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Everything posted by Raku

  1. Just post up the images (the rules clearly state they cannot & should not be passworded, so they are in clear violation. Don't expect an admin/mod to come on and ask you to post up the screenshots though.) After you've posted them I'm sure one of the staff members will get around to investigating them when they get some time.
  2. Raku

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    Sounds like a great idea. Also happy to hear you're thinking about camo netting. Pros: Will surely help conceal things a little more (Red tractors in the forest etc) from a distance. (Obviously can make your camp more visable at closer range, but that's something people will have to weigh up. Cons: Might be hard to place in forests/on slopes without looking very weird. Could imagine it might act like more barbed wire in places. People placing it to block enterances etc (Then again, that depends how rare it'll be - I'd assume it'd be classed as military loot)
  3. If you get stuck on them, stand up and press V until you walk off. Saved me a few times now :)
  4. Raku

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    Currently waiting on EU28 which has my groups camp to come back up. I know the admins been trying to get in contact with vilayer. Just hope things can get sorted soon for everyones sake.
  5. Raku

    EU28 - Info & Discussion

    Has the server been renamed? Me and my mates play on here quite reguarly but can't seem to find it now.
  6. Having similar issues on EU28 / ES1. Had over 8 tents eat all their gear upon a server restart or two. Love the idea of tents, just wish you could actually trust them to store gear relatively safely.
  7. Also getting artifacts displaying almost all the time with wirefences. Running with a GTX 570. Makes it pretty hard to see anything when someones setup more than one wire fence in an area.
  8. Had exactly the same issue on ES1. Over 8 tents filled with stuff just vanished on a server restart, along with our Jeep, ATV, Bus, two tractors and a skoda.
  9. NO. A fair few people will simply keep respawning until they spawn in with a gun, since they feel they have nothing to lose.
  10. Raku

    Massive Lag since 1,7,0,0

    Just wanted to chime in here as well. I've been experiencing a fair amount of lag during prime time as well. Most noticible when playing with friends. It'll constantly appear as though they're running off into the distance, then they'll disappear and turns out they were waiting right next to me. Would love to see this issue addressed soon, as its the only major hiccup myself or any of my friends have experienced. It tends to happens more at peak times, and doesn't matter what server we're playing on either. Most stable time seem to be the wee hours of the morning (1AM GMT onwards)