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Everything posted by RAM-bo4250

  1. RAM-bo4250

    A Refreshing Change - STEALTH

    I play totally lone wolf, hardly any interaction with other players. It really annoys me watching someone get help from another player such as a weapon and turn around and use that weapon on that person. Totally immersion breaking. Even bad guys will feel a little bit for those who help them.
  2. Can someone please explain this to me. I was recently watching a Dayz video on youtube recently and the player was drawing a lot of zombies in the market. What did he do? He logged out to get rid of the zombies. What I don't get is why play this game at all. There are so many other run and gun games. Other games have pretty good weapons data. So why? I am constantly scratching my head over these types of play style. I guess its good for Bohemia. But still ... Well let this start the conversation.
  3. I feel ya, check out my post "Still killed by zombies" and you know why.
  4. Embarassing isn't it? I can run into a building. I can run into a pinetree. I can run even into a bush. I can even run until I lose them. And I do all the time. You know what kills me all the time? Bad decisions. Let me try and loot that last house in town, dead. Zombies spawning like crazy but I have to get to that one last doorstep, dead. For a can of food, a can of soda, an antiseptic wipe. It doesn't matter. Bad decisions all. Greed, maybe? But do you know what? My favorite game ever. And even though the zombies are easy to beat they are still a damn danger. Get hit once or twice and then boom, hardly any blood left. Even if I don't get infected. Now all of a sudden a pulsating white screen. Here we go again! I've had the perfect kit too. Silenced M4 with plenty of ammo, silenced pistol, huge backpack filled with anything I need. And then Bam another bad decision. Come on guys, I have to climb the steps of that house, I don't know what's there? Or, I'm killing zombies left and right with my machete. You know the place, top of the stairs in the barn. Then guess what happens? Yup, forgot I had run on and jump off, either getting a broken bone or a pulsating white screen. Here we go again! What a @#%&*@# blast! You know what? I don't think I would survive a zombie apocalyse. I'm too stupid.
  5. RAM-bo4250

    Still primarily killed by zombies

    Hi, my name is RAM-bo4250 and I'm a lootaholic.
  6. RAM-bo4250

    Still primarily killed by zombies

    I know that. But I have to check that loot spot. It may have more than an empty can. Oops, there goes that white pulsating screen again.
  7. I understand PVP and am not against anyone's right to play it as they wish. PVP, KOS it doesn't matter. It adds a little flavor and makes the game interesting. There are people who would do exactly the same thing in real life (although not too many as they couldn't reload when they themselves get a bullet to the head). All the apocalypse movies portray this kind of rampage. I don't buy it. People have a way of helping each other out in a crisis. However, there are still those selfish SOB's out for themselves. Again failure to reload will keep most of those in check. In real life you only have one life. Again though, why do people play a zombie game (this one in particular) to cheat and avoid zombies or other players for that matter? Other games (COD, BF3/4, etc.) you get shot and respawn in less than 10 seconds. To any player who logs out to avoid zombies or other players can you please explain the rationale? I'm just curious. Why do it? I am not talking to those who do it only sometimes. I play games for immersion. Feeling like I am part of the game world. As such I usually play stealthy. That's what draws me to this type of game. I get to do in fantasy what I probably (who knows nowadays) can't do in real life. As such I will be more like Rick from The Walking Dead. To me what is the sense of surviving if I lose all my values and my humanity. I know I could only take another life in self defense. OK, the biggest question of all. Even if the game allows some things, why do it? Why cheat? You are really not gaining anything. Basically I feel you are cheating yourself. I don't condone cheating but I could understand it if you had your life or your money on the line. Then at least you are gaining someting from it (albeit for a short time, anyway). But in a game?
  8. Hey everybody, Sorry if there has already been a major discussion of this but it is something I just noticed. Zombies are really easy to hide from now. All you have to do is run into a bush or pine tree and zombies chase you but can not hit you, then they wander off. Is this how it is supposed to be? It seems too easy. I thought I used to have to run until I was far off from the zombie and evntually got lost because of trees and bushes. Sorry again if this has already been talked about. Ron
  9. RAM-bo4250

    Easy to beat zombies

    I like hard zombies. They should be a concern and not just an annoyance. I reaaly enjoy the survival part of it and it just keeps getting better. After SA comes out do you think people will still play this mod?
  10. RAM-bo4250

    Easy to beat zombies

    Just before 1.7.7. How was it when zombies would follow you to the end of the world?
  11. RAM-bo4250

    Easy to beat zombies

    Yeah, I actually do know about sticking close to walls and such. I just never knew you could run into a bush or tree. I used to run through these things to escape the z's view but never thought to stop in one. Also I didn't exactly mean not to camp out in forests but just not to stay in one for the whole game. You have to adventure out eventually. Just staying in the woods would be boring. After all have to search for the holy grail (nvg's/rangefinder). I have never found any of these items. Also don't tell me where to find them. I don't look at loot maps or any map for that matter until I find one in the game. I don't do loot runs through the coastal areas either although I like to have at least one food and drink before I leave the coast. This has been the only game I've ever played on multiplayer. I hate multiplayer (COD Types) games. But this game is fantastic. Can't wait for the SA.
  12. RAM-bo4250

    Easy to beat zombies

    Well I guess since some people are still responding even though it has been discussed before might as well thank you all for continuing the conversation. At least the z's are a bit dangerous hitting you. Every time I get hit it seems I lose half my blood. I guess the reason I didn't notice the ease of hiding from zombies is I usually like to play stealthy and don't like getting spotted even once. I figure if in a real zombie apocalyse (yeah right) I wouldn't be running all over the place since I only have one life. Don't get me wrong. I still get killed ( a lot), usually by another player because I am too concentrated on the zombies. I used to crawl a lot but found, if spotted, I can't get up fast enough to run and get clobbered. I still try to play stealthy though. It is a game after all and I could survive forever in the forest, but how much fun would that be? This is still probably the only game though that makes my heart pound. Not realizing a zombie aggro'd from the distance or getting sniped there still are plenty of wtf? moments.
  13. RAM-bo4250

    Easy to beat zombies

    Well I guess you all can ignore this thread then. Sorry. Ron
  14. I use Trackir and it is working fine. All my axes are checked and movement shows on head tracking screen. In game my character won't lean. "Q" and "E" doesn't work either. I checked in controllers and Q,E, and Trackir are shown for lean right and lean left. It's the only function of trackir not working. All other head movements are working fine including zoom in and out. Any ideas? Ron
  15. RAM-bo4250

    Character not leaning. What may be problem?

    Thanks colekern. I was thinking that may be the case. Ron