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Everything posted by Pallidum

  1. Abusing the support ticket system or the forums with spamming will not get a faster response, nor will it get a server blacklisted or a cheater banned faster. If players abuses this, they may find themselves banned from the forums and from the game. A single ticket or post is more than sufficient. This is your one and only warning.
  2. Hi, I'm Pallidum Treponema, one of the more extravagant posters on this forum. When I'm not posting on this forum, I'm ruining this mod forever and ever, because I'm a bandit that PKs. I'd like to take this opportunity to post a mix of an AAR and guide to take out sniping bandits (or survivors). This will be a more technical AAR compared to the somewhat more embellished version I posted earlier. The basic premise of this engagement is that we had a helicopter in the air doing a pass over Cherno when he took fire from a M107. Our pilot is familiar enough with DayZ and ARMA to recognize the sound of the M107. The pilot spotted who the shooter was and his location. The shooter in question was a player who had been spamming chat for a long time trying to lure players to the cherno construction site in order to kill them. His story was leaking worse than the Titanic, for instance suggesting that he'd found a crashed helicopter he wanted to repair (hint, crashed helicopters can't be repaired) and the comment "M107, what's that?" after having said to our pilot "Eat M107 bullets, chopper" earlier. We recalled our helicopter to pick up our assault team. The team was inserted north east of Cherno, well out of sight from the shooter. The team split into two groups, one going northwest of the shooter, the other going northeast. By this time, we'd had a forward scout observing the shooter for several minutes to ensure that he did not relocate, and to scout out entry points for our teams. Our teams got into place, with one team placing themselves in the woods NE of cherno, the other team moving to the grain silos in central cherno. During all this, I kept the shooter occupied with updating him on my "progress" in chat, promising him a main rotor assembly and a jerrycan for his helicopter. Once we had everything in place, I announced to the shooter that I was about to hit the construction site. Volunteering to be the bait, I ran forward, throwing flares around me. This served several purposes - first letting me see clearly where I ran, as I could not afford to get stuck on rubble, secondly letting me see where to take cover from the shooter. I knew where the shooter was so I could easily take cover as long as I could see well enough in the night. It also made the shooter focus his attention on me and not one of our sniper teams. And lastly, throwing flares around made me look like a bumbling fool, that is to say, an easy target for the shooter. As I was running around on the construction site, jinking randomly and popping in and out of cover, using the excuse of zombies and not finding the stairs, the shooter went to crouched to take a shot at me and, a quick countdown later, our three snipers took down both the shooter and his buddy. We later confirmed our previous observation that the shooter had not only a M107 with NVGs, but also a coyote backpack (the large one). As it is impossible to carry both an M107 and a backpack in DayZ, this was all the evidence we needed to know that the shooter was a hacker, and thus we reported him to the devs. Now, it should be pointed out that while this was a planned counter ambush, one of the reasons why we could pull it off was because this was a nighttime server, thus low-population. We had well over half the population of the server on our team and could therefore move around in Cherno in relative safety. Had this been a fully populated server, we could not have moved our snipers around as freely. It was a calculated risk we took, but ended up paying off. One of the reasons for why I'm making this post is to highlight how an organized team works. The fact that we had a helicopter around was a bonus, but this could have been pulled off without one. We only got two kills during this op, as opposed to going on a random shooting spree on a populated server, but I felt that we had a lot more fun, especially with getting the kill on a confirmed hacker. Another reason for why I'm posting this is to back up Rocket's statement in that the PK groups that are constantly killing you are not necessarily "CoD Deathmatch noobs", but are actually organized, and quite often a lot more organized than you. I do post on the forums though. If you get killed by one of our snipers, it's probably because we've had a team watching the area for some time, and you bumbled straight into our firing line and you never saw us because we never intended to be seen. If your chest gets filled with 5.56x45 SD at point blank range, it's probably because we took our time to get close to you, and we probably had two or three shooters covering our infiltrators at all times. Those chance encounters where we slaughter your entire group? Yeah, they're probably not chance encounters. We probably had one of our guys spot you from a distance, then spent 10-15 minutes getting our shooters in position before springing the ambush. The point is, we're more organized than you. We're better than you. Are we the best? No, probably not. Most likely not in fact, but we're still better than the vast majority of the people that we encounter and that's why I can say, with a fair bit of confidence, that we're better than you. Is this unfair? Yes, it is. We don't engage in fair fights. Soldiers in real life don't do fair fights either, because in "fair fights", some of them are bound to die. If we fight in a fair fight, then we've done something wrong, not done our scouting properly, got our intel wrong, walked into a counter ambush, or been caught unaware. Do you want to make it a fair fight, or heck even unfair towards us? Good. Get better at the game. Get organized, learn tactics, learn to survive. Because we're not going to give you a fair fight otherwise. Life in Chernarus isn't fair. Betterly, AAR-Marshal Palli 'Unfairy' Treponema
  3. DayZ hat off. Pandemic Legion hat on. As a representative of Pandemic Legion - http://www.pandemic-legion.com - I want to state that this clan has NO affiliation to us whatsoever, and is in fact using our copyrighted logo without permission. It is my strong recommendation that this clan refrain from using our logo.
  4. Important note: Most server requests will not qualify for running a DayZ server. If you do not have a beefy server on a dedicated connection, it will not be sufficient. This is to ensure a good game experience for everyone, and to prevent server hosters from acquiring huge overage fees and/or disconnection from their ISPs. What are the hardware requirements for a DayZ server? Dedicated server hardware is now required to host a DayZ server. A home PC is not allowed. If you do not know if your hardware is a dedicated server, you don't have one. * CPU: Quad Core @ 3Ghz+ (CPU is the main bottleneck for an ArmA server, so the more powerful the better) * RAM: 8GB (RAM isn't a big issue in an ArmA server, so don't be overly concerned with having copious amounts) * Storage: 50GB+ HDD - 500 IOPS minimum. SSD or 15k RPM SAS is recommended. * Network: 100Mbps+ dedicated. Bandwidth cap must be at least 2TB or more. Can I host my server at home? No. A home internet connection is not intended to run servers. There are several problems with this: * Most home internet connections have far less upload bandwidth than download bandwidth. You may have 24Mbit download bandwidth, but only 6Mbit upload bandwidth. A DayZ server requires a lot of upload bandwidth, and for peaks (server restarts when lots of people try to log in) requires a lot more. * Many ISPs won't allow home internet connections to run servers. You may get disconnected by your ISP for this. * Many ISPs won't allow you to accumulate that much bandwidth. A DayZ server will consume multiple terabytes per month. If you do not have unlimited bandwidth, this could cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Or, it'll consume your bandwidth quota in a day or two. * Many home internet connection use dynamic IPs. A static IP is highly recommended * Many home internet connections are less stable and reliable than dedicated connections. As such, you cannot host your DayZ server on a home internet connection. Can I host a Linux server? At the moment, we only support Windows servers, so no. It is possible that Linux servers will be supported in the future, but no promises, and we don't know when. Can I host on a VPS? Many ISPs sell Virtual Private Servers (VPS) with the assumption that any given server will be idle for the majority of the time, thus allowing them to host several VPSes on the same physical hardware. A DayZ server will consume a lot of processing power on a regular basis, which makes it difficult to host DayZ servers on a VPS. Most VPSes will also not give you a commitment on processing power, but instead provided it on an as-available basis. If the physical hardware is running a lot of processes, your VPS may not get the required CPU power to run a DayZ server. So, in almost all cases, no. You cannot run a DayZ server on a VPS. How many slots should I run? We've found that 50 slots per server strikes a good balance between resource requirements and number of players. The minimum slot count for new servers is 40. We highly recommend running a 50 slot server, however. The one exception for this is for developing countries or countries where bandwidth is very expensive. For those countries minimum slot count is now 30. Can I buy/rent a server from the DayZ team? The DayZ developers do not rent out servers. If you don't host your own server hardware, you'll have to rent a server from a third party. We can't unfortunately help you with finding a third party to rent from. Before renting a server, make sure it's supporting the requirements for a DayZ server, so you don't pay for a server that you cannot use. If I have a server, can I spawn things like cars and guns? Surprisingly many people ask about this. No. That'd be cheating. Can I host a server for my clan? Yes, you can. We encourage clans to set up a server to act as their home. What you cannot do, however, is to restrict the server to your clan only. The gameplay of DayZ involves conflict between survivors as well as zombies, and restricting a server to a single clan would take away this aspect of the gameplay. It would also allow the clan to farm gear without risking interference from other players, which would give them an unfair advantage. If I have a server, can I kick people to make room for clan members? No, you cannot. Kicking people for clan members can, and have been abused. It was allowed in the past and was heavily abused by a small minority of server admins. As a result, server admins are no longer allowed to kick people for clan members. Will hosting a DayZ server give me any special privileges? No, not really. I'm sorry, but hosting a DayZ server only means that you host a DayZ server. What it can do is give your clan a place to call home, and it will give you an opportunity to participate in and contribute to DayZ. It will also give you a feeling of having done something good. And, on occasion, a lot of frustration. Most server administrators are quite happy to be part of something a lot bigger, and they are very appreciated for their contributions.
  5. Pallidum

    Sky-lining and How to Avoid it

    Skylining is a proper term.
  6. Hi, I was notified of this thread. Server admins are not permitted to ban for server hopping or ghosting. While ghosting is technically an exploit, it is hard to prove, and has become the "catch-all" excuse for banning anyone who kills the server owners. The abuse of this is rampant. Due to this, you're not permitted to ban for ghosting. While it's not been explicitly stated so, server owners are of course allowed to use their own initiative and ban for hacking if this is severely disrupting gameplay. What this means is that a server admin is permitted to ban someone who for example is CONFIRMED spawning in tanks and airplanes, or is CONFIRMED to be using nuke-cheats, mass-kills or similar game disrupting hacks. This does not mean that server admins are permitted to ban someone who they think may be using hacked in gear, as gear can be legitimately obtained, and it's hard to prove or be certain that a person has not obtained this gear legitimately. I hope this clears things up.
  7. Pallidum

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    CQF server admin, please contact me through PM.
  8. Pallidum

    Looking for advice on CZ550

    As the previous poster said, with the CZ550, use page up and page down to change the zeroing of the sight. On veteran servers (that I myself tend to play on), the challenge is to accurately judge the distance to the target. This can be done in several ways, for example by estimating how far away they are based on how tall they appear in the scope, referencing known points or, if you have a map, count the grid squares between you and the target.
  9. Locked for bumping abuse. Official word, if you want to help DayZ out, there are better ways to do so than stealing someone elses work.
  10. Pallidum

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    Server host, please adhere to the server rules. Everyone else, harden the fuck up and stop whining. The server hosters pay a lot of money to host the game that you are playing for free. Give them the benefit of doubt, and show them a bit of respect. Thread closed, as it has turned into a flame fest.
  11. Pallidum

    Vilayer 24/7 Support a joke

    Closing this thread. Please sort out your problems with Vilayer with them. Making a thread on the DayZ forums to point fingers is bad form.
  12. Added a clarification in the original post. The OP states what an admin is able to do as admin. Some of the things an admin is able to do may constitute admin abuse, but may also be done for valid reasons. For example, locking or passwording a DayZ server is generally not permitted, but may be done so for specific purposes - for instance troubleshooting and maintenance or as a temporary preventive measure against heavy connection spam or severe hacker attacks.
  13. Hi all, Many people have waited a long time for a response to emails. We apologize for this, as the email backlog has been huge! We've been working hard to cut down on the email backlog, so if you haven't received a response, please be patient. Current backlog: Unread emails: 767 Days behind: 4
  14. Pallidum

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    Hi Stice. Reply to the email and I'll get around to it. My apologies if I gave you the wrong reply. I kinda have to do triage on the email right now and sometimes I make a mistake or two. :) Backlog is now 770 emails, and I'm just over 4 days behind. The emails are still coming in though! :(
  15. Pallidum

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    To give you guys an idea, the email-queue for Serveradmin is currently at 868 emails and we're 6 days behind. I was doing a 14 hour shift yesterday, getting it down to 575 emails. Started today with 1070 unread emails.
  16. I haven't used the AS50, but I just asked someone who has. The AS50 scope does have the red center crosshair, so that's legit.
  17. BigBoris, you probably shouldn't kick people just because they're assholes. ;) mentok, stop being an asshole. Also, STFU in side chat.
  18. Six Updater is the official launch/update tool for DayZ, so you'll not get banned from using it.
  19. Pallidum

    Never hacked. Global banned. Please fix.

    The global bans are not issued by DayZ, but are issued by BattlEye. You'll need to contact BattlEye if you feel you've been banned unfairly. The was a problem with BattlEye issuing false positives a short while ago, but that didn't result in global bans, and that problem was quickly rectified. In this round of global bans, it is my understanding that they're issued for a very good reason, and that there are no false positives. This of course does not preclude the possibility of a mistake, but it is my understanding that BattlEye are very positive about there not being any false positive bans from this whatsoever. Either way, you'll need to contact BattlEye for a resolution, as the DayZ team cannot help you.
  20. This is an Alpha, yes. It is not the DUTY for players to look for bugs, but it's appreciated if they do and report it. It's not the DUTY of Rocket to patch all holes quickly, but he does so anyway. It's DEFINITELY NOT the duty of players to run hacks or cheats. This is not bugtesting. This is cheating. And, it'll get you banned. No sympathies. And no, you will not get a global ban for picking up spawned gear. If you got banned, you cheated. Period.