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About Carpetbob

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  1. As he said, how do you know if I am even an American? Rocket posted how many people even have guns? And I just posted a fact. Then you jump all over me? Would it have been better if I said there is about 1 gun for every 6-7 people on the earth? So then my ego is huge, and I am a terrible person now, and so is the U.S.
  2. Carpetbob

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    I've been playing with 6-10 FPS since the beginning of May now. Last week for whatever reason I was getting 17 FPS and it felt amazing. (A little sad that so low FPS feels good) I as well am always on 0% GPU load, and my FPS doesn't change no matter what settings a put them at, max settings AA,etc,etc still get 6-10 FPS or with lowest setting and lowest possible 3d res still 6-10 FPS. My CPU usage only get to like 60% same with RAM usage.
  3. YES But the answer to the guns thing rocket, in the US there are something like 89 guns per 100 person (in 2007 i think). (Not sure about Russia or wherever Chenarus is located) Still like it though.
  4. Carpetbob

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    The sight range on the zombies is fine when laying down, but when standing or crouching its a tad much.
  5. Carpetbob

    version 1.7.1 fail?

  6. Carpetbob

    Fps drops in MP

  7. Carpetbob

    Terrible FPS with 6850

    Wow, finally someone with the same card, has the same problem as me. I have had this problem ever since I started over a month ago. I just got it to get over 15 frames. The operation arrowhead runs great for me, but just not dayZ. Here is what I have in my shortcut which I'm not sure has helped or not: -mod=@DayZ -noSplash -maxmem4096 -world=Chernarus -cpuCount=4 -shadingQuality=0 See if any of those help, I tried literally everything to help it, but nothing really did. Just tweak stuff see if anything helps, check out on this forum the performance tips. I can only say good luck getting yours to work.
  8. Carpetbob

    Framerate Slow on Alienware M14X

    Nah, I have a ATI Radeon HD 6750. I think it is my crappy motherboard. It slows down my WD HDD. And the way Arma II is coded makes it all go to hell. ( I think)
  9. Carpetbob

    Framerate Slow on Alienware M14X

    No idea. I have had this exact same problem. Tried everything nothing has worked.
  10. Carpetbob

    Extreme lag/stutter with GTX 580?

    Most if not all your issues are caused by your power supply unit you are near the bare minimum requirements without overclocking your power supply unit is causing your issues you need at least a good named brand 850 watt psu or higher. As for the other people having issues with your 480/580 gtx etc whats your full computer specs? My game runs like a champ never below 60 fps most of the time 90+ fps with maxed out settings + fraps running. My system I7 920 @ 3.8 570 GTX 16 gigs ddr 3 SSD hd 750 watt psu. It isn't his power supply at all. 650W of power is plenty for any single card. Especially a 680, they run really low power even on max load. Plus he has an Intel CPU which run even less power than AMD. I also have problems with only getting 8 FPS no matter what. So far no one has been able to help me. Sounds like everyone is having the same problem, the mod for some reason is just conflicting with our cards, maybe the drivers.
  11. To be honest I play Arma II on high easy 30+ frames, and on low on here I get 8. But that is because for some reason this mod hates my graphics card. There really isn't an explanation, I've tried many things to fix it. None work.
  12. Carpetbob

    Framerate [PLEASE HELP]

  13. Carpetbob

    Framerate [PLEASE HELP]

    I have a major problem when trying to play the mod. I only get 8-10 frames per second. I put it everything on high settings and I get 8-10, then I tried minimum everything and got exactly the same framerate, 8-10. I know it's not arma, or OA since I play those on high just fine. It's only when I try to play the mod itself. Not sure if anyone else is getting this problem, I really can barely play at all.
  14. Carpetbob

    General performance issue.

    I can run ARMA II on high easily. But when I try to run the DayZ mod on any setting it lags all to hell. It's exactly the same amount of lag no matter what settings I put the game on. Tried high with 1920x1080 and tried very low with all the settings turned to min or off with 800x600. Lagged exactly the same.