Server Name : DayZ Epoch Necropolis SK8 Chernarus DAYZ EPOCH MOD VERSION Server Ip: Description: - Start with some gear -Active support and Admins - - - Teamspeak Server - Safe Pole to keep zombies out of your base - Custom Guns added to traders - 6 Hr Restart - 100 Slot server - Vehicles ammo added to traders - Base building items added to traders - Military drop mission - Basebuiding supplies mission - UN supplies mission - Speal ops crate mission - (TOW,LIFT,LOAD,CARGO) - 850 VEHICLES - CUSTOM BUILDINGS -SELFBLOODBAG -AUTO REFUEL -AMMOBOX DROPS -SAFE ZONES -ANIMATED AC-130 CRASH - The server is on a 100 % dedicated machine with 1GB/S internet speed and capable machine behind it. - WE HEAR THE PEOPLE WHO PLAY IN THE SERVER AND THERE IS NO ADMIN ABUSE AT ALL. check the FB group via the website to confirm it.