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Everything posted by RAM-bo4250

  1. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    I don't react to things done to me. I am a lone wolf player and avoid all contacts if I can. I have never joined up with anyone before. In my opinion people do stupid stuff. That stupid stuff can get me killed. This game is not a win or lose game. It is, how long do I survive. If I fail I want to fail on my own. I don't post things in a willy nilly way either. I read the forums. I listen to what other people are saying. Then I think to myself, how if possible can I mitigate their grievances. It is true people are liars. It is not true they are world class poker players. If not one single person agrees with me that's fine. I am really OK with that. All I'm doing is starting a discussion. I am not the dev with the power to implement any idea. I do like coming up with food for thought however. No feelings hurt here if no one agrees with me. It's all good.
  2. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    Encounters in Dayz go down in three ways. All are perfectly valid. 1. Come on you filthy weak creatures. Where are you, you are so dead. My system doesn't change this one iota. 2. Oh shit. There's a player. Is he going to try to kill me? I'm not taking any chances, bang. My system doesn't change this one iota. 3. Oh shit. There's a player. Is he going to try to kill me? I'm gonna risk a meet. Hey you there, what's up, are you friendly? You are. OK. Then you join up hang around a little and bang to the back of your head. This is the encounter my system is meant for. New encounter: Oh shit. There's a player. Is he going to try to kill me? I'm gonna risk a meet. Hey you there, what's up, are you friendly? Oh, you are. Prove it show me your stats. Three responses: 1. refuse to show. I think your're a liar, turn around and head out or you're dead. 2. Show stats - lot of player kills. I just can't trust you, turn around and head out or you're dead. 3. Show stats - low player kills. Well at least it seems you are telling me the truth. Sure let's go. Possible outcome - trusted companions or bang you are dead, sorry this is Dayz. I'm hoping for a lot more of 3. At least basing trust on something reasonable. People make decisions based on a lot of input. Unfortunately data in a game is a little too much two dimensional. In reality people would make judgements of people in more ways than just speech. We don't just strike up a friendship based on what a person says. We look at his appearance. We look at his mannerisms. I'm trying to simulate a little more information. I'm not trying to reveal a person in any way shape or form. Encounters are purely optional. Revelations are purely optional. To me it is way way too easy to backstab someone. Even with my system backstabbing is possible. Stats are ambiguous - no real information. I don't ever want a system that outright identifies good or bad players like in the mod - bandit skins.
  3. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    KOSers, have no fear. I am not trying to bring about a system whereby someone can tell what you are. It still stands the way it is. You don't even have to talk to someone if you don't want to. THE STATS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY REVEALED - They are revealed if and only if you decide to. And non KOS people - This is a little more help in determining who you may possibly trust, no guarantee. An encounter like this goes down only if you want it to. Everyone has a choice.
  4. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    This is where I believe my system would work. AND AGAIN - THESE STATS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY REVEALED - they are revealed if and only if the player wants to reveal them.
  5. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    Please guys understand. THESE STATS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY REVEALED - the player himself must reveal them and then only if he wants to.
  6. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    It is not making the game easier. In real life you would have other indicators to tell if someone was lying (body language). The stats are only revealed if you want them to be revealed. Please UNDERSTAND this one thing. It's not an automatic. The stats reveal nothing specific. Just that you killed so many people. Not the reason why. However, if you tell me you just kill in self defense and refuse to show me your stats, well that is revealing. In a game you don't get to see all the nuances of a person's reaction to a chance encounter. Right now all you see is bang - you are dead. REPEAT - the stats are not automatically revealed - REPEAT
  7. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    We as players are basing our KOS (those inclined not to) on nefarious data. I'm just trying to have a little more data so those inclined not to KOS have a fighting chance of keeping their humanity. Now it's KOS based on the premise that everyone does it so I might as well too. Everyone does it (not actually the case as I don't do it) is not representative of a real situation. The Walking Dead portrays a more realistic representation of the apocalypse in my opinion.
  8. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    They are only revealed if you want to reveal them. It's not revealed to everyone. So, arcadish, no. Not forced on everyone. Your choice. In real life you wouldn't know a person's name if they weren't willing to reveal it? So that system is no good. I'm trying to simulate (in a way) body language. Even the simple act of not revealing your stats is body language. This revelation is VOLUNTARY. It's not you get close and see someone's stats automatically.
  9. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    All advertising is misleading. What does a Gecko have to do with car insurance? I just like giving a grabby title so people will want to at least view the topic. There is a preview button also. The more people that see it the more ideas floated around. If I havn't seen those suggestions, others havn't either. And I see a lot of topics repeated and repeated and repeated. Not relevant.
  10. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    I can appreciate that. Your choice. That first sentence of yours is what I'm after. In my opinion all players are suspicious. I see that, others do not. They are good people and expect others to be that way. It's not like that in the apocalypse. You can still be a good person, you just have to be smart about it. I've read on the forums where people say the weak go first. Not my opinion. The stupid go first. Let me show you a typical chance encounter in the game based on a scene from The Walking Dead. Hershel finally sees the reality of the world. He's a good man. It took him a while. Remember the scene when Hershel was drinking in the bar in town? Rick and his group were there not expecting company or let their guard down. That's when the ? (probable KOS) guys came in. They were confident if not somewhat cocky. Rick wasn't going to KOS. But he never let his guard down. He was smart. Talking with them he realized by their body language etc they were going to KOS. Rick won of course (he's the star). That sit is repeated over and over and over in Dayz. I'm just trying to give the good guy here a fighting chance to remain good. And not jump on the KOS bandwagon.
  11. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    In my view the stats are ambiguous. They mean nothing. It's more of a risk assessment. A person can wake up one morning and decide he's going on a killing spree. Facial expressions are too fixed. Gives too much information. There has got to be a little mystery.
  12. RAM-bo4250

    You show me yours, I'll show you mine

    I totally don't understand what you are saying. Care to clarify? Your right, this isn't CoD - a PvP game. It also is not Rust - a PvE game. It is Dayz - a PvPE game.
  13. RAM-bo4250

    For those of you that have lost faith in DayZ...

    Yeah, I followed it from the beginning. But I'd be damned if I give money on a promise. In Dayz I had played the mod from almost the beginning and then I waited to buy SA for a few months. In the beginning SA was just too bare for me. I got my 30s worth already.
  14. This is the thread from Fantasyland. I'm serious but know it would never fly. There would be screaming and crying throughout the land. Let me enjoy my fantasy. People accuse me of being a fanboy and screaming down "negative there's something wrong with Dayz" posts. That isn't true but people see it that way. I just post about things people can't change no matter how much they complain. I'm a realist. I also don't oppose any playstyle. You want to be a homicidal horde slayer go for it. So the ground work is established. I love Dayz. Love the concept, love the atmosphere, the graphics, everything. I have a complaint, a dislike, about Dayz. I hate tents, and vehicle storage. At least for the vanilla game. Here's why. I hate the fact that when someone gets killed they have an ability to gear up near instantaneously. Decisions have consequences. Bad decisions should have bad consequences. By bad I mean other than a nuisance. Everyone also knows I am not against KOS. What I am against is bad decisions that have no real consequences. Wouldn't bad consequences for bad decisions motivate people to play, well , better, slightly more realistic? Same for camping friend's dead bodies. Tents to me are like little god nodes. There it is. My complaint about Dayz. Remember, I stated this is a fantasy post. I am still a realist. I am not going to push for this, ever.
  15. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    Got you in here didn't I? Some of you are about to rage aren't yer? Hold on. All bugs, gltiches, hackers aside. Everything and I mean everything wants to kill you dead. - The weather wants to kill you - Your basic needs want to kill you - The zombies want to kill you - The other players want to especially kill you Face it, it's all environment. With the same result. "You are Dead." From the minute you enter as a fresh respawn, the clock is ticking. This game "could" be everything for everybody. You just have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone. When the PvP player says get rid of PvE they will miss out on a new, fresh experience. Same for the PvE player saying get rid of PvP. For some reason we all jumped on this ride called Dayz. Why? Because it's concepts are new and fresh. It saddens me to see players leave due to one or the other reason. Leaving to wait for a better experience I can understand. Hang in there. It "could" be great. Even thinking down the road it would be interesting to play in another country. A different setting. I don't see why not once they get the engine in. Maybe official expansions down the road. There are so many same old same old games out there. There is another point I want to make. All my opinion of course. My fellow PvE players. Stop asking for the KOSers to stop playing their gamestyle (not speaking to hackers). Does it really matter if a guy is geared to the max, the finest rifle, 10000 rounds of ammo? I'm speaking all future here. After all, it's gonna take him awhile to be this geared. If he survives, he's earned it. Don't go where they will probably be. And if you want the challenge, hunt him down, and kill him. They are geared like Rambo and probably very cocky. Or paranoid, they should be. I always get amused when I see a non geared player whack "the Terminator". Nothing they have should have an affect on your gameplay. You, of all people, should be playing smarter. If your expecting to sit back and survive easy, you're making the same mistake as PvPers. Right now the scales are tipped toward PvP and deathmatch. With what I see coming I don't necessarily think that will continue. If a good balance is achieved. So, to you Charles Manson wannabes, "Go for it". I will have your gear. Disclaimer: I am not, now or ever, a KOSer.
  16. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    I realize that. But it's also about the groups they encounter. Rick's group meets the governor. Rick's tiny group meets The baddy gang (gang Daryl gets cooped up with. Next up, Rick's group meets Terminus (can't wait for this one). This is your typical KOSer attitude groups. They also encounter the middle more opportunistic groups such as the prison inmates. (these are the casual KOS crowd - the I better do this or I will be killed). And they also encounter good groups (Hershel and Tyreese's group) or hero, new spawn groups. Although technically new spawns can be either group. I am proudly of the third group. You meet me and it's your lucky day. Cross me I'm your worst nightmare. I'm a Rick and Daryl character.
  17. RAM-bo4250

    Newbie here on Wednesday Maintenance.

    Here we go again. Round 1,459,433.
  18. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    If the expression PvEv ever catches on credit has to go to Caboose. PvE + PvP = PvEv or perhaps PvEP.
  19. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    Seriously, I don't know what else to say. I'm not mad. I myself don't KOS. But others do. And that's realistic in the world of the apocalypse. I refer you to the scene in The Walking Dead where the governor confronts the military column. Hands down. They should have beaten the governor and his bunch. They blew it. Either they got complacent in their strength or took for granted everyone was nice. Either way, they brought hell down upon themselves. They clearly had the position of advantage if they took, well, advantage of it. The only thing the governor and his group had an advantage of was foreknowledge. They knew they were gonna KOS.
  20. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    And Cpanther. You really did come into my house and kick over my stereo. All you had to do was knock on the door and ask me what I meant. If the whole discussion bores you I don't take offense at that. If you disagree I don't take offense at that. So can you please pick up my stereo and put it back on Mozart. Thank you. Actually, I was listening to Classic Rock.
  21. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    By jobe, I think he's got it. Seriously Caboose I knew you had it from the get go.
  22. RAM-bo4250

    Face It - This game is PvE

    I was making a play on words. I can guarantee I did not contradict myself if you understood what I was saying. What's in your environment? Everything, of course. People, buildings, trees, grass, animals, cars, weather, clothes, food. As a communicator it is my responsibilty to make sure I'm understood. I guess I failed. My real point, was what Caboose said. I was specifically pointing at the PvE players in this instance. I was a staunch PvE player until I had a revelation. Without the threat of other players you would be missing a HUGE part of the environment. Point borrowed from another player - You need me, I'm the bad guy. I don't practice KOS. I gain a position of advantage, and use it if I have to. All based on the other players action. I believe a few posts later I stated that KOS is caused by the victim himself. By his very own actions. Once I stopped hating KOSers and understood it enhanced my own playstyle I raged less and enjoyed the game more. If you want PvE, play Rust. If you want PvP, play COD, BF If you want PvEv play Dayz. It's my opinion is all.
  23. RAM-bo4250

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I still can't comprehend the childish mind that thinks cheating is fun. It's not even winning. It's like mental masturbation. I guess. If I had to cheat in a game to have fun (imagined), I wouldn't play. It's like sucking on a pacifier.
  24. RAM-bo4250

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    Old habits die hard. I can't find it in myself, in any game, to play a baddie. Just can't. I like the hero type.