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Everything posted by RAM-bo4250

  1. RAM-bo4250

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    Love the imagination. I'm not going anywhere near Evans City, PA nor any major military installation. Well, that's not totally true. I do go to military outposts on rare occasions. As far as the movie. Saw it way back. Don't remember what it was about. You used to be like a Daryl. Daryl kept his humanity despite the baddie gang. You didn't. Now you are the baddie gang. I will try and stay out of your way. If I can't, well we'll just have to see what happens, won't we. >:(
  2. RAM-bo4250

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Money, power and fame make the world go round. Every company out there is there to make money. I know that. Companies aren't charities. But it is cynical that you feel most companies would indulge in such low life practices to make a buck. Especially reputable ones. I mean as far as not caring about their good customers to make a few measly dollars more from the bad ones. Their good customers are where their profits are. I trust the profit motive. I don't trust people. Businesses that have good business practices make more profit than does who practice shady ones. Companies are risking a lot to make a few dollars more now. It's not good business sense. Most companies bend over backwards to make their customers happy. There are customer relations almost everywhere. Let me give a sort of analogy. Suppose you live in a neighborhood. In that neighborhood is a drug house. The cynic would say, "look the police don't give a damn, probably was told by the politicians not to do anything about it. The reason for such inaction was clearly so the government could make money off the drug users in fine monies and clinic costs, etc. That may be the case in some jurisdictions but certainly not in all or even most. That's the cynicism part. The drug house may be under observation with the police building a case. They may even be unaware of the problem because people are less helpful then you may think. You know the whole I don't want to get involved thing. There are a lot of drug houses out there just like there are a lot of hackers. And a lot of security holes. Eventually I believe they will be taken down and the holes fixed. That's the non cynicism in me. That is what I hope for.
  3. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    Caution - monkey throwing feces - Caution
  4. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    I act like the little kid. That's precious. THEN DON'T READ THE THREAD. You complain about the Alpha too, don't yer. Really, I don't think you understand anything. I'm pretty sure that 99.999999999999999999999% grasp the meaning of what I said. Some people are just clueless.
  5. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    I like you too Demoth :rolleyes: I have to disagree. Having a civil discussion is never pointless. Even discussing pointlessness. A few trolls who continue to prove, "Close your mouth, better to be thought a fool, then open it, and prove it". bother me, but will never shut me up. I will read other threads and discuss with decent folks and I hope they continue to read mine. If they aren't decent, I will back hand em. We should never allow anyone to shut us down and I won't let them. Now shall we discuss this pointlessness ^_^
  6. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    Why do certain people feel they can always be so judgemental and sarcastic. Last time I checked you are free to view or not view any thread. You can even preview the thread before you read it. I've seen threads about the 5.45 vs 5.52 bullets and length. I don't give a flying f about bullets. Can I put it in my gun and it go bang? Everything else I don't give a damn. And I'm a handloader. Do I go into that thread and ask, "Oh another one of these threads talking about bullets." No because I see the title, decide if it looks interesting and decide if I want to read the thread. Others find it interesting. Nobody forces me to read any thread. Not even the rules thread. Tell me, Mr. Judge, what threads am I supposed to post? I will post any topic I want. The only judge I need is the forum admin if I post something offensive. In the meantime.... Go F-------ix yourself.
  7. RAM-bo4250

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    I almost had "stupid" planted across my forhead. I always heard about reading books and always said to myself, "what the hell they talking about? I can only tear pages out." I saw the how to read video and ohhhhhhh.
  8. RAM-bo4250

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    Loved that movie. Road warrior-ish. Never get tired of that genre of film. I wish the movies were like 5 hours long or longer. Series like The Walking Dead - Game of Thrones - are like this to me. If you can wait all season long and buy the DVD later. Unfortunately, I can't. Wait that is. :(
  9. RAM-bo4250

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    Do you by any chance live in Terminus?
  10. How can people make rational comments on something they have no clue? This almost always amuses me? Other times I rage. Don't they realize how silly they are? A wise man once said, "Shut your mouth. Better for someone to think you're a fool than to open your mouth and prove it". Or something like that. Oh well, we'll see this again.
  11. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    Have you guys not read my original post? I agree with 95 % of you. I believe that the environment is everything that is trying to kill you. Including other players. The other players are the most challenging I agree. No AI can take the place of human unpredictability. But to get to that stage you must first be able to survive. I believe the survival aspects can be made to make getting to that unpredictable stage tougher. But yes, nothing can come close to player unpredictability. Stop trying to view Dayz as PvE vs PvP. Or PvE or PvP. Let's change the nomenclature. Let's call it PvEv. (thanks Caboose). Player vs Everything. Because that is what Dayz is. Remove any of the Pv parts and Dayz is no longer Dayz. I didn't start enjoying the game more until I realized that I actually wanted KOS in. Made my PvE much more meaningful. I like challenging games. Some do not. I believe Dayz wants to be a very challenging game. I don't want it like any other game also. I tend to play strategic/tactical games (not the rts type). And a few single player openworld titles, Fallout and Elder scrolls. To each his own and perfectly OK. All my opinion of course and to be taken with a grain of salt.
  12. RAM-bo4250

    Turning positive paid off

    Hoth, the sun is always brighter when you think it is. I've noticed a little slippage here and there. It takes a while to fully change an outllook. Took me a while to realize KOS wasn't ruining my game. I was. There are a lot of cool dudes. You just gotta be willing to see them.
  13. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    Did somebody fart? It smells in here.
  14. RAM-bo4250

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Uncle, uncle uncle. Btw, what did he say? Can you repeat it?
  15. RAM-bo4250

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Arguing with a developer over internal processes, in which the developer is intimately knowledgeable, can't be anything but opinion. And presumptous. Arguing with a developer over, say, clouds is still an opinion but at least there's a little knowledge.
  16. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    Grimey Rick asked a question, "what's the point of this thread?" There are many points I suppose. Shed a little light perhaps. Give somebody something to think about. Encourage those who want to toss the game to hang in there, give it a chance. Conversation in and by itself is always good. I was an avid anti PvP player at one point. I thought the so-called COD kiddies were ruining the game. But little by little I came around to the place I am now. These seven words a poster wrote in some thread clinched it for me. He wrote, "You need me. I'm the bad guy." From then I wanted the whole experience, griefs and all. So yeah, there is a point.
  17. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    Sort of I guess. The point is: choose a playstyle and go for it. To coin a phrase, "It's all good". Btw, must there always be a point? As the Samurai said in "The Last Samurai". Paraphrasing, conversation is good.
  18. RAM-bo4250

    Tents. What are they good for? Absolutely Nuttin

    I think Dayz has the concepts down pretty well. Every argument has excellent counterpoints. The concepts are well thought out. See if Dayz can deliver. I think it can.
  19. RAM-bo4250

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

  20. RAM-bo4250

    September Rant Topic.

    It wasn't exactly about defending the game as much as raging against this: Especially trtk and dgeesio and your like. So yeah, I'm tired, and time to move on. This just isn't entertaining any longer. A little tidbit before I go: In the future when you purchase something be aware of what it is you're purchasing. Seeya monkies. Moves on to the lions, my favorite.
  21. RAM-bo4250

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    It wasn't exactly about defending the game as much as raging against this: Especially you and dgeesio and your like. So yeah, I'm tired, and time to move on. This just isn't entertaining any longer. A little tidbit before I go: In the future when you purchase something be aware of what it is you're purchasing. Seeya monkies. Moves on to the lions, my favorite.
  22. RAM-bo4250

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Got me. Hook , Line and sinker. LOL :blush: Wow, I'm getting way too serious.
  23. RAM-bo4250

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    I don't know about the How to. Back out and go to General Discussion. The last Pinned thread reads "Bug Reports". Hope this helps.
  24. RAM-bo4250

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    You didn't know there was a bug tracker even though it was conspicuously posted in a few places. Now your complaining about said bug tracker. Are you making this stuff up as you go along? Is it just that you have to complain about something? I know I personally put in several bug reports. When I went back to check I was told one of the bugs was already reported and that I would need to upvote said reported bug. So, at this point I don't know. It seems OK to me.