    which reasons behind what actions? and where are these denials?
  4. the game struggles to handle the current map, and that is with low loot spawns and next to no zombies. Great idea that can never happen.
  5. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    signs in to the forums and queries the existence of a debate :huh:
  6. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    she said, while wasting time in the thread
  7. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    when those holding opposing viewpoints feel the need to resort to personal slurs then you know the debate has been won, they just lack the courage to accept that truth.
  8. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    beach hero lol more idiotic labels
  9. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    oh dear, learn to forum. I've only made 47 posts you fool, search them.
  10. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    people do suffer, this is why they come bleating to the forums begging for the punch to be nerfed or killing to be punished etc etc etc. But they are not suffering as a result of someone harming them, they suffer as a result of being incapable of dealing with their own failure, and make no mistake dying in dayz is a failure to keep your character safe. Most players welcome the opportunity to learn and improve, see failure as an integral step on the path to improvement and don't suffer at all despite experiencing the same things the bleaters experience. You see the bleaters refuse to accept responsibility and cannot contemplate the fact that their death arose as a result of a mistake or series of mistakes they made and so they seek desperately for something or someone to blame. And thus they suffer a purely self inflicted kind of anguish. like those kids that kick the board game across the room when it becomes clear to them that they cant win, raging and crying and blaming... do they not suffer? yes, they do, but who harmed them? nobody did, they harm themselves. And so it is with bad losers and bad players the world over, they inflict upon themselves suffering rather than facing the reality of their own failings which, thanks to a fragile ego, they find rather too painful. nobody can harm you while playing a computer game without your express permission, therefore any perceived harm is self inflicted and as a result I have no sympathy.
  11. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    Then don't come running to the forums with a ton of unspent butthurt every time a freshspawn puts you on your ass with a deft right hook. Many topics appear complaining about fresh spawns K.O.'ing helpful players and stealing their gear and another common theme is the crying idiots begging for the punch to be nerfed. If you or any other player attempts to inflict your helpfulness upon me uninvited it will be repaid with attempted murder.
  12. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    please illustrate your point with an example, preferably a quote or cease talking bollocks
  13. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    there's absolutetly nothing 'passive' about my feelings towards those imbeciles who blindly assume every fresh spawn is looking for assistance. As for my faith in humanity have you spent much time in game? do you read the countless repetitive QQ topics that spring up here on an hourly basis decrying the kill on sight mentality of the average player? This is a game my friend and humanity has absolutely nothing to do with it. No one is actually harming anybody here, the only people who suffer are those who struggle with their own failure to keep their character safe and need to point the finger at others lest their fragile ego be exposed to the uncomfortable truth that they are crap at the game.
  14. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    this is one of the problems with forums. Some people read through the OP, digest it, mull it over and allow their own mind to formulate a well constructed response and a debate takes place. Others read the title and skip the rest throwing out ill judged knee jerk responses in the hope that they have correctly guessed what the OP was attempting to communicate, and at the bottom of the pile are those who give beans to those ill judged responses. Anyone who enjoys other players using them to manufacture a scenario where they get to be grateful to this stranger for giving him something he never asked for is a fool.
  15. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    me too. and I have no problem with helping others. I have a problem with the serial do gooders, the needy 'addicted to gratitude' types who we've all met
  16. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    I don't usually reply to lazy brained meme posters, but in your case i'll make an exception, try reading the topic, the answer is there.
  17. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    why else do they do it? every action deliberately performed by a human being is motivated by reward, that is simply a fact. There is nothing wrong with helping people when the opportunity presents itself and I have already stated in the OP that I love spontaneous acts of kindness between two or more human beings. What I am talking about is those players who inflict their desire to feel appreciated onto other players who are not requesting assistance.
  18. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    again, some smart arse thinking they can psychically read my entire game play philosophy from an avatar and a post. Where have I said I hide up north searching the same houses avoiding human interaction? Please, quote here or stop talking bollocks.
  19. Macdeth

    why good samiritans irritate me

    why do you feel the need to apply labels to a sandbox game? I am none of the above, I log in and try to survive as long as possible. I don't seek confrontation neither do I shy away from it. I take each moment as it comes and anjoy this unpredictability enormously. Bandt/hero/medic/sniper/bambi helper and all the rest are just bullshit labels that shouldn't even exist. Each situation is unique thanks to the diversity and randomness of human behaviour, I allow my natural reaction to whatever circumstances I find myself in to dictate what happens next, there are no rules there are no labels except those we impose upon ourselves. was that aimed at me Cyan? I can assure you I steer well clear of the beaches. Only fresh spawns, assholes and do gooders to be found there
  20. Macdeth

    lack of appreciation

    this +1
  21. Macdeth

    lack of appreciation

    stay away from the coast unless you are actively seeking pvp encounters and don't come running to the forums, cheeks still moist with the confused tears of an idiot to bitch about how stupid you've been.
  22. Macdeth

    My Last Rant

    Winners never quit and quitters never win. Don't be setting yourself a pattern for life here sister or life's gonna be one long trail of defeats and retreats.
  23. Macdeth

    Real only PvE

    a weak one. Then teach them how to play with guile and craft and stealth and intelligence. Dayz punishes stupidity. Want to die less but lacking in the grey matter department? Unlucky!
  24. Macdeth

    Which ONE video made you buy/play DayZ?

    I have only ever watched one dayz video, it was on this forum earlier this afternoon and featured a female gamer making friends with a hacker in her shameless quest for easy gear. It was embarrassing for her and for all the lonely males who gave their beans and commented in the vain hope she would suddenly find them sexually irresistible. Watching it was a mistake I now regret and I consider it 5 minutes wasted. suffice it to say I shall never waste another second watching other people playing a computer game. now if you'll excuse me I'm off to play dayz while you guys hang around here talking about watching other people play dayz.