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Everything posted by 20g

  1. 20g

    I'll trade Bizon SD

    I will trade this http://dayzdb.com/database/bizon-pp19-sd with 2 SD mags. Post your offers
  2. Hi, I just opened my new business, it's called "Chernarus Air Taxi". I'm using my plane to transport people to different places. I'm a professional, skilled pilot. Places where you can get picked up or transported to are: -Balota -NWAF -NEAF -Stary Sobor -Berezino It's 100% free. PM if you want, we can add each other on skype or just in game. >inb4 pic has nothing to do with Chernarus, couldn't find any better
  3. 20g

    Cheranrus Air Taxi

    Business canceled, I crashed my plane due to huge lag. :lol:
  4. 20g

    I'll trade Bizon SD

    I'll add some extra stuff as a bonus like wipes. Post your offers I will look at everything you offer, also this weapon is an unique weapon, it's really hard to find it
  5. 20g

    I'll trade Bizon SD

    No it's not, it has 64 bullets per mag and it's recoil is amazing so you can kill people easily and from good distance, plus it's SD. It takes 14 bullets to kill someone when aiming at the lower body, but you have 14 chances to hit in the head and insta kill.
  6. I have: G36K Camo, M14 AIM I want: m40a3, m24 for g36k or ghillie suit for m14 aim (could be different combination, just post your offers)
  7. 20g

    G36K, M14 for M24, M40A3, Ghillie

    Canceled, found everything I was asking for
  8. 20g

    The Bandits Emblem

    The game wouldn't be "boring," It would be just totally pointless and It would have 0 players. Why people play DayZ ? Because of PvP system. Nobody will play DayZ to eat beans and drink soda for hours or sneak through bugged zombies who can teleport through walls and you can't shoot them. People bitch about killing other people, yet it's the only thing in DayZ that makes it a game. Also surviving is pointless without bandits. How to survive in DayZ ? Go to a random building, pick up beans and soda. Congratulations, you survived. Also you can't be a hero without bandits. A hero is someone who help or saves other people. But save from what ? Not from zombies, from bandits. So bandits techincally are running the whole game.
  9. I will trade G36K (look it up, very rare weapon) for M24, and M14 AIM for Ghillie suit