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About Zaxx7170

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. sent request, would like to play standalone :) do you use ts or skype?
  2. Zaxx7170

    Starting new group

    I am looking for a group of people to group up with and just play games with. i am 13 and i am just bored of getting killed every 5 seconds. i would like a small group of 5-6 people and not too many more than that. add me on skype for more information. Skype-Zaxx7170
  3. I am 13, and i want a group of people to play with. i play multiple games but am new to dayz. add me on skype-Zaxx7170 i am a good sniper, i have a low end computer, and i am typically more mature then the average 13 year old/teen. i tend to be good in a tight situation but will choke in a normal situation. i am trying not to boast but that is hard not to do in a app looking saying im looking for a group. anyways anyone who wants to hook up i will be on til 12 tonight so just send me a contact request on skype and we can hang out. fyi i play overwatch, dayz 2017, dayz standard, epoch, battle royal, and caribou.
  4. Zaxx7170

    looking for a group to tag along with

    im playing solo right now but need a guy to hang around with
  5. Zaxx7170

    looking for a group to tag along with

    hey delta you want to team? i am 13 skype is zaxx7170