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About ShobbeZ

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  • Interests
    Computers, gaming.

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  • Bio
    I live in Sweden in a medium sized house. I am 13 years old, but i can promise you, i am NOT annoying. I have played DayZ for 1 year as of October 2013.
  1. ShobbeZ

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    Definitely Teamspeak or Skype. I use Skype the most, but i like teamspeak more. Just that teamspeak is a little more.. complicated. (Missing Words)
  2. ShobbeZ

    A short story about loot, and death.

    Gotta love an Alpha!
  3. ShobbeZ

    A short story about loot, and death.

    Both me and my buddy saw it spurting blood from that spot.
  4. I woke up this morning, decided to play some DayZ Standalone. One of my Norwegian friends was playing with me. We were geared up and had basically everything. Just needed a bi-pod, better backpack, and some more ammo. So we headed down from Zelenogorsk to the small camp between Balota and Zeleno. After getting my self a better backpack, which wasn't badly damaged and got some extra ammo for my mosin. We then headed down to Balota to team up with some friends. When I arrive at the airstrip i took out my mosin, in panic. Because i saw a guy running towards my friend who was looting the barracks. My friend started talking to the guy and then told me to shoot him. I waited for a clean shot, and then aimed down in my scope and aimed for the head. And pulled the trigger. I missed by a few centimeters and the guy imminently became hostile, and started to shoot my poor friend. My buddy almost died and i ran back into cover to line up another bullet, but got swarmed by 4 Zombies so i couldn't do shit. At that time my friend had bandaged his poor ass up and was ready to shoot. They both bumped into each other and my friend sprayed a full mag of STANAG, and the guy didn't drop dead. So at this point the guy took out his M4 and killed my buddy. He raged and quited the Skype call. I lined up a nice shot at his head, pulled the trigger and no sign of death. Placed another 2 in the guy's chest. But he was still alive and started to shoot at me. I kinda combat logged due that he didn't die. Did this guy hack, or was he desyncing as hell? Now don't comment with things as, Oh you fucking bandit! etc.
  5. ShobbeZ

    Got raped whilst sniping.

    Both died at the same time. :D :lol:
  6. ShobbeZ

    Favorite server gone!

    Too bad that i live in sweden :| I will have crazy ping if the server is located in the US.
  7. ShobbeZ

    Favorite server gone!

    Ye, but atm. And when i made that post. I wasn't and still isn't home so i wondered if anyone could find some good servers untill i come home. (lazy and unpatient, i know)
  8. ShobbeZ

    Favorite server gone!

    Well sorry, but whilst i am waiting for SA to be released. I just want to have some fun. And finding vehicles isn't easy on pubs. :blush:
  9. ShobbeZ

    [SA] Driving Style

    Since SA uses the Take On Helicopters engine (correct me if i am wrong). Then in first person, you start the engine by clicking the icon with like an engine icon. Like in Take On Helicopters where you will need to do everything yourself. Instead of pressing just W. Really hard to explain what i mean here. :blush: EDIT: Like using alt to look around and then aim for where the keys are and when you then scroll it will bring up: Start engine/Turn engine off. And to switch gear just press alt and look at the gear lever and scroll to select gear. Nevermind. :| Sorry for bad english.
  10. My favorite server, DayZ Norge (private). Is now down, and it won't be back up for sure. I spent a good 50-60 hours on it. Why am i typing this? I need a new server to play on, if you can give tips for a new server that i would enjoy. Then it would needs: More vehicle spawns, (including helis), Custom buildings, At least 20 + players on the server at most time, Custom loot (not like crazy). That sums it up pretty good. I am maybe a bit spoiled, but i just loved these features and now they are gone.. :( I didn't know if i was going to put this in servers , so i placed this here :P New servers would be appreciated :thumbsup: :) ^_^
  11. ShobbeZ

    DayZ trailer: Your Opinions?

    Same as above. You could have done the quality better. And those black stripes, i can't stand them!
  12. ShobbeZ

    Got raped whilst sniping.

    1. Well, stupid like i was. I listened to music whilst sniping. (One of the most stupid things i have actually done). 2. He must have flanked around me from behind, i was sniping on dobbry hill. (Again one more stupid thing). Next time i can promise you. I won't make the same misstakes. I learned from my misstakes, because we all are human and we all make misstakes.
  13. ShobbeZ

    Got raped whilst sniping.

    I guess you are right, skins doesn't mean anything. But still i just don't like bandit's. I have been a bandit though, but am usually in a hero skin. And i love helping people. One time i even took out a zombie horde that attacked a poor little bambi fella. Bandaged and bloodbaged him back up! ;)
  14. Well, if you use DayZ Commander. You can just click on recent and it will show all the latest servers for you! But that's must be a long time ago. Since AS50's aren't in the game anymore.