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Posts posted by mrommy@hotmail.com

  1. Maybe someone misunderstood the second part - the idea was that your heart begins to race faster if you kill a lot of people. But it won't kill you, as long as you keep your heart rate down with drugs. So in addition to having to find Food and Water as a bandit; you will also need to look for drugs to keep your heart rate down.

    It will do nothing to stop people who like to run and gun constantly - it will just a small consideration to people who decide to do so, because they'll have to keep a supply of drugs too.

    Also, I should note that I'm one of those people who will kill on sight - and hunt you down, too. This new "feature" would essentially nerf me, too.

  2. With the bandit skin removed and the new mouse-over heartbeat replacing the ability to check another player's humanity, I thought of an interesting way to work and improve upon that very idea in a way that would not only add another fun mechanic to the game, but also vastly increase the probability of players not running in a "shoot every player you see, before he gets you first" fashion.

    The basic idea is rather simple: Each time you kill another player, your heartbeat increases. Eventually, after x number of kills, you will begin to lose accuracy on your aim - with the endpoint resulting in your death by heart-failure.

    Now, while there should be no way to permanently lower your heart rate down to normal levels, it should be possible to find drugs to temporarily lower your heart rate to lower levels.

    In essence; the result would be the creation of a new stat, the heart. Just as hunger and thirst has to be dealt with in the game, so will the heart require attention as a player kills more and more other players.

  3. Server: DayZ - RU 35 (v1.7.1.5/beta 94444) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT+3] - hosted by Novgames.ru

    IP Address:

    Time: 16:15 (4:15 PM) GMT+1 (~10min ago)

    Was playing on RU 35 when suddenly I was teleported very high up into the air and fell to my death. Everyone on the server seemed to do the same, as every character on the server died. I have no way of telling who did this beyond the exact time at which it happened.

  4. Server Name: DayZ - GJ1 ( (Mercenary|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - hostet by ViLAYER.com


    This server literally goes online and offline based on admin availability, and the server settings are changed constantly. However, I don't think any of this is against the rules - though I will say that the server is at the very least "fishy".

  5. Server name: DayZ - LU98 ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - TheGirlScouts

    IP Addess:

    Time: 2:51am (CEST), 02/07-2012

    Players in server:





    I generally don't report servers, however this one has been locked for over four hours with the players mentioned above.

  6. Date/Time: June 23rd, 2012 - around 4pm and 6pm

    What happened: Primary weapon disappeared from backpack after logging in.

    Where you were: Black Forest

    What you were doing: Logged in

    *Current installed version: DayZ (ARMA2 OA Build 93965)

    *Server(s) you were on: DayZ - RU1 (v1.7.1.5/Beta 9395) [VETERAN][GMT+4] dayzmod.com - by 3ebra.ru

    *Your system specs: GTX 260, E8400 3GHz, Windows 7 64-bit

    *Timeline of events before/after error: (see below)

    I've gone through the bugs and found none like this one, closest was this:


    However, the above bug involves switching a weapon into a full backpack, which I already know how to avoid. This is different.

    Me and my friend were logged off in the black forest, I was using a "M4A1 CCO SD" (7 ammo) with a "DMR" (3 ammo) in my backpack, while my friend was using a "L85A2 AWS" (3 ammo) and had a "Mk 48" (3 ammo) in his backpack.

    Today, when we logged into a random server (RU1), my friend immediately noticed that his backpack suddenly had 10 extra slots, and that the Mk 48 was gone. Not much worry though, he wasn't planning on using it much anyways.

    Two hours later we were up north in Gvozdno when the server died. We switched servers (to SE 6), my character was in the wrong position, but what's worse was that my "DMR" sniper rifle was gone (though the ammo remained).

    I'm not qualified to speak of what the cause was for this bug, but both cases seem to have happened on the same server. ;)

  7. Me and a friend of mine had some serious issues today while playing. We joined "RU1" and the first thing my friend told me was "My M240 disappeared from my backpack!", the ammo was still there, but the weapon was gone and the slots were available - but it wasn't much of an issue, he wasn't much interested in using it.

    However, two hours later, the server died, so we joined "SE 6", and my DRM sniper rifle had disappeared from my backpack! Are weapons no longer safe in this patch? :S Seems all weapons disappear from backpacks...

  8. 1.7.0 I had the best online experience I ever had with any game. It was just that fun. Now' date=' not so much, I don't feel like loggin...


    I feel ya man, 1.7.0 was plenty of fun - however none of the recent patches have diminished my desire to play. Only belligerence I have is in regards to the servers, all the good (read: UPDATED) servers are CONSTANTLY full. Rocket will fix the bugs again (until he breaks them xD), as usual. ;)

    Speaking of 1.7.0 - I do think the Makarov should come back, as it is currently way too complicated and cumbersome to survive against all the zombies without some form for protection - perhaps reduce the ammo clip to one? I think it might currently be way too hardcore for some (read; NEW) players to start without guns. And the aggro distance for zombies must be severely reduced for crouched positions.

  9. I think anyone who complains about lag on servers should first be running the BETA Patch of Arma 2 before complaining and demanding fixes.

    Make sure to play on BETA servers' date=' too. It literally fixed all problems I had with the game.


    I'm on beta patch, beta servers. Horrendous lag

    If you're running the latest patch and on the latest beta servers then I dunno. :S I'm running a GTX 260 and as soon as I installed the Beta Patch and Joined a beta server (version 1.60.9xxxx) the game suddenly went ridiculously smooth - could even headshot running zombies with ease.

  10. A 'hotfix' could indeed fix the problem' date=' but it isn't something you'd download and install. As far as your computer is concerned, the connection to the ArmA server (eg. UK3) is fine. The ArmA server to Central Server is where the problem is happening, so this is where the patch is to be applied. Sure it could probably be fixed with some kind of fast little patch, but it would require the server owner (not the player) to download and install that as well as the new major patch coming in a couple of days. Remember the patch is still in development and it is MUCH easier to fix/add a lot in one go than to ask the server owner to run a bunch of small annoying updates - no one wants to do that.


    I understand where the issue stands (server to central server). I also understand that with the number of servers and players Rocket cannot do "daily patches". This is kind of a unique situation though and I still think the issue is a priority. As it is now having all the servers down for the hotfix would be no different than not playing at all. The lag renders the game unplayable - it's not just "annoying". That's exactly the kind of situation where "servers down for maintenance" would be a great thing.

    As long as Rocket understands how bad the "lag" is (I feel the word "lag" is not even strong enough) then I guess it's nuff said.

    I think anyone who complains about lag on servers should first be running the BETA Patch of Arma 2 before complaining and demanding fixes.

    Make sure to play on BETA servers, too. It literally fixed all problems I had with the game.
