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2 Neutral

About Blice

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Whats up, I am looking for a group aswell. Perhaps we can run together, A Coordinated 2 man team can do some serious damage to a unorganized group of 5 players. Shoot me a message on steam, Name is Blice same avitar as on here.
  2. hmmn, Interesting, I like hearing everyones feedback so far and can agree with most of you :)
  3. Blice

    Random freezes for 1-3 secs every 1-3minutes.

    Could be anything from your internets strength to your computer not being able to handle it, I myself have not experienced this, and I know many people that haven't had this problem either. Adios muchacho, Blice
  4. The game glitched you in, It can glitch you out this happened to me before, i started swinging at the wall in despiration to get out and to my suprise it worked, so you still have a chance
  5. Blice

    Death by an Apple

    The stupidity is real. This is the early days for the SA. Relax.
  6. Blice

    Please eliminate server restarts

    It wouldnt work. There would be no loot left in towns/cities, FPS would be at an all time low, Lag would be constant, Just no.
  7. This sounds stupid, sorry. Merry xmas, Blice
  8. I personally like the way it is as right now, It makes more of a challenge for someone who is a hero like me :D
  9. Blice

    Weapon Flashlights and map

    Would also like to know about duct tape.
  10. Blice

    safe zone

    -1 for this, not a fan.
  11. What do you mean by tapping?
  12. I have around 100 hours logged, I remember in the first 2 days or so, the genuine "hacking" part, (spawning, teleporting..ect.) was very popular, but now it seems to have stopped, devs said they fixed it, dont know if its true or not... But id imagine that esp and other small time "hacks" are probably around. But I dont believe spawning in items is.
  13. Blice

    Blood A+ Help

    Very very proper medical system in this game.
  14. Blice

    Rare TANK in the game
