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Everything posted by RAM-bo4250

  1. RAM-bo4250

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I have found two glitches(?) today. Did search on forums, didn't find anything. 1. I generally move in crouch mode. I found 2 things with this. One, when you cross a threshhold with steps my char will stand up. Two, when going or standing on steep incline, again char stands up. Char won't stay crouched. 2. My char is getting stuck in doorways. One time I was holding a fire ext and had to drop it to begin moving again. Another time i was in entravce to shed. Couldn't move until I hit lean key. Then I was able to move again. Happened several times.
  2. RAM-bo4250

    And so it begins...

    Sounds like it's not going to be safe anywhere? I just got goosebumps.
  3. Thanks for the quick reply Fluxley. Much appreciated.
  4. RAM-bo4250

    And so it begins...

    Seriously though, the game is still in development so all this speculation is kinda useless until they finish. I just don't want the only voices the devs hear to be those who believe this game should be just PvP centric.
  5. RAM-bo4250

    And so it begins...

    WE ARE NOT AGAINST PVP. WE ARE NOT AGAINST KOS. We are not for ONLY PvP, not for ONLY kos. Try o try to let that penetrate. I just want to stick an icepick in my eye. I hear one more argument like this....OMG. Guys, I'll give you my address, come and whack me in the head with a fireaxe. It'll be great practice for the real zombie apocalypse. I am so frustrated. Am I not speaking English? What is so hard to understand?
  6. RAM-bo4250

    And so it begins...

    Let the real struggle begin. Hoo-rah.
  7. RAM-bo4250

    And so it begins...

    Devs Challenge to you. If you can't kill me in an hour this game suxx. Back away, back away. Just kidding. I LOVE THIS GAME.
  8. RAM-bo4250

    And so it begins...

    It is easy. But it shouldn't be. It is tedious. Ever tried to survive for say a week? There are people here who honestly want to see the zombies disappear, the survival aspect to disappear. They want to be able to gear up in 5 minutes and go on a killing spree in Berezino. Don't these players already have GTA, Watchdogs, COD, Bf and countless others? Many here want a knitty gritty survival grindfest which must have 2 elements - PvP AND PvE. Come on devs, see what you can throw at me. The more the better.
  9. RAM-bo4250

    And so it begins...

    Hotcakes. Yeah I was there in the mod during the CRY WARS. I was just a lurker than.
  10. RAM-bo4250

    And so it begins...

    Whiners unite!!!!! Seriously though. Do you know what a thrill it is to overcome something difficult? I spawned in one time and through a glitch, broke my leg. Did I suicide? Would you have? Well I didn't. I tried to overcome. I was overcoming too. I even managed to find a pick axe while my leg was broken. I played on in that condition for at least an hour, clinging to life. Until I got lazy and got spotted by a zombie.
  11. RAM-bo4250

    And so it begins...

    When somebody loots something, another item will respawn not within 1 km but 2 km within 10 seconds. Therefore all the major loot spots may not necessarily respawn close by causing players to have to go out in the world to find stuff. People were complaining about dying from starvation. They think there is less loot but that ain't the case. It's just being spread out more. Oh yeah, all loot spawn locations are now enacted too. So no more special buildings only.
  12. RAM-bo4250

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,yes
  13. RAM-bo4250

    The DayZ endgame

    Parazight, try to understand will you? Please? I don't know if you are talking about me or not. You are saying that PVP will be the end all and be all of the game. I disagree. A pure PvE game will be not be too challenging. I am not against PvP. I want it all. I want the possibilty of starving or thirsting to death. I want the possibilty of freezing to death by hypothermia. Or dying to sickness and disease. I also want the possibilty OF BEING SHOT IN THE HEAD. I want the possibilty of being killed by zombies. I want to be punished for doing stupid things like shooting in the middle of a city or running around like I haven't a care in the world gathering loot in 5 minutes. I want stupid gameplay to be punished. By the environment, by the zombies and YES BY THE PLAYERS. That is what I believe the endgame will be if and only if the devs stay true to their vision. The vision that started way back in the mod.
  14. RAM-bo4250

    Ya Know I wuz thinkin

    I absolutely love the fullness of the terrain and countryside in this engine. Forests look like forests. Villages look like villages. Grass is lush. I base all sandbox games on the graphics in Dayz. To tell the truth. IT's AWWWsome! It just feels right. I don't think I could go back to less. I hope I'm not forced.
  15. RAM-bo4250

    Ya Know I wuz thinkin

    Lee, exactly what inspired me to start this thread. The graphics are not the greatest i've seen but everything came together in the right mixture. Very few games have caused this reaction in me. For an artificial world it's pretty damn good.
  16. RAM-bo4250

    The DayZ endgame

    So, in your opinion, how can anything made up be unrealistic? You mean hard, difficult? Like there aren't millions of people in say New York City that turn, and say 100 come after you, especially when you just rang the dinnerbell? I see, totally unrealistic. Unrealistic, because, thousands will be after you.
  17. RAM-bo4250

    The DayZ endgame

    Stated by parazight " Experience tells me that the pve in this game will be completely trivial. " If the devs keep to their vision it won't be COMPLETELY trivial.
  18. This is mine. The good - dangerous zombies The bad - KOSing at spawn points The ugly - server hoppers
  19. RAM-bo4250

    The DayZ endgame

    Let me try again Parazight. You keep bringing up the fact that in your opinion the endgame will always be PVP. In my opinion that isn't necessarily true. As Caboose has stated the survival aspect of the game isn't finished. Hell even PVP isn't finished. The beginning, the middle and endgame will always be to survive. Not JUST pvp, not JUST environment, not JUST zombies. The whole game will be a synergy between the three (or at least it should be) according to the founder of the game (hence the arrow pointing down to my signature). You will eventually run out of food, drink and medicine. That is if the devs don't make it crazy easy to get it in the first place. You will eventually run out of bullets or have your weapon deterioate. Again, if the devs don't make it crazy easy. Zombies will (or should if the devs .... you know the drill) be a problem to be reckoned with. PVP is and should be just one element of the tripod. If you are in a well populated area and you go on your killing spree you should be hounded by hordes of zombies. And then guess what. Even if you've survived your ammo will be depleted, your health will be depleted and so on. Now you're back to the beginning needing to gear up and replenish. Hence, survival is part of this so-called endgame of yours. And it all depends of course on the devs decision to stick with their vision as quoted in my signature. By the way, Parazight, all this was brought up in this thread. Clear? You may be right in the end. The game isn't even published yet. It may just wind up as a delayed COD, BF type of game with cute little zombies running around. I certainly HOPE not. I like pretending I'm Darryl (Walking Dead) fighting for my right of existence. I will never turn into a homicidal maniac. Unless I meet you in game sometime parazight. Just having a little fun, sorry.
  20. RAM-bo4250

    The DayZ endgame

    Again, um, no. PVP is part, not all. l l l \/
  21. RAM-bo4250

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

  22. RAM-bo4250

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Has anyone else noted this? If holding a weapon in your hand and you go prone, the weapon will be thrown first? I had that moment, "What the hell you doing moron."
  23. RAM-bo4250

    The DayZ endgame

    When you can run around in less than half an hour and get geared up, well, like Rambo, and have enough food, drink, and medicine for hours or even days than it's easy - NOT CHALLENGING. When you are not worried about a zombie attack in a zombie survival game than it's easy - NOT CHALLENGING. This is not a strictly PVP game. It's a hybrid. But now it's playing like one because of my two statements above. It's getting better now but the whiners will be out at some point.
  24. RAM-bo4250

    The DayZ endgame

  25. RAM-bo4250

    Ya Know I wuz thinkin

    YOU GOT IT. That's exactly what I'm talking about. I feel like I'm in a real place, not a computer environment. Immersion, what a beautiful word. I wouldn't mind state of the art graphics but it has to fill the space in realistic way. What's the point of having photo realistic trees and grass if it feels like you're walking in a park. Or the most beautiful buidings if there are only a handfull. The devs have hit the sweet spot here. To that I congratulate them. I want this feeling, this immersion, in all my games. I love Skyrim but it still feels artificial.