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Posts posted by RAM-bo4250

  1. if you got to get legal on how you produce a game


    then obviously something is wrong !


    to state that as soon as they started to sell it shown the intentions.


    if not why put it ? its to clear the team backs for lack lustre work. which has happened but that little paragraph can be held up at any point .


    " Hey guys we told you it would be buggy wouldnt work but you gave us millions of pounds while we messed it up but you were told about it so you kinda screwed anyway "


    the funny thing is that the dev team dont even see this !


    they think they have it covered !


    they dont !


    every forum to do with gaming i go on massive gaming forums they all think the SA is a joke now.


    the devs need to pull their fingers out get the core stuff done bring people around get it out. show the money has been spent on bringing people the game they paid for and not another kickstart pipe dream.

    I'm done with you. Sir, you are a donkey.

    • Like 2

  2. fyi you are 100% entitled to a refund of this game if you live anywhere in europe, and no 'disclaimer' they make can change that. Any company that refuses such a refund gets sued by the government of the party refused for violating their trade laws whilst vending their products there.

    That still doesn't change what's going on here. People are complaining about how long it's taking based on false expectations. I live in America. When we are of sober mind and body and we sign something as straightforward as the buy in of Dayz Alpha with all it's clear warnings, it's binding. Especially since work is continuing to be put in on Dayz. They didn't take anyones money and run. 

          If it's true what you said about in Europe, than please you and all others avail yourself of that right and get your money back. And stop coming here and whining about how long it's taking. 

    • Like 5

  3. this is why you never pay builder upfront



    as soon as they have your money its turns up / finish when they want.



    they knew exactly how this project was going to progress thats why they put in red capitals the get out clause





    now they can do whatever they want not finish take time you havent got a leg to stand on.

    Exactly right. And would exactly stand up in court. You read and signed an agreement. It wasn't hidden. It wasn't in small print. It might as well have been a huge neon sign. Is it becoming clear yet?

  4. Right because constructive criticism is never valid. I guess you should have "read the fucking disclaimer" and waited for the game to be finished when lobbying about the direction the devs were taking with weapons.


    If you would have taken the three minutes to read the OP, would have taken note that he does have some valid points rather than it being another generic rant thread, compared to the development of other games like Starcraft 2, it is very haphazard.





    I complain a lot and have a professional Job, the military. Lets see how my conduct would read if I acted like a dev-


    Staff Sergeant, did you complete the weapons parts inventory?


    The inventory is in alpha, I know you were expecting by XXX time, but I I'm going to need about a year and a half to finish it, I got the letterhead and about 1/15th of it done, can you approve my leave?


    Staff Sergeant, teach these three personnel how to use an M2 machinegun in three days


    After three days, I can safely say these three individuals can drive and operate an MRAP. I know you were looking forward to seeing them be proficient on an M2 and hopefully in about four months we can get an M2 team ready for mobility. 


    Staff Sergeant, when can the Armory be ready for it's annual inspection?


    Its been great working with you sir, after a satisfying career of six years, I am ready to receive my full pension. Good luck to you.

    This analogy is ridiculous. Can you and Doomlord tell me how much time it should take for BI to finish each and every phase? Are you in the dev team? If you are, then I'll stop badgering you. Because then you would be in the know. How long is BI supposed to be in Alpha? Beta? Completed? Has every game developed used the same amount of time? Average? I still have no clue how somebody not in the loop could possibly know the answer to any of these questions. If you can do better, and get a game, the scope of Dayz, out before BI I'll buy it. How could a professional bring such BS against a fellow professional. You are not fixing bugs right now. You are complaining how long it's taking. That to me is just utter nonsense coming from a so called professional. Yeah, I want you on my team. Dale, most of this is directed at Doomlord. But I still don't like your analogy. It doesn't fit because we don't have the exact times and it's a lot more complicated then an inspection. Sorry. 

    • Like 1

  5. This is a funny analogy. Are you calling us all stupid for playing DayZ? :D


    So in this fantasy situation the dough/bread (DayZ) is given to Awruk by a baker (BIS). The baker sold him this bread stating that he shouldn't buy it, but after a certain amount of time it would probably be edible. After 70-80% of the time has passed and the bread is still nowhere close to being edible are criticisms about the development of the bread justified?

    No because the baker plasted a warning on the bakery and on the dough that the dough was inedible as is. If you can't wait for him, the baker, to finish said bread than you have to wait until the dough rises before you can put it in the oven. Not 70 or 80% before, 100 %. And then you have to bake it.







    I will likely do this when the new renderer comes out. I spent the last ~2 years doing some small game-dev work, mostly related to final render path, so I've got a few useful tools I can put to use. For example, RenderDoc is a great tool for tearing into the draw calls and buffer passes used to create a frame. Hopefully, the new DX10/11 engine is better than ARMA3's, which uses about 7 depth passes, spaced between 4 color passes (why would you do this?). SImply combining the depth passes into one, after an initial color pass, and then using that depth-pass info in a second color pass (for things like SSAO) would cut down on draw time by a massive amount (it would likely double or tripple FPS in gpu-bound situations).




    This my friend is what we call stepping on your johnson in my profession.


    This statement is so arrogant and insulting. To voice a few measly professional words after doing what you say you did. Spending the last couple of years doing some small game-dev work. You are just gonna show them how to do it right ain't yer? I've heard enough right here.


    [ar-uh-guh nt] 
    making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights;overbearingly assuming; insolently proud:
    an arrogant public official.
    characterized by or proceeding from arroganceor a sense of superiority, self-importance, or entitlement:
    arrogant claims.
    • Like 2

  7. Playing Dayz is like eating raw bread dough and saying "it's okay, it's an alpha".

    Well Awruk, taking your analogy a little further, the intelligent man wouldn't eat the raw dough. He would wait till it was baked and then eat it. He wouldn't stand there ranting and raving saying, "This bread sucks".





    • Like 2

  8. I agree, I was kid once too. We used to shoot cats. One objection I have to have tough - today's kids sit too much in front of the screen, they should go outside like we did, have some real life, some real fun. So many cute little cats everywhere! They are evil. The cats, not kids. It's bad to shoot kids.


    No, no, no, you mustn't encourage them to go outside.


    Remember (concerning kids) everyone:


     First of all, keep him out of the light, he hates bright light, especially sunlight, it'll kill him. Second, don't give him any water, not even to drink. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight.


    both times, the victim got outplayed, slipped up, etc. and i would argue every murder in DayZ short of getting shot while you're still on the beach, or a lag kill something else generally out of your control, is the victim's fault such that they made mistakes and got outplayed. this ageist garbage is nothing more than refusing to admit you screwed up.

    Agree 100 %. It depends on the individual young or old. Buttttttttt, you have to admit, there are some tendencies of young people that us oldies can exploit.

    Impatience, inexperience, invincibility. We as oldies, don't have our shortcomings in game. Thank God. Generally weaker, slower, stamina.


    Can you imagine if the game made us play our age? :o

  10. Camps are a different story, somewhat. It takes time, quite a bit I hope, to establish and build one. I like the idea of a temporary tent that is destroyed when you die. Gives a little more incentive to staying alive and not risk losing it and the supplies which are stored there. Playing smart, staying alive=having a place to stash things.

         Bases stay the same. Bodies - This ones maybe a tough nut. It needs to persist long enough so that it can be looted, but not long enough for the dead party to get back to.

  11. This is the thread from Fantasyland. I'm serious but know it would never fly. There would be screaming and crying throughout the land. Let me enjoy my fantasy.


    People accuse me of being a fanboy and screaming down "negative there's something wrong with Dayz" posts. That isn't true but people see it that way. I just post about things people can't change no matter how much they complain. I'm a realist.


    I also don't oppose any playstyle. You want to be a homicidal horde slayer go for it. So the ground work is established.


     I love Dayz. Love the concept, love the atmosphere, the graphics, everything. I have a complaint, a dislike, about Dayz.


    I hate tents, and vehicle storage. At least for the vanilla game. Here's why. I hate the fact that when someone gets killed they have an ability to gear up near instantaneously. Decisions have consequences. Bad decisions should have bad consequences. By bad I mean other than a nuisance. Everyone also knows I am not against KOS. What I am against is bad decisions that have no real consequences. Wouldn't bad consequences for bad decisions motivate people to play, well , better, slightly more realistic? Same for camping friend's dead bodies. Tents to me are like little god nodes. There it is. My complaint about Dayz. Remember, I stated this is a fantasy post. I am still a realist. I am not going to push for this, ever. 

    • Like 2

  12. Remember (concerning kids) everyone:


     First of all, keep him out of the light, he hates bright light, especially sunlight, it'll kill him. Second, don't give him any water, not even to drink. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight.

    • Like 1

  13. i don't know about you, but it made an ass out of me. 

    He feasted on my 5 rounds and half eaten tins of beans.  In the mean time i hoovered the meat crumbs off my plate, cringing at his abuse of my cessile state, too lazy to respawn.  Each sip of my pale ale grew more and more bitter as I felt the sting which I so frequently dealt to others.

    Little shit :(

    TBH i don't have as much interaction with confirmed kids as in the mod.  Most people i confront refuse to communicate.  All tall dark and mysterious types, whichever end of the barrel they sit on.  In the mod they'd roam in screaming shrieking packs and would flock off at the first sign of danger to stalk you all the while until you lay down to do something or take a smoke. 

    GERDERNMD KIDS!  One day you'll stop to pee and all your shit will be mine!

    Victim report card: F.


    We are smarter and more experienced then they are. Now we have to prove it. Good luck.

  14. I must disagree, there is a difference between killing to feel safe or because I want your loot and killing for shits and giggles. 

    Killing for loot is risky because I can ruin it.

    Killing to feel safe, is more of a mexican stand off that went wrong.

    Killing for fun is just killing because I want to, because I'm bored have 600 M4 bullets and I won't even bother looting you. 


    First two come from necessity, and large numbers of zeds will affect them, because will those few beans worth not being able to loot the town because there is 30 zeds chasing me ? Is that guy more of a threat to me that a horde of zeds ?

    Oh I 100 % agree with you General. I kinda was referring to the point of view of me, the victim. I'm dead, no matter the reason. I was using a little levity.


    They (the KOSer for whatever reason) scares the hell out of me. That's a good thing imho. It teaches me not to get caught out in that position to begin with.

  15. still remember hiding up in the high rocks in Novo, almost at the top but just enough elevation for someone to get up behind me.  I was prone in a rock-ditch and didn't think i could be easily seen from below.  I shimmied out and shot a zombie dead with the LRS and Mosin then went back into my ditch and ate my dinner whilst listening to the soothing wind of DayZ.  Before I was finished my tall-ie beer, some kid had popped up on hte rocks above me

    "are you fucking stupid or something?" he said in a juvenile voice


    *you are dead*

    "Yeah you're fucking stupid aren't you, hey?  Fucking stupid aren't you"  he parroted.

    Good kid.  He must have been looking for me for 30minutes after my innocuous shot, but mad props for sniper hunting.

    omnomnom.  Curse you tortillas!

    You know happens when you assume.


    Great story. What an intelligent kid. Pretty rare.

  16. Yes, but larger numbers of zeds and much less will make killing for your fun and misery of others far less common, which is a problem now. Killing for sources will never stop.

    Killing for fun, killing for beans, killing to feel safe are all the same. You all scare the F out of me. Congrats, you are taking years off my real life.

  17. I think that the KOS phenomenon is brought about by the victims themselves. Follow me on this. A majority of the players, from what I read on this forum and watch in videos and streams, run around with not a care in the world. I guess they feel like superman or they know if they die, they come back to life. No stealth, whatsoever, no situational awareness, no thought given to where they are (like being in a kill zone in Berezino). I will say again and again if you do not want to be KOS food, don't be seen. Will stealth always work? Hell no. I've been caught out a lot but usually due to a mistake. I feel comfortable so I drop my SA. I get impatient. I stay in an area way too long while each second that ticks by that KOSer is coming closer. If you don't protect yourself you will be killed (not if but when). Even in an encounter you should never ever drop your guard. This is the time to be more nervous, more jumpy. You yourself don't have to KOS. Just have the upper hand. Suspect that that person is going to kill you. Then get the F out of there. But never from that point on let your guard down. Don't continue looting in that area, move on. I am not talking to KOSers right here. I'm talking to the friendly.


    Yeah, I'm blaming the victim here. If you do the following you will eventually be KOS:

            1. Run down the street with not a care in the world.

             2. Choose to loot in a high pop area.

             3. Choose to loot in a high value loot location.

              4. Choose to continue to loot in an area where you just had an encounter. Even a friendly one.

               5. Choose to play with impatience, no SA.


    And for once victim, stop coming here complaining that you just got KOS 5x already. Could it be you just aren't following the rules of nature?

    KOSer, kill on. You scare the f out of me, congrats. I am not, nor will I ever be, a KOSer.


    And just one more tidbit. You will die. When is determined by you (90 % of the time).

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  18. Guys,

    Fanboys, whiners, complainers, haters, lovers we are all in Chernarus together. We all have to wait until the game is finished. And I have got news. Some of us are going to be unhappy with the game we paid $30.00(50 % discount) for.


    BTW I am more of a realist than a fanboy.


    Our conversations here have no iota of hope of changing things. Not one. They are not going to build it faster. They are not going to build it according to our specifications. They may follow some of our suggestions but I don't think anybody has come up with something new in a long time. All the suggestions are in. The work is being implemented and now we test. We have just spawned in. There is a long walk (or run) now to Berenzino.
