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About Kashus

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  1. Completely ignorant here, but will I get the GUID number after I have been approved for access on the forums? I can't post my whitelist application without it.
  2. I hope the stand alone game at night attracts more players, some balance between day and night. That is really the root of what I would like to see. I would not be so concerned with NVG's if I did not constantly run into players with them. What's the fun running around at night with NVG's if everyone else has NVG's too? Might as well run around in the day and be able to see the whole screen and see after you zoom with every gun.
  3. And add a battery life. Then they would be a extremely useful, but you would need to pick and choose when to use them. It's not my idea, but I liked it.
  4. Thanks for the reply, I can see your reasoning. Night should be improved in the standalone, so it should be interesting to see how the game play will be. You have my beans.
  5. Because, clearly, entering the NW Airfield is safe during the day or without NVG's at night. Everyone takes that risk going there. You are not some super strategic thinker for sitting in the bushes with your NVG's waiting for dudes to loot the NW airfield. Day or night.
  6. Thank you for your reply. You got my beans.
  7. Honest question, because I want to know. Do you search for servers that are currently in daytime? If you do, would that change if you had NVG's?
  8. Right now, they aren't that rare. Military grade loot is pretty prevalent, on top of the duping.
  9. I just want someone to provide a well thought out reason for having them in the game. Why they are good for the game. As it is right now, I think that removing them would improve the experience for the majority of players.
  10. That and cherno is the only place where you might find other players at night. Assuming their are actually a good contingent of players on the server.
  11. When you do, you can run around barren servers at night looking for other dudes with NVG's. It's not fun, trust me.
  12. Duping is another major reason why I think NVG's should be removed.
  13. Let me see if I can articulate myself well enough. Lets be honest here. I currently have these on my character. I feel pretty damn safe at night, but I don't want to feel safe and I don't want anyone else to feel safe either. I want everyone to be on edge. Reason to remove NVG's. When it is night, it is tough to see without NVG's, assuming the moon isn't out. If we all did not have NVG's, then the night would actually provide some safety from other players. When we enter a building and/or are lost, then we would actually be forced to use some of the light providing items in the game. If I entered a building, I would briefly turn on my flashlight to see what was available then turn it off for fear of being detected. Even if someone saw me with my light on, they would have to go through a series of decisions on how they would track me. Throw a flare to light the area up? Try and sneak up without any light, but with the possibility of losing track of a player? Use flash light briefly to scan, then run? NVG's take all this decision making out of the game at night. The times when I have played on a server at night, without NVG's, I would always get killed by a guy who clearly had NVGs. Not only that, what percentage of players, aside from server hoppers, would willing play on servers at night without NVG's? I'd rather play on a packed server at night than one with 8 people who all have NVG's. That's just me. The current format has one of two things happening when playing at night. Running around and not seeing a single soul on the whole map, but if you do run into another player, he will likely have NVG's and you will likely be dead because of the disadvantage. One other thing. If the game never had NVG's to begin with, no one would be missing them right now. I would also bet that servers at night would be more popular. I can't quantify that for sure, but that is my best guess. Also, I would love to hear why you think NVG's should remain in the game. Do they serve the greater good? I am gonna say no, but we all have opinions. I also don't like ghillies, but I am too lazy right now to write another shit ton of reasons, but many of them are inline with why I don't think NVG's are good for the mod.
  14. Anyone know of such a thing or I am too stupid to look beyond my nose?
  15. Hmmm...it switched back to original gear on a different server. odd...