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Everything posted by evilhomer2

  1. evilhomer2

    Spawn improvement idea (mainly for server hopping)

    maybe use some of the log out criteria that epoch uses for say trading cities.
  2. evilhomer2

    Base Building - What would you like to see?

    i just want a lockable shed so i can place it near spawn locations but hidden away. but have it so you got to do maintenance on it or it collapses. but if they go full building i hope they go to the way of origin.
  3. im hoping it will be more like origins thats proberly the best mod i played on dayz mod.
  4. to be fair looking at your specs there not much better than mine. and i have a nvidia gtx 550 ti thats not much better than yours. i would check the drivers and see about getting the ram dealt with and it should be fine then. also has the GPU been overclocked? if so reduce back to stock and that may fix the issue.
  5. evilhomer2

    Conditions of food and ammo

    from my real life experiance i know that a damaged can of food does become dangerous to eat. most responsible retailers dont sell cans that are damaged on either the top or the bottom for this reason. in the following link is the reasons why. http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm197835.htm
  6. evilhomer2

    Stream Bandits.

    hell if your dumb enough to do nearly live streams tbh you deserve to die. and it aint hacking. its the same as someone shouting there location over chat. you do it your going to die lol.
  7. evilhomer2

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    can we please have atleast the lada added to the server now? its getting tedious running from kamenka all the time.