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About Dingor

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    On the Coast
  1. So far not many people have played on the server. It seems like the real DayZ community has died. Most players only want to play on servers with 99999999999999+ vehicles. It is sad to see DayZ in this state. I don't understand it. If you want constant PvP action, play stuff like wasteland or just original Arma II, or Arma III for that matter. - Just a little rant
  2. One of the scripts wasn't working as intended, and caused an error. It has now been fixed, but chopper lift is disabled temporarily (all previous scripts are now enabled again and working).
  3. Just to point it out: We are trying to make a TRUE DayZ, not that 1000+ vehicles crap. We are trying to get some more player interaction, like DayZ once had. Instead of the shoot on sight mentality a lot of people playing DayZ have now a days. In my opinion DayZ is supposed to be a survival mod. If you want to fly around in an attack jet to kill tons people, i would suggest playing ACE mod or just vanilla Arma 2. With that being said, we are also against admins abusing their power (using control panel map to find items, players etc.) So if you want to have a authenthic DayZ (Epoch) experience, feel free to check out our server :)
  4. Alright the server has now been updated with 2 new plugins: Indestructible bases and animated chopper crashes (you can see the chopper crashes actually crash). We are a few people online now, if you are interested looking into the server, feel free to join! :)
  5. Safezones at the 3 main traders have been added, other traders will also get safezones later. Server sidemissions have also been added.
  6. Dingor

    Will dayz ever be a survival game?

    Hello everyone. I'm not sure if it is against the rules to promote servers here. But recently a friend and i have started a DayZ Epoch server. We are striving to make people get the optimal and authenthic experience with DayZ. Currently as discussed in this topic, DayZ is more about killing other players than working together to survive. But we have made some rules to prevent KOS, while it still isn't only a PvE server. Right now the server is still in its early stage so to say. We do not have many players yet. If this sound interesting please headover to our post on the Private Hive section here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/151913-aveni-jakobb987s-dayz-epoch-1025-chernarus-54-slots-veteran-80-vehicles-side-chaton-gmt-4-hosted-by-dayzst/ We are open for suggestions about improvements to rules, plugins etc.
  7. We have now added following scripts: Auto-Refuel Chopper lift and vehicle tow. We will also be adding full moon nights later + safezones at traders. Edit: some correction. Edit2: chopper lift and vehicle tow is now working as intended.
  8. Hello. First of all to everyone looking at this post: If you are looking at this topic and turning away because it is on Chernarus, please post a reply, since we are debating if we should change to another map. Also here is the forum i have been working on for a bit now: http://aveni.go-board.com/. We do not have our own domain (yet), so we will have to do with this for now. The layout is not at all done yet, please read the announcement i have posted. :) I hope to see you on the server and forums. Cheers! Edit: It should also be mentioned that the server is located in Europe.