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Everything posted by Eussorus

  1. Weve all heard some rumors in DayZ before. Whether it was of eagle eyed snipers, bandit hunters, or tales of mysterious encounters with people of extreme silence in the night, I woukd like to hear about them! No matter how strange or intense they are, we want to know!!! :D
  2. Eussorus

    DayZ Stories

    A Memorial To The Bravest Mother Fuckers I've Ever Seen... *It starts to rain* ~Alkatraz: We need to find a place to stay until the rain stops. Hell, you already have an infection and the rest of us don't need one either! *Moxer continues to cough* ~Moxer: OH shutup already man! I can't help it that I got sick! ~Krackdown (our leader): Hehe, yea that damned infection almost got our asses killed. Zed were everywhere! ~Me: Well atleast you didn't lose the car, *cough* Alkatraz *cough* ~Alkatraz: HAI! Fuck you man it's not my fault those bandits came at us like that! *Sniper gunfire* ~Krackdown: HIT THE DECK!!! ~Moxer: Sounded like a DMR... ~Me: I'll tell you what is was! IT WAS A DAMN SNIPER! ~Krackdown: Both of you shutup and get to that barn over there! ~Alkatraz: Yet another wonderful reunion with bandits... ~Me: Don't these assholes have somewhere to be?! *Second shot rings out* *Moxer is shot* ~Krackdown: FUCK!!! GET TO THE BARN! DOUBLE TIME!!! *Two more shots ring out* ~Alkatraz: SHIT! Look! Moxer is down! ~Me: Hai Moxer you okay?! Cmon man get up! ~Krackdown: That's not going to work man, he's KO'd... ~Alkatraz: Well we can't just leave him out there! ~Me: Calm down Alkatraz! We are going to get him out of there but we need to get to him before he bleeds out... *Sniper finishes off Moxer* ~Krackdown: DAMNIT!!! We lost Moxer! ~Me: What are we going to do? ~Alkatraz: We are going to go kill that asshole!!! ~Krackdown: NO! Sit there and be quiet alright! Let me think! *15 minutes pass and nothing is heard* ~Me: Alright, he is probably waiting out the for us, and its getting dark out, we might be able to throw some chemlights out of that direction and get to that treeline. ~Krackdown: Sounds like a plan, but what about Moxer? He has all of our medical equipment! ~Alkatraz: I still say you guys let me take him out! He deserves to die! ~Krackdown: Hell he already killed one of us! He is up there waiting for someone to be a hero! What will we do if he gets you too? ~Alkatraz: ... ~Me: Alright well we will have to leave our meds here, we won't have time to grab them. *I light a chemlight and walk over to the door* ~Me: Get ready to run... Alright, here goes nothing! *Chemlight is thrown and three shots are heard* ~Krackdown: CMON MAN RUN!!! *More shots are heard but all of them miss* *45 minutes pass* ~Me: Look! There is a town up ahead! We can take shelter there! ~Alkatraz: Finally! We've only been running for about half an hour!! ~Krackdown: I still can't believe he got Moxer, hell, he was the funniest man I've ever had an honor to fight with... ~Me: We know Krack, we know. Well he's gone, we have to push on. ~Alkatraz: Looks like we are in Elektra. *Flare is thrown on other side of town* ~Krackdown: Get down! ~Alkatraz: Small arms fire, must be zombies... ~Me: or worse... ~Krackdown: Stay close. *gunshots heard in the powerplant* ~Krackdown: Woah, I'm counting over 23 zed inside, be careful! *We go in guns blazing clearing out all of the zed and attracting more, but are quickly dispatched* ~Survivor: FRIENDLY! FRIENDLY!!! ~Alkatraz: Chill out bro, we aren't going to shoot you, we just got here and we could use some supplies. ~survivor: Alright, I can't thank you enough man! I thought they were going to get me for sure! ~Me: Do you know where anything might be here? We could use some food and meds. ~Survivor: Well, there aren't any medicine places here that haven't been looted! Bandits came through about ten minutes ago and wiped the place clean, they attracted a horde and threw a smoke grenade into the power plant, wehre i was watching them, and the whole damn swarm came in here! ~Krackdown: That's quite a story! ~Survivor: Hai guys, I have a car if you want to hitch a ride! ~Alkatraz: Where?!! ~Me: Slow down Traz, we aren't etting you loose this one! *everyone bursts into laughter* Krackdown: Hehe, yea well we could use a ride! Can you take us to Green Mountain? ~Survivor: Sure, but we will have to refuel somewhere, the tank is almost empty. ~Me: Alright we can stop at a gas station later, lets go... *an hour passes looking for a station* ~Survivor: Hai look there's one! ~Alkatraz: Good, I'm getting tired of driving around in the dark! *The car stops and we exit looking for a jerry can inside* ~Krackdown: FOUND ONE! ~Survivor: Zed, here I'll take him out! Me: NO! *BANG BANG BANG, the zombie drops but turns into ozens of them* ~Alkatraz: FUCK! GET IN THE CAR!!! ~Me: WE CANT! ITS OUT OF GAS!!! ~Survivor: CMON GUYS SHOOT EM!!! *twelve shots are fired from the survivor before he is swarmed from all sides and eaten* ~Me: SHIT WE LOST HIM! ~Krackdown: Don't look now but we have our own problems! *Zombie swarm that was in the field to our right is now following us* *Several shots are fired from all of us and finally the horde is killed off* ~Me: Shit, I'm at 6k blood, and only half a clip left! *More moans are heard as we approach a village* ~Alkatraz: Shit, not more zombies!?! ~Krackdown: Who cares! We don't have enough ammo to kill them off! Just run! *10 minutes pass of running across the countryside* ~Me: Look guys, we can't keep running forever! We are getting hungry and thirsty pretty fast now and I have teh least amount of blood and ammo. When I turn back you guys keep running, but if you see me go down, take the shot... ~Alkatraz: Are you nuts man?! ~Krackdown: Don't man we can make it!! ~Me: *turns around and opens fire* RUN!!! I'LL MEET YOU AT GREEN MOUNTAIN!!! *The horde comes after me and I turn around and head to the right of my friend's paths* *Another 15 minutes of running before I find a banr and manage to get the zombies far enough in it to get away as they walk* ~Me: SO LONG SUCKERS!!! At this moment in time, I am without help and without hope of ever finding my friends. I have no ammo, no food, no water, and no sign of mercy from anyone who would want to claim me as a victim... I managed to find a small she with a winchester in it along with some slugs and pellets. I then searched the nearby village for food and water and found both. As I was on my way to green mountain I found a pond and filled my canteen as the sun rose. My relief was short lived however as a helicopter flew over me. I made a break for the treelline and made it. The helicopter kept flying, they probably couldn't see me due to the mist. When I finally made it to Green Mountain about three hours later, no one was there... *twig breaks* *My ears strain to hear anything in the morning mist at Green mountian* ~Alkatraz: Freeze bitch! Don't move! Now Drop That Shotgun and step back slowly! ~Me: Alkatraz? Is that you? ~Alkatraz: Oh thank god! I didn't think I would ever see you again! ~Me: Where's Krackdown? ~Alkatraz: Some zombies came from all sides at the NW Airfield, I managed to make a gap in the horde but Krackdown wasn't so lucky... ~Me: Shit... He was a good man, Traz, and an even better leader! ~Alkatraz: Yea he was, look man, there have been reports of some bandits coming up this way looking for a base, we have to move. ~Me: Okay, just let me go get some stuff from that tower. *As I reach teh top of the tower where I find more ammo for my gun, I walk out onto the catrails and spot a group of 6 bandits coming up the road* ~Me: SHIT! TOO LATE! ~Alkatraz: COME ON MAN WE GOTTA MOVE! *bandits spot us and open fire* ~Me: SHIT!! *We return fire and take down 3 of them with relative ease* ~Alkatraz: SHIT IM HIT MAN!! THEY GOT ME! *I watch as a bandit puts 2 more into my friends head* ~Me:ALKATRAZ!!! NO!!! *I continue to defend my post ontop of the tower* *BAM!!! One Knocked out an bleeding!* *BAM!!! Another one down just inside the fence* ~Bandit: COME OUT YOU COWARD!! CMON!! YOUR FRIENd IS DEAD! COME GET ME!!! ~Me: YOU WON'T GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE ASSHOLE!!! *I round the corner after going downstairs and see him sitting there with a silenced assault rifle* *BAM!!! One shot to the hea and he goes down without a fight* ~Me: You are a worthless coward and desere no mercy... *I unload a clip into his head... one by one...* *BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM.... BAM....* *I reload and finish off the rest of his crew. I then return to Alkatraz, the son of a bitch who saved my life more times than I can count,, lying dead on the ground...* ~Me: I'm sorry Traz... *I fight back tears IRL and take what supplies I needed from him and buried his body. After it was all said and done I grabbed a rifle froma bandit and gave him a 3-Shot Salute and walked away* I have never died in this game yet, but I have lost more than I can Bare...
  3. I joined in on a server, pitch black and nowhere else to go, I headed for Chern. The place was a fucking battlefield as bandits and survivors held constant firefights as helicopters swarmed overhead and jeeps from clans poured into the hell-hole of a town. Explosions echoed back and forth and chemlights ran through the streets. "I'm screwed if I go there!" i thought, but I didn't have time to think anything after that as a convoy of a clan sent troops racing across the street I was on. I hit the deck and waited for them to pass. As I drew closer to Chern a single rocket shot out of the town's center and destroyed a helicopter. When the first building was within reach I saw only shadows with green, red, or blue chemlights run through the wreckage. Shots were a common factor and appeared to never stop. I sought refuge in an apartment building with a view of the hospital. The once-proud medical building was now nothing more than a place to pile up bodies of clan members that failed at getting the higher ground the enemy's snipers held. "What the hell is going on here!" i said outloud without thinking, and a soldier managed to hear me! I ran to a room and stood behind the door waiting in total darkness. Three minutes passed by and a shadow stepped through the doorway and right into the path of my revolver. "Freeze! Don't Move!" I whispered, "You have two options: drop the gun or I drop you! You have 3 seconds!" he quickly replied "friendly" in a voice of sheer terror. I then took better aim at his head and gently said to him, "Time's up..." BAM!!! He went down with one shot and sat there bleeding out, I knew that his friends would come soon so I place 2 more shots in his head to finish him off and ran down the stairs and into the streets. I sat perched on a hill just outside of town with a pair of binoculars and a range finder I looted off of his corpse, after 15 mintues passed four guys with green chemlights ran into the building. A few moments later there was an enormous BANG!!!!!! A red chemlight came out from behind the apartment and I watched as he threw another grenade dead into the upstairs rooms. I don't know who the man I killed was, or what the hell happened to make all of those clans have-at eachother, but I do know one thing, I survived...