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IcemanN (DayZ)

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About IcemanN (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. IcemanN (DayZ)

    Low FPS just in DayZ

    I know!:D
  2. IcemanN (DayZ)

    Low FPS just in DayZ

    I haven't got a very good PC but it runs about 15-25 fps on low graphics with this: CPU: Pentium® Dual-Core CPU E5200 2.50 GHz Memory: 4GB(2x2GB) DDR2 800mhz Motherboard: Biostar G31-M7 TE Video card: ATI Radeon HD4350 512mb HDD: 500gb (120 free where the game is installed) As i sad before i've got on resolution 800x600 and the lowest graphics the Arma II goes on 30fps, the only problem is with DayZ it has about 7 generally.
  3. IcemanN (DayZ)

    Low FPS just in DayZ

    Hi there! I'm having problem with DayZ. In this mod my fps stucks at 7-8-9 and i don't know the reason. In the Arma II and Arma II:OA i've got about 30 fps with the same grapich options. About 1 week i changed my operation system and before this everything was okay, i installed the same Op.system and i installed the drivers and it's still have low fps. My system isn't very well but, before i changed the op.system i had about 17-25 fps in DayZ mod.I've tried a lot of things, but nothing has worked. Sometimes the fps goes up to 20-22 for about 4-5 seconds. I'm also thinking about somekind of software problems. If anyone knows something about how to fix the fps, please let me know. Thanks and sorry for the bad english.