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Posts posted by RAM-bo4250

  1. 12 hours ago, amadieus said:

    - While climbing a radio tower my character become uncontrollable and was going all over the place. Relogged and fell to the ground, which I barely survived


    As a work-around until this is fixed. Continue to hit "S" key (ie backwards) until you get on ground. Do not log off. You are actually on the ladder when this happens (just doesn't appear so).

    • Like 2
    • Beans 1

  2. 1 hour ago, Steffen Vo said:

    13h Dez. 1.0 release = that is a disaster ... I am surprised that the developers can still sleep peacefully

    They sleep peacefully on your salty tears. I'm sorry I just had to. The devil made me do it. Cheer up though, no matter what they call this at release it will eventually be a great game IMHO. Cheers!

  3. On 10/26/2018 at 7:20 PM, GrossKopfZed said:

    My plan is to keep my server as close to vanilla as possible. I don't want to use any crazy mods. I'll be looking to increase the zedz and make other changes that will make it more challenging. I hate high loot, spawn with a gun type servers.

    I have to check out your server. Right up my alley.

  4. Thanks for all the replies guys. I wasn't sure if it was just me or was happening to others. When experimental isn't the same patch number as stable I strictly play on UK - 4 and there was where this lighting effect was taking place. I just wanted to be assured it wasn't just my system or settings.

    Actually Danny Dog and Max the Survivor are both right. I have both of those. The light to darker coming in and out and the seeming perpetual dusk or dawn.

    • Like 1

  5. When I play (currently playing experimental) and the server is on nighttime I get a weird lighting effect. The lighting will change from darkness to almost light and back again, like the game can't determine the lighting condition. I think where I am looking has something to do with the lighting change. I did a search on the forums, reddit and bug tracker but can't find someone else having similar issues. Any ideas?


  6. 38 minutes ago, moeb1us said:

    Yes, can confirm. And it's not 'floaty', I would rather call lagging behind my actual wanted view position. It feels very sluggish at the moment, and is quite nauseating.

    It was not like this in any patch before, and I tried multiple configurations, both in 32 and 64 bit, deleted all my .cfg files and updated TIR software and games list, tweaked the settings that control this (I didn't have to do any changes to these values for two years) like speed and smoothness but nothing helped. I use TIR 5 with the latest version.

    It almost feels like the game limits the maximum speed the in-game head can perform when being controlled by trackIR, because I can rotate my ingame head just fine and very fast with the mouse in free look.

    Please fix! I will update the tracker, if Geez didn't already marked the issue as solved that is.

    My thoughts exactly, moeb1us


    I have been playing with Vision 3d for a while now. All of a sudden Battleye has been blocking a file from Vision 3d. The file being blocked is NVSCapi.dll. Why all of a sudden? As a result I can no longer play in 3D.

    I am reinstalling Dayz as I write this. Any technical support would be appreciated. I realize not a lot of people use Vision 3d.

    EDIT: Issue solved. It was the damn new nvidia driver. Rolled back to previous one and 3d is working fine.

  8. I don't think this is really a bug issue so I figured I'd ask it here,

    I play Dayz with Nvidia 3d vision. Awesome by the way. However, there is a graphic issue with the new patch (.60). The reflected light and shadows almost look like decals. They sought of pop out from the scenery a little bit. So do the stars at night. Is there some setting I could use to prevent this?

  9. Its not a default setting for vanilla, but its enabled for US 436. There are options like crosshairs, max vehicles, and many more that can be set in vanilla.


    I personally hope to see 436 give vets a chance to feel like bambis again, encourage cooperation, and provide an immersive hardcore survival experience where players are relieved to find other survivors.


    Here is some info on 436 now, and potential for the future: link

    Thank you Lt Dan for the info and thread. At first I thought it was hackers since the heli always seemed to fly around where I was. Also I have been killed by (I assume NPCs) now that I read that thread. Again thought it was hackers because with only 2 players on the server it was too coincidental I was found and killed. Now I really have to be on my toes. Hellava fun time though. I just wish there were populated 1PP servers. I just cant get myself to play 3PP either on the mod or SA. 3PP is just too overpowered. It gives absolutely no solid chance for stealthiness. At least in 1 PP everyone is risking the same. Oh well, I'm in a minority.

  10. I've looked for the answer doing the standard search. Can't find anything on this. I play on US 436 Hardcore server vanilla. Every time I play I keep seeing the heli fly over. One time it actually took me out. I asked the other players (usually not  a lot as it's a 1PP server) they said they didnt kill me. This has gotten me befuddled. Thanks for any answers.


    Just be clear, this isnt a mod of the mod like epoch or origins, It is vanilla mod.

  11. Now that I've put some serious time on this build, I gotta say: this was definitely the "TSN Turning Point" build.


    I hope they don't roll back anything and continue to progress, move forward. It finally resembles something close to what we had in the mod. Canned food is rare enough to create tension when on the hunt for it. I'm watching my energy level way more than I used to. I'm sneakin' around avoiding zombies, getting in fights with them when I have to. I'm bandaging frequently, having to keep my rag supply up. I've had to get out of the grey multiple times on a single character. I'm running into people far more weary to engage, keeping an eye on you, but going about their business. Most likely in the grey and not wanting to risk taking a single hit. I've ran into dead bodies in random places and that's something that was missing for a very long time, but happened quite frequently in the mod. It's been nice.


    Less than an hour ago I came across a body that had collapsed on a dirt road running along the side of a hill, about 200-300 meters north of Psta. A dead body that was not in a major city or mil zone, that was previously unheard of. I really felt for the guy too. He was so close to his salvation, another 200 meters down the hill and he would have found 3 cans of food at a small pod of houses. If he would of just drank the 2 cans of soda he had on him(soda gives you energy too) he would of made it to the 3 cans of food and I'd most likely be the dead one.

    Why are you so sensible and reasonable. Shame on you. This game is broken. I want to be geared in 3 houses and ready to fight an infantry battalion. You can't possibly like this bullshit game. What are you stupid? A fanboy? Just the zombies alone. What the hell is wrong with you? You like this..this crap? You're a total noob to games, aren't you?




    I feel exactly like you Jubie and will probably be leaving the mod behind for good if it continues. I don't care who disagrees with me but this is still THE benchmark game for zombie survival. There is no equal. Period.


    Sorry to you people who feel an only legitimate post is one that suggests or criticizes something. Conversations can be fun too you know. 


    5 - Try your hand at hunting animals.  Thanks to the recent AI change this is virtually impossible as all animals come equipped with state of the art, survivor tracking GPS\radar systems, making it virtually impossible to get within a mile of a cow.  However, if you CAN take one down you can then try..




    With the new stealth I was able to crawl up to the back of a cow and kill it with an axe. Stay prone until you are right behind the cow. Havn't tried it with Z's yet.

    • Like 1

  13. I myself don't believe in KOS. That is what I choose. However I also have common sense and stay away from kill zones and travel stealthily. I hardly ever run into other players. Have I? Of course. Whose fault was it? Mine of course because I f$%#$% up. Do I want to see KOS end? Hell no. Without it my heart wouldn't thump everytime I happen to see another player. I love it. I will never ever feel sympathy for someone who changes who they are. I am a lone wolf friendly player. Period. That is how I play and will always play. My whole goal is to see how long I can survive. Will I kill? Yes, but only if I have to. If someone has the drop on me it is their rules. If someone helps me I appreciate that. I will never ever ever shove it up their arse. I am me and no one will ever cause me to change me into something I'm not. 


    Thank you KOSers for making my game phenomenal. Keep on being dicks. Don't ever give up. All your antisocial behavior scares the bejesus out of me.

  14. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC35XBLec0EkBErsV1g3cDyw. Just a bit of shameless self promotion here. STO is run by me, and an American Friend of mine, I play on a private share server, and run two seperate lives, playing with a group on a 3rd person, and solo on a 1st person one. The 1pp playthrough will be what you describe! Whereas the 3pp one will be your more traditional PvP get rekt scrubs gg no re. My videos are anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, with a metric butt ton of editing, anyways hope this helps!

    Watched it. Really liked it. Please make more. TY

  15. The comments in this thread about people not making videos/streaming because it wouldn't get interest makes me sad.  Why does it have to be about views?


    I upload a lot of DayZ videos, I don't play stealthy so they're not gonna interest the OP, but I just upload them primarily for myself for the future, so I can look back at good times and along the same lines for my group.  Also, to learn from my encounters.  I only get about 15 views a video (primarily my group) and only have about 40 subscribers, but it doesn't bother me at all.  I don't tag them, I don't care.  I've uploaded a couple that got 10,000 views, and while the novelty of that is nice it really doesn't matter to me.


    Maybe there's some one out there doing the same OP, I unfortunately don't know of any stealthy ones.  MrBlackOut's hardcore series of videos almost falls in line with what you want, he at least tries to stay alive and plays rather cautiously but he does engage most of the people he sees that don't appear friendly (he makes friends with a lot of people too).  He definitely isn't pure stealth though.

    Ill checkout MrBlackOut. I hope somebody feels the way I do and will be encouraged to put up some videos.

  16. Closest I have come to seeing a little bit of what I want was a female streamer from Serbia(?) named VanillaGremlin. She was playing lone wolf, not exactly stealthy, but it was fun watching it anyway. At least it wasn't all about hanging around the church in Elecktro BSing or having a fashion show. I don't understand why people want to watch the same thing over and over. It bores me. I want to see someone play the game like their life depended on it. I'm in the minority. So be it. Guess I just have to go play the game. Seriously, sometimes I just like to watch.
