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Everything posted by josephrw

  1. josephrw

    Special Response Team [Open Recruitment]

    Age: 23 How long have you played DayZ: 5-6 Month on and off Why do you Want to join SRT: I'm looking to get back in to squad gameplay since its something I'm accustomed to. What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): Marksman, Pilot, Medic Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you accept these rules?: Yes Do you have a working mic?: Yes Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: Ata What timezone do you live in: Eastern What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker): Detroit, MI What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: 7p - Whenever I get tired.
  2. Recruitment Application Current in game name: Ata Location: Detroit, MI., US Age: 23 How long have you played DayZ: 5 months on and off. Preferred voicechat software(s): Teamspeak, Skype, Mumble, and Ventrillo. Preferred Position/Role: CQC/Medic Reason for wanting to join this group: Was part of a larger group before but they no longer actively play and I'm still used to the squad dynamic. Can you bring anything unique to this group: Knowledgeable in game play mechanics, small squad tactics, and wayfinding. Weaknesses: What I view as "fun" others would usually regard as "suicide" although I usually live through my antics. I'm Ata on Steam. Feel free to add me.
  3. And so it begins. Hopefully this is precursor to the roll out of 1.7.2
  4. josephrw


    This section really should get removed and an email box that's never checked should be put in its place. These kids are going full retard and everyone knows you NEVER go full retard.
  5. josephrw

    DayZ fixes fuck ArmA 2

    Its a MilSim. The simulation just got more realistic. Stop whining.
  6. josephrw

    {Foxfall}, an upper echelon organization.

    Please note that your knee caps are never safe when Bael is around. Fantastic group and I look forward to running with them in the future.
  7. josephrw

    Dallas 41 Shutting down and locking

    I'm pleased to see some people who support this fair server and I'm also pleased to see some familiar names. The ping enforcement was also in response to the massive desync issues we've been facing lately. We tried our best to ensure that high ping players weren't entering the server and causing excessive latency issues. Due to the fact that ARMA2's dated network architecture is already strained to the limit with DayZ we try and ensure only those with stable connections and up to date beta patches are able to enter the server to give you a stable and enjoyable experience.