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Everything posted by MentaLLL

  1. This server is awesome, but would it be possible to increase the rate of which cars respawn? I've only seen one! :(
  2. Hahah, i saw you in the supermarket but thats the last i saw of you :P I logged off soon after
  3. Hey, me and my friend (Turtle) are currently looking for more players to play with, we're wanting a little squad of pretty tight knit guys that enjoy playing, we're both mature but we do like to have a laugh, we tend to play on evenings and not really on weekends. We're looking for a few nice folk to join us, please be a team player, reliable and pretty decent at the game, we've been playing together for a while so we know the ropes, we hope you do too! If you're interested add me on steam : bengreeny0 Also would like to add we're english speaking and based in the UK, would be great if you were too (or at least in similar time zone)
  4. MentaLLL

    Two man group looking to get bigger

    I think i've added you.
  5. MentaLLL

    Backpack eats primary weapons

    It just ate my DMR and my AKM mags :( now i have an AKM with DMR mags, which renders me useless!
  6. MentaLLL

    Grey dots on screen

    Ah i see, i play on various different servers so, me and my buddy always go around, he gets them but i dont :s
  7. MentaLLL

    Grey dots on screen

    how come i never get this?
  8. MentaLLL

    [] Crouch Volume

    Yeah, i think the sound from 1.7 was good, but this is a little too difficult :(
  9. I do like this update, however i still think that you should be able to prone past zombies with no sight or sound, just makes it that slightest bit easier tbh
  10. Sup, since i think many of the posts on these forums are US based i'm looking for a few guys to play with from the UK, im on most evenings, weekends are sometimes hit and miss, i like to take the game semi serious, getting good loot and helping out team members, i prefer to snipe/assault. If you're interested and you fancy playing add me on steam: bengreeny0
  11. After playing for a bit, my conclusion is; i don't like it. 1.7.0 was much better.
  12. Oh wow, did not think of that! The second i get into game and im facing the ocean and it's all blurry and i'm going to change it, i get attacked by a zombie and have to continue to be attacked while i am "receiving..."
  13. Like the ideas, however, just spawned, was changing my video settings and i get attacked by a zombie, this is new spawn, i dont think that is that good tbh.