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Posts posted by RAM-bo4250


    ... this is not survival horror. 



                                                 About DayZ

    DAYZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, in which players follow a single goal: to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape as long as they can. Players can live through powerful events and emotions arising from the ever-evolving emergent gameplay.

    Umm. Where in the hell have I seen this? ;)

  2. The question is :

    What do I have to do on a server where it's raining on a clod evening ? Sit in a shelter and jerk off ? 

    In real life I would have no choice because I have no log off option, I'll just have to suffer some boredom, but I don't play games to do boring things. So here is the question, what is there to with adverse weather effect and limited running due to over heating ? 

    Sorry General Zod on this one. Play ANOTHER game. Seriously I'm just joking. :lol:

  3. The absolutely greatest part of players avoids to play in the dark as seen by player distribution across servers with certain times.



    I don't play in the dark. In reality I would find a safe spot and bed down for the night. I don't know about you but I would be scared @#$%less walking around with things wanting to eat me. To each his own. Leave me be in peace.

  4. Probably because simply surviving in the game is incredibly easy to do.  Until there is an actual threat besides other players, then people will treat the game as a standard shooter with the slightly elevated risk factor of losing your gear when you die. 



    Funny, because I always get the impression that the community comes down a lot harder on users who voice the fact that they kill other players for enjoyment.

    Only because these same KOSers will turn around and complain about the zeds or the environment or because they can't gear up like Rambo in 5 minutes. To me both extremes are wrong. Both PvP and PvE make Dayz what it is. The middle IS Dayz. Also stupid play should be punished.


    You wait. The glitched zombies right now are a placeholder. A pretty good abstarction if you ask me if the devs do make the zombies a viable threat.(I did not say the ONLY threat, I said viable threat). Watch all the bitchin and moanin when their KOS killfest is interrupted. Or they can't run through a town and get geared because of these zeds. Like I said stupid play has to be punished.

  5.   All in all I just dont understand naysayers, variety is good imo let everyone who wants to throw a survival game on the table do it and the player population will ultimately decide what is good.

    My intriguing question still confounds me. Why, with all the different games out there would someone choose to try and convince a developer to take his game in a direction he doesn't want to take it? Everyday naysayers are trying to push BI to make Dayz move in a certain direction even to the point of suggesting there be no zombies. BOOM. Blows my mind.

  6. HUH? In REAL life you can NOT peak without the chance of being seen as vision follows the old "line of sight" mechanic.

    If YOU can see THEM than THEY can see YOU. Whether or not they are looking in your precise location is another matter entirely.


    Real life.....ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo k

    This ain't necessarily so. If I'm looking out of a dark room for instance to the outside, I can see you but you can't see me. I believe that's a fundamental element of snipering. That LOS stuff you are stating is game mechanics. I can think of hundreds of instances where I may see you but you can't see me. I just stated one instance.


    I'm not sure if you misunderstood me or not but usually that is the reason most people will justify third person view. They have a right to their opinion and if the game allows it so be it. I can look out of a very tiny hole in a fence for example and you couldn't see me. I don't care what kind of vision enhancing equip you use. I don't play in third person because of the inability for a computer simulation to properly simulate fidelity. 3PP is way too overpowered in computer games. We must balance this sometimes with abstraction. Only until we have holodecks in our homes of course.

  7. Sought of a second question here - What are the sales figures like for ARMA 3? The reason I ask is that some of the naysayers of Dayz SA always bring up how good ARMA 3 is and how much fun Breaking Point is (BP ARMA2 or ARMA3 mod?). Are the player numbers comparable? If they aren't then a few people are trying to fool themselves by saying they want just PvP and deathmatch. After all isn't ARMA 3 and BP just that? Or do "most" players really do want PvE elements?

    And if so why do so many want to push Dayz that way?(deathmatch I'm referring to).




    Its probably a combination of:

    1. it started as an Arma II mod       - Even so, the mod was not designed as a deathmatch game. It was designed as a survival game with PvP and PvE elements.
    2. thats the way they like to play    - And I think this playstyle should be punished by game elements, which I belive it will (ie:zombie hordes).
    3. third person reduces immersion and also tactical options (because of wall peeking) - well there are justifications for using 3PP (ie: in real life I would be able to peek without being seen). I personally play 1PP because as a game can never come close to reality, until we have holodecks, the game has to put forth some difficulties. To me 3PP is way too overpowered in a computer game


    All very good points. Thanks.

  9. I understand what you mean and I feel for you mate, but I've come to accept these deathmatch behavior and mostly think it comes from the fact that players can have guns in their hands. I started with the mod when it came out and the more time passed and the community became bigger, the more linear interactions became. The mod did come from an Army/War themed "simulator" and a lot of players feel the environment is just a background to player interactions. (less talk, more shooting though)


    I have to say that I love my experience so far with DayZ mod and stand alone. Combining hundreds of hours, many deaths, lots of very interesting encounters and many many bugs and glitches.


    The only thing I can explain is that in my opinion, most players will try and set themselves a personal theme for the game. As some play for the roleplay experience more than anything else, and loathe KoS for it breaks their interaction possibilities. While others play only for the gunplay mechanics. Even has broken and unfinished it might be, the heaviness and manipulations it requires takes it apart from other shooters like Battlefield, CoD, MoH, Halo, etc.


    I love DayZ for it's a canvas. Only a few games don't really have any background story for you to follow, or try to shape your characters in a certain way. Not many RPGs have this little or no character progress at all excepting acquiring better gear, and that's very relative too. Even in many open world games, there's big scripted parts and smaller ones dotting your path along the game, making it feel linear at times.


    Well, to each his own. The path is sometimes similar, and often different.


    (When eventually we get mods for the stand alone, and private locked or whitelisted servers, PvE will explode and be much more available, no matter how much as been added officially.)

    Seriously Odin, I love Dayz. I am NOT for PvE. I am NOT for PvP. I am for all of it. Without both parts it wouldn't grab me as much. It seems anytime a person is against deathmatch they immediately get accused of just wanting a game for PvE. The reason I am so against deathmatch is because of the way players do it. Without any regards for smart play. No one will ever convince me in a real scenario you would risk getting killed over a bandage or just for fun to kill somebody. I want to see a zombie horde(even a glitched  horde) come down on somebody playing stupid. This sought of play should not be catered to (i'm not suggesting the devs are btw).

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  10. Where in the hell did certain people (and reading the forums there are quite a few) get the idea that this game was designed as a First Person Shooter Deathmatch game and that any sort of PvE element of the game was purely giving into those of us who see the game as much much more.


    Really, Where?

     Like most people I started with the mod basically buying Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead to play Dayz.


    For crying out loud they are still modding the mod implementing PvE elements even today.


    Why is my signature line so hard to grasp and believe. I would think that the people responsible for the game would know what they designed and its intended use. 


    I'm dumbfounded. I really. really am.

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    Even the 'toughest' Bandits, PvP and KoS pussies will see things a bit differently and show their yellow streaks once we have the Zombies at full strength and numbers. 


    And the name of the game Is DayZ   WTF does the Z stand for.

    No I disagree. They will just quit the game saying, "Wtf is this? A basket weaving game? I'm outta here." Once they can't gear up in 3 and can't KOS with immunity or die from hypo or hyperthermia, Adios.

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  12. Guys, you have to start playing smarter. Just because I don't KOS doesn't mean others don't. I don't trust anyone. I don't go by anyone. If I see someone I avoid them like the plague. If they are stupid enough to attract z's and not run away then their fate are in their hands. Again, don't trust anyone. I don't buy into the BS that just because everyone does it (KOS) that I have to do it. People, especially in a game world, are really vile creatures.  

  13. Welcome to Codz.


    I don't even bother speaking to anyone anymore. It's cost me too much in the past. I will KoS 100% of the time.


    I dont like it, but the community and game have forced it.

    BS right there. You ALWAYS have a choice. Always show strength. Better to have the best and not use it. Ignorant people believe only in the gun.

  14. DayZ was created to be a realistic, post-apocalyptic survival horror. But, of course, immature adolescence as yours truly come and ruin what little potential the game has. You get so self-absorbed in killing others because there is nothing else to do, but don't realize that there really are other things out there.


    Have you ever tried once not duping or server hopping and killing fresh spawns? Have you ever tried playing legit and helping out fellow survivors?


    This game is hugely based on social interaction, and for every time you KOS someone, that is one more person to have trust issues, and one more person to start KOS'ing. Eventually, 3/4 of the population will KOS, and by then no stories will be made. No interactions will happen, the whole concept and feel of DayZ will be gone.


    Meh, you seem a tad bit too dim headed. Let's just say, don't waste your time on these forums, you have lost all respect from me, comrades, and most people who read your comments.


    Heated regards kiddo 

    Airfield forget it. I tried. He has a reading comprehension deficiency.

  15. they are catering for people like you and thats why the game will and is going wrong.



    No they are following a plan they had from the beginning. And it isn't going wrong.


    Did you read my signature (you know, that block at the bottom of the post that appears every time I post). I figured you would have extreme difficulty understanding it. Go figure.

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    if the majority want a kill everything game then thats what should be focused on. trying to make the game into what majority doesnt want is time wasting.


    Are you fricking kidding me? The game is what the developer wants it to be. If you don't like it, don't play it. Not all game developers are money grubbing SOB's who want to cater to a bunch of whining, complaining and entitlement minded jerks. The game is becoming exactly what was planned all along. Read my signature line and keep reading it until you comprehend what it says if you're capable. If you're trolling then congrats because you and people like you piss me off. It's not about YOU and what YOU want. It's about what Rocket wanted or wants. I don't care if 99% of the people want deathmatch. It's about the entire spectrum of survival (PvE and PvP). What makes you think game development is a democracy? If I was developing a game I wouldn't give a flying crap what you wanted. It would be what I wanted. If I didn't make money off of it so be it, but it would be mine. I hope I spoke simple enough for you dgeesio.

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  17. how the endgame should look: survival either through collaboration and/or robbing said collaborations.

    Although I collaborate with myself. It's a lonesome journey but then I don't have to worry about some idiot next to me shooting and bringing chaos down on me. Also one mouth is easier to feed than not one.

  18.  it's never really been about zombies and the devs have made that pretty clear numerous times.



    This is what you stated.


    Brian Hicks stated "Zombies have never been the real threat, and never will be. They are part of the env pushing player interaction."


    "They are part of the env pushing player interaction" is a far cry from "never really been about zombies".


    And that my friend is what I am hoping the game will be. If you have followed or read most of my posts than you would know I am not against PvP. I AM for PvP balanced with PvE (ie: zombies and environment). I never once stated in all my postings that I want exclusively to have zombies be THE threat. They can't be. Computer models can never really take the place of the unrationality and unexpectedness of human players no matter how good the AI is. But they can be challenging and punish you for doing something stupid like shooting your gun off in a zombie infested city which way too many players do.


    And yeah the CoD comment was supposed to be an insult. Too many have come to this game with the mindset it's another twitch shooter with zombie apocalyptic dressing...


    When in reality it has been about





  19. If you're playing DayZ for a zombie game you're going to end up disappointed, it's never really been about zombies and the devs have made that pretty clear numerous times.



    Really. Where? Point me to a dev read where they say it isn't about the zombie apocalypse and survival. You sure you ain't mixed up with CoD or BF or CZ?

  20. As far as i am concerned Dean had an awesome idea and was able to make it function with a limited skill set. Whether he stays, leaves or whatever doesn't matter. He started a whole new genre.


    Dayz will always be THE yardstick (or meter stick if in rest of world). Will there be better games? Probably. But none will capture the imagination like DayZ.


    All hail Rocket!

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