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Posts posted by ashjones86

  1. Tents! tents! tents! tents! Wilderness zombie survival! I agree 10 fold.


    Agreed with this, DayZ epoch made DayZ to far fetched for me, i love the idea of wilderness survival, or being able to slightly (literally) slightly modify existing buildings, building complete new structures seems strange and removes the survival element of dayz...personal opinion of course, add tents to dayz, and i honestly believe it will completely change up the game for the better, i really miss those days in 2012 when you searched for a tent, then a perfect spot to hide it....then went to work and worried about your tent being found and looted. 

  2. Hi All,


    So im getting back into dayz mod (vanilla) but im finding most servers are very easy to find loot on now, it seems to have lost that survival element, finding a rare tent and making a camp, hording goods etc, can anyone recommend a server that is more survival based and not spawning dmrs in every hanger ? 



    *MODS* - Can you delete this same titled post in the server section as i think im more likely to get a response here, thank you very much.

  3. Im not going to act shocked or surprised, this was always going to happen, what alarms me more is im told that hacks from arma 2 are working on SA......which really scares me !, the best thing is that this was recorded and a list of players have been recorded, so fingers crossed rocket and the team can ban this idiot and look into stopping such things from happening.

  4. Hi All, 


    So i have been playing dayz problem free for a long time now, but my computer crashed today, and since then dayz wont load through commander or through steam, Arma loads fine, but dayz loads the little windows with the ticked boxes, gets down to the last 2 then wont budge, in task manager it shows as not responding.

    I have reinstalled dayz and commander but still not joy, i have also verified integrity cache in steam on the arma folder.


    Any idea what it could be ?
