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About Macdeth

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    King Maker and Regicidal maniac
  1. Macdeth

    Least favorite game features

    he's a troll, that's what trolls do lol
  2. Macdeth

    Least favorite game features

    the sun not rising in the east and setting in the west as it did in the mod.
  3. Macdeth

    Why is Bohema so bad when it comes to AMD?

    I have AMD and I wish I had Intel, it's not a fanboy thing it's a gamer thing. Every intel user knows, most AMD users know that Intel hardware is better, the same goes for Nvidia, the only fanboys I see in this topic are stubborn AMD users who, despite seeing the evidence clear as day on any benchmarking website are determined to stand by thier brand. i have an AMD based rig, i honestly believed i was making a wise decision when I bought it what with saving a few quid here and there. I now know I was wrong and deeply regret my purchase.
  4. Macdeth

    Varying degrees of quality

    There are cheap can openers and there are more expensive better made can openers, the same can be said for virtually everything that humans make and buy. Introducing, for example, 2 or 3 different models for certain items instead of one would make looting a bit more interesting and realistic. Cheaper, more common items are fine to begin with (when pristine) but degrade faster and even break for no other reason than they are cheap and nasty, better made and rarer items on the whole could have a longer useful life and degrade at a slower rate and rarely break without warning. Items where this would work best. All Knives/bladed tools/can openers Tools/gardening implements Clothing/footwear Pots/pans Backpacks Torches/flashlights Batteries
  5. Macdeth

    Hands up? no problem, grab a gun anyway

    eh? The way it is now you can effectively re-organise your inventory and rifle through loot on say a nearby corpse while your hands are in the air, this makes no sense. In the real world when a persons hands are raised they are unable to manipulate objects with their hands, this is the purpose of instructing people to put 'em up as well as being a way for a person to signal submission. In the context of the game, if this gesture was given real tangible functionality, giving captors the knowledge that the captives hands are out of play then the whole scenario takes on an enitrely different and more reaiistic complection. It could add something to the game with very little effort and lo the raising of hands would then have a point from a captors perspective.
  6. Macdeth

    Hands up? no problem, grab a gun anyway

    You could, simply drop your hands and go for it, something you can't do when restrained.
  7. Just watched yet another mediocre video where an unarmed freshy was standing with his hands up while an armed fool pranced about in a semi panicked state, the freshy managed to pick up an AK from a corpse with raised hands and was unlucky not to get a nice kill out of it. My suggestion though is that when a player has his hands raised he loses access to his inventory and the ability to loot is denied for as long as his hands are above his head. Surely this is the whole point behind getting a player to raise his hands, to render the hands incapable of causing mischief.
  8. Macdeth

    Squeakers Must Die!

    OK, so let's get this straight...You killed a player on the supposition that he was shooting at other players despite the absence of any evidence, my guess is he was offing zombies as all the players that I saw were running around very much alive before you Chuckle brothers came bumbling in. You mistake a clear body shot for a headshot with the first unarmed (and unkilled by your first victim it must be stated) freshy, and knowing he could have picked up a gun but didn't you killed him anyway. You fail to control the white t shirt freshy, allowing to stand motionless for some time within looting distance of an AK and then fail to understand that it was him who was reloading. somehow you survived but only after murdering a bunch of people without just cause and to the other players there, who only had your actions on which to base any judgements, i suggest you must have looked like a right pair of dopey arsed douchebags. Very poor
  9. The rarity of friendly player interactions may well be due to us killers and bandits who are slowly but surely eroding trust by killing every player we meet without so much as a hello. for every 'good' player there are a thousand indiscrimate killers and each time we murder a player they become a little less likely to risk friendly interactions in the future.
  10. Macdeth

    The golden Triangle

    no, i dont shoot fresh spawns, unless they attack me and leave me no option.
  11. when you break a bone and it heals, because of the way the body's healling process works, the affected area of bone actually becomes stronger not weaker, for example I broke my arm as a kid, the bone on my left arm (the one I broke) is noticably thicker in the area of the healed fracture when compared to the same area of my right arm. If anything in dayz, if you sustain a fracture and successfully treat and heal it you should get bonus bone points for that part of the body, allowing you to sustain extra damage there in future. It's natures way.
  12. Macdeth

    The golden Triangle

    DayZ is a survival game, every second you remain alive you are winning, when you die you have lost. On that basis I am currently winning along with every other player who isn't waiting for a respawn. I have a lot of fun when I play, that is why I play, I derive genuine pleasure, I feel the release of endorphines everytime I waste a geared player, I am winning, I am having fun and that is what the game is all about.
  13. Macdeth

    The golden Triangle

    after the update i spawned east of the NEAF, on the way to the airstrip i met 2 players, I teamed up with them, they killed a player and let me loot the body.
  14. Macdeth

    Forum names = no kos

    i use other peoples forum names and hurl abuse and expletives at confused passers by
  15. Macdeth

    The golden Triangle

    i'm talking about that wonderfully bountiful region that sits within Krasnostav, Novodmitrovsk and Svetlojarsk. Player foot fall in this golden triangle is unsurpassed anywhere else on the map, a rich hunting ground for spotting and killing geared players, this is where I lurk, in the tree lines and up in the rocks of my manor, my turf, my home. i have 7 spots within this wonderfully generous area where I like to camp with my binoculars and long range scope scanning the surrounding fields for careless or lazy players making a beeline for the airstrip or one of the towns mentioned above. Squads also pass through and I usually stay concealed when I spot them, sometimes for a laugh to alleviate the boredom or spend some ammo to free up some space i may pick one or two off from a rocky vantage point, but I dont waste my time exposing myself in order to loot the corpses. I haven't entered a town or city for about 3 months, this may explain why I haven't died for about 3 months but I have murdered, hmm... I lose count, it must be around 30 people, the vast majority of which were pretty well geared and being foolish, running cluelessly in the open right into my line of sight. I loot those I kill within a couple of hundred metres if I need something, but generally I am only killing for the fun of it. My character currently has full health, 5 bags of rice, 3 water bottles filled with water from my favourite stream and enough medical supplies to get me out of any binds. This is how intelligent people play the game, winning against the environment and the players, never losing, never stressed, just happy, relaxed and satisfied and never short of action. Tell me about your experiences in the Golden triangle of Chernarus, do you enjoy it there as much as I do? please, share : )