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Everything posted by Nyz01

  1. Nyz01

    Should beards be in DayZ?

    Any male who votes no, will be officially been removed of their man card. 'Tis a good idea!
  2. How about I come and help you test the effectiveness of a 7.62 round to the head? Anyway I actually was wondering, does the ballistic helmet actually work ATM?
  3. Where are the mods when you need them...
  4. I really can't understand why there are so many people complaining about the level of KOS in the SA, the entire time I've been kos'ed about twice, out of 30 or so encounters. Maybe it's just the servers I play on, but I really think people are overstating the issue.
  5. Nyz01

    "Raise Hood" Option [SA]

    Good idea! Also would be pretty cool If you could wear it over a baseball cap or something.
  6. Nyz01

    People over exaggerate KOS so much.

    For most of those I was equipped with mid range gear , although I didn't have a rifle, I did have a pistol hidden in my pack, instead of parading it around in a holster. Though a fair percentage of those players where lightly armed or spawns. Edit: I'm not the type that runs up to armed players screaming "friendly " in direct, that tends to get you killed.
  7. Nyz01

    People over exaggerate KOS so much.

    Dunno if you read my post , but I DID say I have been KOS'ed a few times.Edit : another KOS thread ... whoops. Agreed that we've got to many of these.
  8. Nyz01

    Randomized classes

    Thing is, people will just choose the soilder/fighter whatever class. Plus the things you can do should be defined by YOUR skill.
  9. As the title says, I would suggest that military loot be removed from the coast (or at least toned down , balota IMO should be be a crappy civilian landing strip, not a full blown military instalment.) It feels kind if cheap knowin that If you spawn at balota you will likely be geared up in minutes, even after restart as their is so much surplus loot others have left behind. This would have an effect on the people who go "hurr durr, found an m4, lets camp spawns!" (Yes I know, some people will do this kind of stuff with their fists if they cannot find another weapon.
  10. People will always do that, all removing mil loot from the coast means is that a new spawn can't just go grab a gun and kill freshies.
  11. I guess I didn't really explain the idea to well but this is what I was hoping would happen
  12. It's fucking day two and you are complaining about lack of content. Honestly dude you are turning this whole thing into a damn flame war. I hope this gets locked Oh yeah and name those "unique scripts" your server had, I'd dare say they are the same as every other server's.
  13. So, your telling me you bought a clearly unfinished game alpha and expecting it to be full of content. * Sigh*
  14. Is their any way to download the game without steam? It's always problematic for me, after waiting nearly two days for the game to download it apparently deleted all the files. I can understand the alpha being unplayable due to bugs, but when steam can't even f*cking download the game it just starts to infuriate me.
  15. It's always bugged me that when you've got your sidearm out your rifle is holstered, but not vice versa.
  16. Nyz01

    Epoc, should I bother?

    IMO epoch is a very different game from dayZ, still enjoyable, just in a different way from vannila. I'd say give it a try and see if you like it .