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Everything posted by Carniverious

  1. Carniverious

    No more whining

    No I have to say you are one, a bloody ignorant one at that. Any ways yeah nice to see positive feed back I finally started playing standalone once again this week and I see lots of improvements but still it is far from complete hope they can get more things soon.
  2. Carniverious

    How to know which servers to avoid?

    well for one the servers that are not connected to the hive means they do not communicate so to speak with the servers that are a part of the hive, so it means they have their own character data for you and since you are new to that server they do not remember you thus you are a fresh spawn on it, now any server connected to the hive will remember your position, gear, and statistics, so you can hop from one hive server to another and have the same character. Best way to check if a server is part of the hive is to see if it has a custom name such as "Gamers Utopia", or some random thing like that if it has a custom name its most likely not part of the hive and thus has its own private character info so none of the stuff you did on the hive servers will effect this one and vice versa. And for character resets on hive servers, there nearly always is a complete character reset with every new patch to the stand alone, which means since its in Alpha still expect to see lots more of these in the future :)
  3. LOL Hey goober way to shut people up this time, you ban people for hacking when they don't even hack LMFAO!!!!!!! I hopped on to have a nice chat with Lincoln and explain to the new peeps what goes on in your server and you ban me for "hacking" thats just hilarious since you and I both know that I obviously don't hack, if you're going to ban me at least have the balls to find a legitimate reason man, don't be a pussy and ban me for something false. If I was really a hacker I would have hacked on your server a long time ago and wiped out everything your suck ups had. Let me guess this is what you did Snoops a long time ago isn't it? A guy who had to sit at stary the whole day to chop enough trees to get wood to make his base? Did you ban him for hacking too? hmm? Cmon Goober did ya? Course you did LOL I feel sorry for those MOB guys and the rest of the poor saps that join your server, average player on your server seems to only stay for 2 weeks and then leaves because of Lincoln and his fanboys, but next time you ban someone actually think of a real reason to do it, because the people are starting to see how crappy your server is and how abusive the admins are.
  4. Carniverious

    Bandits Beware!

    Bandit, hero, its all the same... The only true way to ever be a true hero is to not shoot at, hold up, or be rude to another player at all... Otherwise killing someone anyone at all makes you a bandit. So go ahead shoot at me... But the fact that you shoot at me makes you just as bad as me... Only way to be a true hero is to run around with an axe only for personal defense against zombies and giving food and drink to anyone and everyone you see and helping them, otherwise if you have a gun and you're not in TS with me... 8 times out of ten Ill shoot you dead before you get the chance to do it to me.
  5. yeah I have found a bunch of 5.56 in barracks I now have full 60, 40, 30, and 20 round mags with 10 rounds extra my biggest problem seems to be finding the mags for FNX 45s XD I find .45 ammo but no mags.
  6. The server ain't mine and the admins ain't abusive, I made no rumours either I've told people my point of view and how things have looked. I did not do any of the killing I was busy building my base at the time, yeah the players may or may not have been targeted but thats only because they were players from your server, in fact they are the players who hang out with you all day in TS and get to do what ever they want, the reasons why they were banned and "abused" I think of it more as punished, is because they were trying to start needless shit with the admins and were harassing other players... Which btw I would suggest telling them to stop with that shit otherwise they can get in trouble with the law. Also if you look at the server we play on, many of the people that have left your server aren't on there, in fact the only people who were on your server that are now on the new one that Snoops, Pillar, and Btak have made are the people that have played with out group, there may be one or two others but over all the server has its own population that aren't from your crappy abusive server. Last I knew their new server has been growing 50 ranks a day on Game Tracker as well. So don't accuse them of stealing your population because the only reason you're losing population is your own fault. P.S. Tell your little friends in TS to stay off the server and to quit harassing the admins and other players there, oh and to quit wasting money on new CD keys to avoid bans. TYVM :)
  7. Carniverious

    Noob Question

    Honestly if you're a noob and asking if getting shot at is normal, yes, yes it is being shot at is a normal thing... You can either buck up and take it on the chin and hope for a better spawn or you can learn to stay away from roads and run through the woods and scout out for players and try to determine if its worth going down and having the possibility of getting shot... Don't just assume everyone is friendly because the vast majority seems to either be on the fence or just straight up bandits... And heading north can be a good and bad thing, you might find someone you can trust, or you will run into other people who are doing what you are doing and will decide to kill you take an obstacle out of their path... When on the coast Balota, Cherno, and Elektro are some of the worst places to linger around for a long time, I normally just hit up one or two buildings get some food and drink and gtfo, otherwise you're just painting a target on yourself.
  8. Well if you want legit players then punish Stryke, PharmaZ, Nolan, and who ever else was with them, because we have multiple accounts of them god moding either with hacks or you giving it to them, you cannot crack the code of a combo lock in less than five minutes as well even with 5 people because if multiple people are huddled around a lock it says (even when tagged as friendly) "Another player is too close". Also they always just so happen to know when another player is near their base even if the person has no zombie aggro and has snuck around. Also stop rolling the server back for them every time they die and lose gear, I have gotten reports from other groups of players who play on the server that have experienced the same things, in my time playing on this server I have never had a problem with any of the players unless they were in the group that hangs out with you in TS all day. The group I am with haven't had peoples heads turn into metal or be invincible unless it was Lincoln or someone within his group. Examples of these players receiving admin help or being allowed to hack on the server or given the permission to use admin tools: Multiple roll backs on the server in an attempt to get them their armoured SUV back. Dying and almost losing a Humvee GPK and having a sudden 3 minute roll back to have someone killed. Someone they wouldn't even have known was in the area seeing as how he had no previous connection to us spawning in and having said protected GPK aiming at him already before he loaded in. Players somehow being able to know when and where someone is inside their base although being across the entire map. Metallic god mode bodies inside of their base protecting them from harm. God mode when attacking a base in a spot many players still don't know about. Indestructible bases suddenly becoming destructible to aid in the raiding of a rival group because they can't get into the base any other way. (I know you put it back to indestructible bases sometime after the incident because if it was a glitch you say on your load in screen you dont fix glitches, thus you deactivated indestructible bases to blow down a door so that your pets can raid it. I tested it this morning on their base and lobbed 5 of the exact same kind of RPGs that blew down a cinder block garage door and it didn't even put a scratch on the wooden garage door which would have much less armour especially since your server hasn't been updated to the latest Epoch client.) Now I would love to hear what you have to say about these accusations, but we all know what ever you say will be nothing but BS and that these players do have unfair advantages that either you give them or simply turn a blind eye towards because they tell you how good of a server admin you are and constantly butter you up with praise. You have now lost 20 (and still counting) regulars to your server because of the stuff that's going, I suggest if you don't want to lose more fix your shit. Now I hope you all enjoy being on a server that only really has you on it and no one else, so enjoy cheating with only each other around.
  9. Want to say this, my group of friends and I gave this server a second chance after being punished for something we didn't even know about... But now we are done with this server for numerous reasons, 1 the admin refuses to do his job such as actually adminning the server and fixing glitches, 2 the admin seems to favour a group of players more than the others and is either giving them god mode, esp, and telling them locations of players and their bases, or he is allowing them to bypass his anti hacks and use their own hacks, we have had guys shoot at them in their own base and the bullets bounce off of their heads like they were made of metal (note this was with the infamous Mk48 Mod0 which shoots the 7.62 M240 round which is a 2-3 hit kill at max) the server also advertises indestructible bases, which is a lie seeing as how your front door can be shot down with 2-3 RPGs, also one of the players who the admin favours likes to legitimately tell people to commit suicide in real life and the admin doesn't do shit. Also the players that the server admin favours are live streamers and like to call anyone and everyone who even shoots a single shot or flies over them as they're at a mission "stream snipers". Another god mode coincidence with these players happened earlier tonight in which one of the guys lit one of them up and the guy didnt even take any damage. Economy is super broken as well, also the admin was so lazy to admin his server he added in an antihack that greys out your screen the first time then makes your game unplayable if you press (even if these are hotkeyed to things like TS) any of the F1-F12 buttons, the main enter key, the backspace key, and say if you use shift to speed up your vehicle and hit P to see player menu it does it too and the excuse is "these keys are use in many common hacks". This server gets 1/10 Beans from me.